Dune Videos

Does anyone have the Full Potential Sandcar Video?

Recently was out at Little Sahara UT and hung out with a guy that has one. Most of the people in my group are new to the sand world and had no idea what it was. I spent a bunch of time there trying to find it and couldnt. 

1 hour ago, HP.Habits said:

Im a huge fan of the old school rails. I had a mazzone with a 2180 for a while, felt like a Porsche 911 through the dunes. Out of the 7 sandrails Ive gone through, I probably day dream of that one the most

I have a friend who has a frame and all panels and arms that he bought for a Mazone and never built. He does want to sell it. Even has the little rack steering gear.

I have a friend who has a frame and all panels and arms that he bought for a Mazone and never built. He does want to sell it. Even has the little rack steering gear.
Do you know how much he is looking to get rid of it for?

@HP.Habits Didn't realize that Little Sahara has a very "Glamis" like flow to the dunes.  Most of the places I've seen are either humongous dunes but no real bowls (Saint Anthony) or a bunch of razor sharp hillocks.  Looks fun.

@HP.Habits Didn't realize that Little Sahara has a very "Glamis" like flow to the dunes.  Most of the places I've seen are either humongous dunes but no real bowls (Saint Anthony) or a bunch of razor sharp hillocks.  Looks fun.
St. Anthony has some huge bowels. Not a lot but there are a few. 
Love the videos! Keep them coming!

@HP.Habits Didn't realize that Little Sahara has a very "Glamis" like flow to the dunes.  Most of the places I've seen are either humongous dunes but no real bowls (Saint Anthony) or a bunch of razor sharp hillocks.  Looks fun.
Little Sahara, Utah is very underrated. The backside of the mountain has some great variety and easy lines. seems to be a nice mix of Glamis and St. Anthony. It helps to have learned how to dune in Glamis, lol. Planning on doing a day trip out there this weekend. should have some new footage up to follow. 

Just went out on Saturday to Little Sahara here in Utah. Totally overlooked that its fall break right now. Lots of people enjoying the nice weather before it turns to snow. 

Here is a quick Dune run. This is the first run of the day, and only the first half. Just got a new header from @John@Outfront, seemed to cure the turbo lag that I had by quite a bit. Now I just need to make a heat shield since it burned down my timing cover, lol. 


Just got back from a 7 day trip and didnt break out a single gopro. Kind of bummed but just simply enjoyed the trip. 
