Companies new Covid Policy...

Very interesting...It is very easy to say that you wouldn't do it.

The last thing I saw was a MIT study that says masks are BS (the Reader's Digest version).  AND, they are not the only ones to have come to that conclusion
I'm afraid that somehow you misread the MIT study. It said that social distancing indoors was not effective in a well mixed indoor space. 6 feet or 60 feet made little difference. It also said that masks were very effective. Oh, sorry - "extremely effective."

MIT COVID study: Masks may be more important indoors than social distancing

Social distancing has its limits, but masks can be "extremely effective," the study's authors find.

MIT COVID study: Masks may be more important indoors than social distancing
Were these N95 masks in the MIT study that were changed often OR the cloth Hello Kitty style our entire population has embraced and hasen't washed or changed the entire time?  The N95 mask OF COURSE helps...Just like a helmet if properly worn  can save your life..........If we compare the helmet example.....Our society has been walking around with non dot approved plastic skid lids with the strap not secured for 13 months........ Its is INSANITY..........

If you want to wear a mask....DO IT......but dont mandate everyone to do so......its is redicilious!


Were these N95 masks in the MIT study that were changed often OR the cloth Hello Kitty style our entire population has embraced and hasen't washed or changed the entire time?  The N95 mask OF COURSE helps...Just like a helmet if properly worn  can save your life..........If we compare the helmet example.....Our society has been walking around with non dot approved plastic skid lids with the strap not secured for 13 months........ Its is INSANITY..........

If you want to wear a mask....DO IT......but dont mandate everyone to do so......its is redicilious!

They didn't specify in that article. I agree, N95 masks are most effective, then (I think) surgical masks are a little less effective and cloth masks are even less effective. That's just my theory based on how much restriction each style has. 

I think in the beginning, the gov't should have recommended masks earlier than they did and not targeted certain businesses like they did. It really made no sense from a virus spread perspective to close down salons, barber shops, restaurants, etc yet allow all of the large grocery stores to stay open. They should have let the salons and restaurants stay open. They needlessly effed up the economy. 

Are you in Mayberry, where is Andy Griffith? 😁

he’s asleep or drunk cuz there’s no need for him cuz there’s nothing but gun loving , red necks,roughnecks and working class hands round here 

The reason Mayberry was so peaceful and quiet was because nobody was married. Andy, Aunt Bea, Barney, Floyd, Howard, Goober, Gomer, Sam, Earnest T Bass, Helen, Thelma Lou, Clara and, of course, Opie were all single. The only married person was Otis, & he was the town drunk.

Sounds like my work is going to start asking for documentation of vaccine to not wear a mask.  Odd that I could have full blown AIDS, TB or any other deadly disease but apparently it wouldn't be an issue.

Sounds like my work is going to start asking for documentation of vaccine to not wear a mask.  Odd that I could have full blown AIDS, TB or any other deadly disease but apparently it wouldn't be an issue.
That sucks! Peace

they pulled up all of the "please stand here.  6 feet apart from everyone" stickers off of the floor. 

But we still have to do temp checks.

And wear masks (if you have not proven to have had the shot).


we have done over 31,000 temp checks & sent NO ONE home.... 

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we have done over 31,000 temp checks & sent NO ONE home.... 
If they were to send someone home, how does that work?  Use your PTO/sick time? Or does the company just pay you to stay home?  

"normal sick time" until your tested positive, then they get "state/fed Corona money" to pay you to be home until you get a "clean test".   

we have had quite a few folks play the "I got the 'Rona, I cant come in" game.....

"normal sick time" until your tested positive, then they get "state/fed Corona money" to pay you to be home until you get a "clean test".   

we have had quite a few folks play the "I got the 'Rona, I cant come in" game.....
We had two of those who "got" COVID on day one yet could never come up with a positive test result or even after being denied unemployment for six months couldn't find a place to get the anti body test to show that they had it at one time. As far as I know they never got unemployment due to the fact that they quit showing up for work.

"normal sick time" until your tested positive, then they get "state/fed Corona money" to pay you to be home until you get a "clean test".   

we have had quite a few folks play the "I got the 'Rona, I cant come in" game.....
Thought the PTO through the Feds was done as of Jan 1?

IIRC, there were some companies voluntarily covering it until March 31? And may be some still doing it now but I thought the mandates were over. Fed at least - if you're in CA it may never

and more clarification - yes, under 500 can continue and get a tax break but it is voluntary.

My company of course decided not to - we had a lot of people take a lot of time off.
Was interesting to see who did and who didn't.

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"normal sick time" until your tested positive, then they get "state/fed Corona money" to pay you to be home until you get a "clean test".   

we have had quite a few folks play the "I got the 'Rona, I cant come in" game.....
My wife's work had a bunch of people do this. No documentation required. It got so bad that they've fired two people for screwing around with the policy.

Many companies (including mine) have these stupid rules due to CA legislation, requirements, legal liability and Cal OSHA.  

We want to be rid of the masks - they have minimal value and ridiculous being required while working and once associates clock out - they all jump in a car with no masks.  But....we've got requirements and legal liabilities to deal with.  

As of Monday, we allow anyone attesting to being vaccinated to not wear a mask.  If they have not been vaccinated and within 6 feet of other workers - they must wear a mask.  If they will not be within 6 ft. - they don't have to wear a mask.  In CA - if an associate asks for a N95 mask - we are required to provide one for them along with the training on proper fitment and wearing - this is BS.  I hope all our associates attest to being vaccinated (I don't care if they really are or are not) then nobody has to wear a mask.  We are required to provide a safe working environment for our associates and all I need is one associate that complains and worried about their "exposure" and we can get sued.  

Last year in Sept. Gov. Newsom passed AB1867 - requiring companies with over 500 associates to provide an additional 80 hours Covid sick time thru the end of 2020.  He passed it again in March this year - another 80 hours employer paid.  Because of HIPPA - we have our hands tied - associates can use all kinds of excuses to get that additional time - saying they are getting the shot, sick from the shot, caring for someone with covid, potentially exposed, etc.  Too many people in todays society take advantage of that.  Fortunately, our associates in general didn't but always some bad apples - they typically had "covid related issues" on Friday's and Mondays - for months.  Even worse - we'd hire new associates, they work for a day, take 80 hours off for "Covid sickness" and never come back.      

Many companies (including mine) have these stupid rules due to CA legislation, requirements, legal liability and Cal OSHA.  

We want to be rid of the masks - they have minimal value and ridiculous being required while working and once associates clock out - they all jump in a car with no masks.  But....we've got requirements and legal liabilities to deal with.  

As of Monday, we allow anyone attesting to being vaccinated to not wear a mask.  If they have not been vaccinated and within 6 feet of other workers - they must wear a mask.  If they will not be within 6 ft. - they don't have to wear a mask.  In CA - if an associate asks for a N95 mask - we are required to provide one for them along with the training on proper fitment and wearing - this is BS.  I hope all our associates attest to being vaccinated (I don't care if they really are or are not) then nobody has to wear a mask.  We are required to provide a safe working environment for our associates and all I need is one associate that complains and worried about their "exposure" and we can get sued.  

Last year in Sept. Gov. Newsom passed AB1867 - requiring companies with over 500 associates to provide an additional 80 hours Covid sick time thru the end of 2020.  He passed it again in March this year - another 80 hours employer paid.  Because of HIPPA - we have our hands tied - associates can use all kinds of excuses to get that additional time - saying they are getting the shot, sick from the shot, caring for someone with covid, potentially exposed, etc.  Too many people in todays society take advantage of that.  Fortunately, our associates in general didn't but always some bad apples - they typically had "covid related issues" on Friday's and Mondays - for months.  Even worse - we'd hire new associates, they work for a day, take 80 hours off for "Covid sickness" and never come back.      
Don't forget all the Workers Comp presumptions covid is work related that was passed by Newsom.  

Buddy at work got a Covid shot yesterday. Called in today, couldn't get out of bed.  Thought he was having a seizure at one point.

That title is misleading.

The body of the article claims: 

  • Wearing masks outdoors makes little sense.
Nobody is wearing masks outdoors, or telling anyone to wear masks outdoors.

This is from the MIT study itself.

For example, if someone infected with Covid-19 is wearing a mask and singing loudly in an enclosed room, a person who is sitting at the other side of the room is not more protected than someone who is sitting just 6 feet away from the infected person. This is why time spent in the enclosed area is more important than how far you are from the infected person.

Masks work in general to prevent transmission by blocking larger droplets, therefore larger droplets aren’t making up the majority of Covid infections when most people are wearing masks. The majority of people who are transmitting Covid aren’t coughing and sneezing, they’re asymptomatic, Bazant said.

Masks prevent indoor transmission by both filtering exhaled infectious droplets and blocking exhaled jets of air, best visualized by imagining someone exhaling smoke. Exposure to these jets of infectious air results in a higher risk of transmission, relative to that of the well-mixed background, Bazant said he and Bush determined in an earlier study.

Masks help indoor transmission by both filtering exhaled infectious droplets and blocking exhaled jets of air, which can be seen when a smoker exhales. Exposure to exhaled jets of infectious air results in a higher risk of transmission, relative to that of the well-mixed background, Bazant and Bush said.

Those in the same room as a smoker are heavily affected by the secondhand smoke that makes its way around the enclosed area and lingers. The same logic applies to infectious airborne droplets in well-mixed room, according to the study. When indoors and masked, factors besides distance can be more important to consider to avoid transmission.
Nowhere in there does it say that masks don't work, especially indoors.

The people that have been trained and use masks on a regular basis know this has all been a farce.

I've been trained for most type of masks, including scuba for tent fumigations for 30 years. The "science" flew in the face of everything we were trained for by OSHA, SPCB, DPR, EPA, etc..

Feel good gesture at most.. If I can take Anthrax and wave it in your face with no reaction on your part, then you have the right mask.

As far as vaccine proof, well.. If the vax's work so well, why care? Seriously? And if they don't work that well, why take them?

Vaccine cards but no voter ID.. yeahhhh...GTFO.

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