Electrical flex alert, due to heat...

At some point, something’s gotta give. Right? At what point does it change for the better because everyone’s so tired of the BS? And that’s NOT a rhetorical question. 

Sucks if you buy a new home in an area that natural gas was not put in. On top of the house heater, water heater, drier & stove/oven all having to be electric, That’s screws up putting a pool or spa heater in. A fire pit, plumbing your bbq for NG. All things I have now and would not be able to do. 

Just imagine the brown & black outs we might see in December & January with reduced Solar, electric heaters running to keep warm, car charges running day & night. Can’t cook on electric stoves when the powers out, so you can’t eat. 

Literally going back to the dark ages when the electricity goes out. You have no back up form of energy. 

I’ll just grab my TH park it in front of the house .. run an extension cord and Rick the ONAN…

… the neighbors will love me… making friends everyday…




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Sucks if you buy a new home in an area that natural gas was not put in. On top of the house heater, water heater, drier & stove/oven all having to be electric, That’s screws up putting a pool or spa heater in. A fire pit, plumbing your bbq for NG. All things I have now and would not be able to do. 

Just imagine the brown & black outs we might see in December & January with reduced Solar, electric heaters running to keep warm, car charges running day & night. Can’t cook on electric stoves when the powers out, so you can’t eat. 

Literally going back to the dark ages when the electricity goes out. You have no back up form of energy. 
The lunacy of the idiots in charge!

What a joke! 

Im not changing Chit for Newscum. Paying more per KW right now would be worth tripping the grid. If the grid goes down in some areas, the media won’t be able to ignore it. 

Last I read only around 12-13% of cars sold in California are EV. So even at 15% its great enough for the State to tell you to not charge your car! You can make this crap up! Lol. 

I bet when we are forced and 50% of cars are EV it’s going to be like the 1970’s during the gas crisis when you could only go to gas stations on odd or even days based on your license plate number.  We are going to be told which days you can charge your car as we will be tripping the grid in 75 degree weather. And in the winter when solar produces less, yet we are turning lights on earlier, it’s going to be just as bad. Plus new houses are using electric heaters & water heaters, so more power is needed! 
Don't forget we have to triple the take rate to 35% by 2026 and 75% by 2030 or it's a $20,000 fine per vehicle.  At that rate, we'll double the number of EVs on the road by 2028, 5x by 2031, and 12x by 2035.

How's the grid going to keep up?  Just the EV use alone will increase electrical consumption by almost 70%, NM all of the increased energy usage from all of our other technology.

Hell, it takes the same amount of energy to make an iPhone as a car.  What's going to power that?

Reality check read here:


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I have lived in an all electric house for 21 years, still not a fan but really doesn't change your life.  

This all started when CA implemented cap and trade years ago. The results of cap and trade was the shutdown of gigawatts of generation in CA, which made CA more reliant on neighboring states to backfill the shortfall. 

Now the states that CA relied on to meet high load needs are themselves shutting down gigawatts of that nasty world ending carbon fired generation. Oregon naturally followed CA's lead and implemented cap and trade a few years ago. Since then, the company I retired from has shut down some base load gas turbine plants, peaker plants (gas fired, quick to ramp up to meet peak loads) and a large coal fired plant. Now we do not have the extra capacity to send south like we had before. 

It will only get worse in the future before it all breaks down and the woke crowd is so entrenched in their climate theories that they will ride this flaming turd all the way to oblivion.

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Want to see black helicopters start to hover and black suburbans show up at your door with a no knock warrant ????

Start a trend on twitter, facebook, instacrap at 3pm everyday over the weekend turn off your solar, turn on your AC, charge your car, run every light in the house charge every cordless tool you have, turn the air compressor on and vacuum.  If it is electric use it.  Break the grid.

Just wait until 2040 hen they have to shut power down because of a high wind advisory and a fire breaks out and like 400 people die in a fire because they couldn't charge their car to escape.  At some point a group of people are going to get tired of the elite .gov officials and Mussolini them. 

Don't charge your electric bikes this weekend, god forbid people have to pedal again :classic_wink:

Just wait until 2040 hen they have to shut power down because of a high wind advisory and a fire breaks out 
Ya, but fire crews and their electric chainsaws will handle the vegetation breaks.

Want to see black helicopters start to hover and black suburbans show up at your door with a no knock warrant ????

Start a trend on twitter, facebook, instacrap at 3pm everyday over the weekend turn off your solar, turn on your AC, charge your car, run every light in the house charge every cordless tool you have, turn the air compressor on and vacuum.  If it is electric use it.  Break the grid.

Just wait until 2040 hen they have to shut power down because of a high wind advisory and a fire breaks out and like 400 people die in a fire because they couldn't charge their car to escape.  At some point a group of people are going to get tired of the elite .gov officials and Mussolini them. 
Nothing has killed more people than centralized governments. 

Nothing has killed more people than centralized governments. 

Without doing any research whatsoever I would suggest that religion may eclipse that.
Many "governing bodies" were HEAVILY influenced (or absolutely controlled) by the charade of religion.  I would say you are both correct...

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Newsom is so out of touch with how this effects so many people!

CA is a state that can't go all electric, we can't sustain it...this guy HAS TO GO, NOW!

So, the cart has a new design. Now we just have to wait for the redesigned horse. I'm amazed how the leaders think our electric grid will be capable of keeping up with the pace of change to all electric.
