Electrical flex alert, due to heat...

I just looked at my bill for my utilities.

Very fortunate to be in Anaheim...they have their own utilities and it is every 2 months.

With that being said, my bill for months June and July, total was $731.54.

This includes:

electrical ($474.19) Running AC about every day, pool pump goes 8 hours a day

Water (186.44)

Other Charges,

Street Sweeping-Waste collection-Waste Water Management, State Energy surcharge, total ($70.91)

The Gas Co. bill was about $20

Maybe 2 years ago a board member here did a solar estimate for my house and I think it was around $25k. Had another estimate a few weeks ago from a different company and they want $52k for a 130% system (meaning it's 30% bigger then my current usage so if we get more EVs, add onto the house, etc, we're coverd for solar needs)

No thanks. 
I had a solar guy come out and I showed him my bill he was like...hmmmm, doesn't really make sense as your utilities are very low.

SCE switched my buddy on to time of usage in March (all on there own),  then his bill tripled, he just got switched back to domestic rates this week.  So check your bill and see if you are on time of usage or on domestic rates. Time of usage is usually higher.  
I have solar and they say I have to be on time of use. My last house was the old way. It works way better for solar to take away tier 4, 3, 2, and only pay tier one. Not like that anymore. I make electricity all day with no-one home and when I turn on something after 4pm it costs me.

Any of you guys try the foil stapled up in the attic? Or rigid foam boards in windows to rooms you dont really go into? I did the foil trick to a buddies garage years ago. He said it made a slight difference. Out there in east county SD in a neighborhood that didnt have central AC installed. 

Last year I did the blow in Cellulose around the whole house and garage.

Made a difference. I used to be able to feel the heat from about a foot away inside...now I can touch the walls and there is no heat coming through at all. The walls feel normal.

I also insulated the garage roof portion with pink stuff and black paper over.

I added an gable/attic fan as well the draws the heat out and blows it to my neighbors house :lmao:

We got an insulated garage door to about a month ago.

garage says it's 94 in there but says it is 97 out. :kenk:  Oh well.

Also I have the air on at 75...been on since about noon and it shuts off here and there. If we leave for any length of time I'll put it to 78.

We don't run it at night either.

Any of you guys try the foil stapled up in the attic? Or rigid foam boards in windows to rooms you dont really go into? I did the foil trick to a buddies garage years ago. He said it made a slight difference. Out there in east county SD in a neighborhood that didnt have central AC installed. 
We did foil panels that covered the 3 windows in the bedroom on the south east corner of our house. That room was always the hottest. It made a difference but when my daughter was born in 2006 we took one down. As she got older she wanted more natural light and we haven't used them in 10 years. 

I saw a video or article about using bubble wrap on the windows. Let's the light in but helps keep the heat out. Haven't tried it.

Last year I did the blow in Cellulose around the whole house and garage.

Made a difference. I used to be able to feel the heat from about a foot away inside...now I can touch the walls and there is no heat coming through at all. The walls feel normal.

I also insulated the garage roof portion with pink stuff and black paper over.

I added an gable/attic fan as well the draws the heat out and blows it to my neighbors house :lmao:

We got an insulated garage door to about a month ago.

garage says it's 94 in there but says it is 97 out. :kenk:  Oh well.

Also I have the air on at 75...been on since about noon and it shuts off here and there. If we leave for any length of time I'll put it to 78.

We don't run it at night either.
On the blowing insulation all around the house, did you do a retro fit type thing where they punch holes at every stud bay and fill it up?

The insulation at our house is crap the AC will cool it down to 76 and it'll go to 79 in 15 minutes.

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You guys with high electric bills don’t forget how old and inefficient your home is. 

My home is 2179 sq ft built in 2005 we keep the house 74-76. And with my 25% discount my bills still goes over $400 at times. 

Electricity is expensive but inefficient homes make matters worse fast. 

Pretty sure we are also TOU. We do try to conserve between 4-9pm. No laundry, no charging the EV. But that's when we are home so the AC is running. 

Being a steam engineer that operates a power plant it's some BS to me that electricity cost more for certain hours. Does the natural gas cost more for them? No. Do they need to have extra guys on shift working the boilers and turbines? No. They charge a premium because they can get away with it. Basic economics. Keep the supply low and the demand high. There are enough 'peaker' plants in So CA to make more power when necessary and those plants are FULLY staffed 24/7 even when they are in stand-by.
You clearly don't understand the idea behind the usage plans.  It's not to gouge the user.  It's to lessen the strain on the grind at times

Give the homeowner a break on consumption when the grid is less taxed vs using power when it's at peak.  Save some money by using it at different time...

Kinda figured a "power plant engineer" could figure out that one. Huh....guess not.

At any rate, 2 a/c units running in these sweltering AZ temps.  My last electric bill was $140.  No solar, and why would I?

My bill for the last month up here was $86. Temps have been mostly in the 90's with a few 100+ days and we keep the house @ 72* 24/7. I also get a 25% discount as a retired employee.

The utilities down there have been mismanaged. They throw money around like the Biden administration and how they stay in business is to rape their customers every month. I know 3 guys that quit up here and headed south to scoop up some of that easy money working for contractors in PG&E service territory. I was talking to one the other day that said he was on track to make $500k this year not counting perks. Another one is making bank and living up here and working remote. 

It's outrageous.

My bill for the last month up here was $86. Temps have been mostly in the 90's with a few 100+ days and we keep the house @ 72* 24/7. I also get a 25% discount as a retired employee.

The utilities down there have been mismanaged. They throw money around like the Biden administration and how they stay in business is to rape their customers every month. I know 3 guys that quit up here and headed south to scoop up some of that easy money working for contractors in PG&E service territory. I was talking to one the other day that said he was on track to make $500k this year not counting perks. Another one is making bank and living up here and working remote. 

It's outrageous.
I turned down $84hr contracting for PG&E. 

They pay well but can cut you on a moments notice. 

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You clearly don't understand the idea behind the usage plans.  It's not to gouge the user.  It's to lessen the strain on the grind at times

Give the homeowner a break on consumption when the grid is less taxed vs using power when it's at peak.  Save some money by using it at different time...

Kinda figured a "power plant engineer" could figure out that one. Huh....guess not.

At any rate, 2 a/c units running in these sweltering AZ temps.  My last electric bill was $140.  No solar, and why would I?
I've never met you.  Why do you feel the need to take these little jabs at me?  I would hope, and expect, a board sponsor to be held to a higher standard.

My SCE bill was $650 in July, August should be close to or over $1k. AC always set to 78°, charge my daughter's EV at work 3-4 days a week. Haven't fired up a welder in a month.
I think I would request the power company to investigate your meter/bill.

I think I would request the power company to investigate your meter/bill.
As much as it turns my stomach thinking about how this freedom loving state began a progressive nanny state  with elites doing whatever they want trying and succeeding to control the lives of the lower class (us)  and idiots voting them in over and over .

I do have a very big Solar array on my house and the sun  has been good this year - I am running a $394 credit as on August 15.  I Did a  lot of welding and machine work this year, biggest bill was  93 cents in June ,,,

There is a place for solar and newer tech that will evolve... But now is not the time to F'up the economy., and make China the gross polluter take whats left of US manufacturing.  Technology will resolve this  ..but it won't be invented here - our brain drain continues ...

F the idiots that vote these people in - when will they get a clues????

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As much as it turns my stomach thinking about how this freedom loving state began a progressive nanny state  with elites doing whatever they want trying and succeeding to control the lives of the lower class (us)  and idiots voting them in over and over .

I do have a very big Solar array on my house and the sun  has been good this year - I am running a $394 credit as on August 15.  I Did a  lot of welding and machine work this year, biggest bill was  93 cents in June ,,,

There is a place for solar and newer tech that will evolve... But now is not the time to F'up the economy., and make China the gross polluter take whats left of US manufacturing.  Technology will resolve this  ..but it won't be invented here - our brain drain continues ...

F the idiots that vote these people in - when will they get a clues????
No one reads past the headlines these days. 

On the blowing insulation all around the house, did you do a retro fit type thing where they punch holes at every stud bay and fill it up?

The insulation at our house is crap the AC will cool it down to 76 and it'll go to 79 in 15 minutes.
Looked like our house was shot up by the Cartel!


They drill holes above and below the fire break and every 16".

They fill, then patch and touch up. they matched the paint so well I haven't even bothered to repaint my house.

That is another project for me.

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