Companies new Covid Policy...

Gavin is trying to buy his way out of a recall............
Maybe a bit, but if you look at his approval rating vs Gray Davis in 2003, he's in a good position in  a very blue state that should be enough for him to overcome the recall attempt (CA is far more blue today than it was in 2003). 

The fact that the Democrats have already circled their wagons around him and aren't going to allow anyone serious to run as an alternative candidate and  with polls running 60% in his favor vs 40% for somebody else tells me he stays in regardless . . .

Are you vaccinated? BTW you don't have to answer if you don't want to.

No problem saying I'm fully vaxxed.  

Here's the weird thing I've observed so far and maybe it will change shortly, but I've noticed that even with an honor system in place for mask wearing, the majority of people I've seen in the stores I've been in since Tuesday are still wearing masks even though only one had a sign stating they wanted their customers to continue wearing them . . .

Well I believe the Vaccine killed my father. He was one of the unlucky ones. I don't wish any of that upon anyone. The fricken media put so much scare on everything, my father believed all the hype and thought he would die from covid 19. Well he got jipped because the vaccine killed him. I FEEL that if he wouldn't taken the vaccine, he would be alive right now. IMHO

Well hey at least everyone who has taken the vaccine, is all ready for the iphone 20 that will be built into your forearm! That's a positive!!
I am sorry for your loss, and I know this topic is emotional for you.  It is a fact, even with the flu shot that a small percentage will have side effects.  Medicine isn't absolute, not black and white.  The human body is different in every body.

Example to lighten the topic, I had a vasectomy in 2000, pipes all cleaned and was 100% free of getting anybody pregnant.  2 years later my wife is pregnant and I am back to 100% shooting sperm.  The Crap found its way through scare tissue and I was no longer shooting blanks.  My point is, the human body and medicine are not exact science in any way.  I have had two vasectomies now and it better not happen again at 54 yrs old, that would suck.

Shawn, you need anything, you know I would be here for ya.

I’m in a very red state right now enjoying the Crap out of life , great food , lack of restrictions and next month in another very red state doing the same No masks no bullCrap , no blm , no lgtbq shoves in my face . I’m ready to go deep and say go Eff yourself Cali , vaccines, COVID compliance bullCrap, free phones , Gavin dipCrap , and all the rest of the complete nonsense and on my way out I’ll scream a big go eff yourself to the liberals and democrats 🤬

I’m in a very red state right now enjoying the Crap out of life , great food , lack of restrictions and next month in another very red state doing the same No masks no bullCrap , no blm , no lgtbq shoves in my face . I’m ready to go deep and say go Eff yourself Cali , vaccines, COVID compliance bullCrap, free phones , Gavin dipCrap , and all the rest of the complete nonsense and on my way out I’ll scream a big go eff yourself to the liberals and democrats 🤬
Don't hold back.  Tell us how you really feel... :lol:

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No problem saying I'm fully vaxxed.  

Here's the weird thing I've observed so far and maybe it will change shortly, but I've noticed that even with an honor system in place for mask wearing, the majority of people I've seen in the stores I've been in since Tuesday are still wearing masks even though only one had a sign stating they wanted their customers to continue wearing them . . .
Most people are spineless Muppets.

They only wore a mask once it was pushed enough and they felt out-of place without one.  They will now wait until a majority are without one.

I am still seeing people wearing them inside their vehicle.  Total F-ing insanity.  And they vote...and breed.

I am still trying to figure out why people are surprised by businesses requiring employees to get vaccinated.  They have every right to do so, nothing different than a drug test.  Employers make employees do many things that people don't like, i.e. drug test, working Saturdays, showering and PowerPoints(ha).    

Go get the vaccine or go get a different job, welcome to the grown up world.
That is exactly why we are, where we are. Did you get the flu shot and have to provide a flu vaccine card?

This is Not the same as a drug test....

If you get the flu vaccine shot, can you still get flu? Can you still get COVID if you have had it or the vaccine? Why are they pushing different strains and variants? Its a virus. 

Where was this response for SARS, MERS, Swine Flu, H1N1, Etc? Did we ever wear masks for those or for a bad flu season? No? Why, Because they dont work. Why did 2 weeks turn into 15 months if the masks worked? 

Lastly, If this vaccine will save your life, Why is the government incentivizing getting one? A lottery, giving away millions of tax money? Does that make sense? 

Way too many sheep these days.................................  

You must have missed the part where everyone who dies WITH the rona automatically died OF the rona. 
Nope. I didn’t. Which is why I said “even if exaggerated 10-fold”... There was definitely some exaggeration.

Not saying we should’ve shut down the western world. Not saying I think everyone’s gonna die of it. Just saying it is/was definitely worse than Swine Flu. 

People are scared of the virus.  

We have a Vax rate of 75% at work and barely 25% of folks are NOT earing their masks....  they have all bought into the lie... 

Maybe a bit, but if you look at his approval rating vs Gray Davis in 2003, he's in a good position in  a very blue state that should be enough for him to overcome the recall attempt (CA is far more blue today than it was in 2003). 

The fact that the Democrats have already circled their wagons around him and aren't going to allow anyone serious to run as an alternative candidate and  with polls running 60% in his favor vs 40% for somebody else tells me he stays in regardless . . .
I agree.  As with everything the Republicans are doing a Crap job of this recall....  

As I’ve said before… I’ve been front lines since the beginning of this nonsense. Didn’t have the luxury of hiding from it. Almost half of our floor personnel had the virus including me at one time or another this past year. Many of our families including my wife caught it from us bringing it home…. We are all fine. Have I seen sick people… absolutely, are the vast majority recovered and living normally after a short illness , yes. Did almost all of the patients we had that were  Covid positive take an insane amount of precautions including hiding out most of the year, yup! Many even wore masks around their own houses and sanitized until their hands were raw…. You guessed it, they still caught it. Did we see a ton of sick people from the vaccine…. Yup. Have my lungs been jacked up since having the Rona, NOPE…. But they have been since the vaccine. Everyone has to choose what they feel is best and I can respect that. Vaccinating kids on the other hand… not good at ALL!!! Not one child this entire year I saw had symptoms at all even after testing positive. Kids hardly get it, kids don’t transmit it like they thought. There has been a massive amount of politics on either side of the whole thing. All of my opinions and facts are based on direct contact with countless people who were positive. And having many friends, co-workers and family catching it…. I haven’t observed one thing that made me concerned about it for my family. I know that was a bit off topic, but we need to get back to giving everybody a choice of how they want to protect themselves…. If someone wants to live in a bubble and weaken their immune system so that their body isn’t prepared to fight the next one (this isn’t the end) then go ahead…. If someone wants to live completely free … then so be it! If your vaccine or mask really works, then don’t worry about what anyone else does!

The sad reality no one wants to discuss is the toll that this has all played on our younger generation with everything being closed…. I have seen teen/adult  suicide like never before, domestic abuse, drug abuse /OD’s, and alcohol abuse in staggering numbers. The focus could have been placed on the vulnerable, not punishment for those that have virtually no symptoms from the virus if any at all. 

No disrespect to those who lost loved ones during this time. We all experience loss at one time or another from all types of causes. 

off soapbox

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Don't hold back.  Tell us how you really feel... :lol:
Learned everything I know from a bunch of dirtbags . 

I drove around today for couple hours in the red state I’m in . Looked at the beautiful homes  , businesses and general happy environment of this Red state , noticing it’s deeply republican , god fearing , and all this stuff shoved into a syringe and it’s needle is deep in my arm now , and will be the only needle to hit my flesh . I’ve seen how life can be outside cali I’m done .

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Are you vaccinated? BTW you don't have to answer if you don't want to.
Yes, I have been fully vaccinated since April 1. Really.. no joke. I am serious! But yes, both mama and I are vaxxed.

I am sorry about your dad. 

Very interesting...It is very easy to say that you wouldn't do it.

The last thing I saw was a MIT study that says masks are BS (the Reader's Digest version).  AND, they are not the only ones to have come to that conclusion

If you've had Covie, the last thing that you want to do it get vaccinated.   If you haven't had it, the last thing you want to do is get vaccinated.  I've heard of people that have died from it...last count is 2 at my local gun store (a lot of people go in there).  It can put you in the hospital (I know of one, whose number is in my phone and he can't put 2 and 2 together, the doctors don't know why his lungs are fubar).

3 people in my family had it, including me.  2 of my daughters and my son...nada and they live in the same house.  It took my 3 days to get it from my wife and we don't have a Laura Petrie kind of sleeping arrangement (Mary and pee pee in an old B&W TV show).

That said, I personally know of 3 people that died from it...1 was 68, the other turned 80 in the hosptial and has had several medical "deals", we hiked the canyon, rim to rim, a few years ago, excellent shape for his age (his wife carries an O2 bottle, she got it 1st and I figured that she was a "Gonner,"  she still carries her bottle around).  I don't remember who the 3rd was.

I am retired, and drive a school bus.  I highly recommend it, tis a laugh a minute, "Mr. Dave, it is not inappropriate as we weren't talking about penises" (they were talking about bi-sexuality and the 1st thing that I heard was, "I'm not EffING bi, (BTW, Effing is a common adverb/adjective on my bus_).  Guess who is supposed to insure that they all wear their mask?  I ain't doing it.  I am the "Mask Nazi."   I make sure that every kid has a mask when he gets on my bus...then pick them up, off the floor, when they leave.   Now, if they tell me they mean it...say a kid tells his parents that I don't make them wear masks on my bus and they come to me and say WTF, do it.  I am their bitch/brat and I will instantly conform...a bit.   BTW, largest SD in the nation to have continuous school, year long, in the state, or nation (Mesa County CO, 4 regular HSs (2-3 for problem kids), 10 or more MSs, and a chingos of Elementary Schools.  BTW, I PU HS and MS kids and deliver 26 to a MS.

Are you their bitch/brat?  No offense meant, but that is what it gets down to. 

I don't go in to a place that insists on a mask now....except for about 3 places (Drs office and etc.).

I wear a high-tech dust mask, w/visible filters and etc....but there are no filters installed and I am actually breathing thru gauze, for the most part.

Learned everything I know from a bunch of dirtbags . 

I drove around today for couple hours in the red state I’m in . Looked at the beautiful homes  , businesses and general happy environment of this Red state , noticing it’s deeply republican , god fearing , and all this stuff shoved into a syringe and it’s needle is deep in my arm now , and will be the only needle to hit my flesh . I’ve seen how life can be outside cali I’m done .
Are you in Mayberry, where is Andy Griffith? 😁

Get the shot, don't get the shot it's up to you but don't push your agenda down my throat I won't push mine down yours

Wear a mask, don't wear a mask it's up to you  I won't judge you for your decision don't you judge me for mine.

If you get the flue, covid or a cold stay at home don't bring your disease to work, the dunes, happy hour, birthday parties or Thanksgiving dinner, Pretty simple actually.

That is exactly why we are, where we are. Did you get the flu shot and have to provide a flu vaccine card?

This is Not the same as a drug test....

If you get the flu vaccine shot, can you still get flu? Can you still get COVID if you have had it or the vaccine? Why are they pushing different strains and variants? Its a virus. 

Where was this response for SARS, MERS, Swine Flu, H1N1, Etc? Did we ever wear masks for those or for a bad flu season? No? Why, Because they dont work. Why did 2 weeks turn into 15 months if the masks worked? 

Lastly, If this vaccine will save your life, Why is the government incentivizing getting one? A lottery, giving away millions of tax money? Does that make sense? 

Way too many sheep these days.................................  
