Companies new Covid Policy...

It's interesting that the party of "tolerance" has adopted a smear and shaming campaign to force people to take their vaccine.

Wasn't this called bullying and deemed mean?  What if Trump had said or done this?  HOLY Crap!
I gotta wonder how long until someone sues because their feelings got hurt (or they thought this was an easy way to make a buck). 

The first email came out last night @ 4:20 PM.  Stating "shot = no mask, no shot = mask". 

This mornings email @ 9:17 AM, Stated, "enforcement of this policy is being taken seriously, dont ph.uck around". 

I calculated this morning we have had over 33,000 temperature checks here in our building and ZERO folks sent home dues to hi temps.  and yet.............. we WILL continue to do so & Im guessing (and this is just a guess), they will be carding folks @ the same time.  we will see. 

And yes, the verbal, public shaming of folks has already begun. 

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Crazy - the same people who could (and did) put their own life and safety on the line for the last 12 months + with NO vaccine and just wearing a mask are now to much of a danger to be at work with NO vaccine and wearing a mask  🙄

Way to show appreciation for those brave, courageous front line workers who did whatever it took to keep those hospitals running for the last year and a half!!

You know, the ones getting paid pennies on the dollar compared to the admins and execs who sat in their offices (if they came in at all), safe and far away from the virus carrying "unwashed masses" laying in those hospital beds.

Crazy - the same people who could (and did) put their own life and safety on the line for the last 12 months + with NO vaccine and just wearing a mask are now to much of a danger to be at work with NO vaccine and wearing a mask  🙄

Way to show appreciation for those brave, courageous front line workers who did whatever it took to keep those hospitals running for the last year and a half!!

You know, the ones getting paid pennies on the dollar compared to the admins and execs who sat in their offices (if they came in at all), safe and far away from the virus carrying "unwashed masses" laying in those hospital beds.
Why is it that nobody ever had to apologize for comparing the former administration to the holocaust but you can’t make the same comparison to the current administration? 

I am still trying to figure out why people are surprised by businesses requiring employees to get vaccinated.  They have every right to do so, nothing different than a drug test.  Employers make employees do many things that people don't like, i.e. drug test, working Saturdays, showering and PowerPoints(ha).    

Go get the vaccine or go get a different job, welcome to the grown up world.

I am still trying to figure out why people are surprised by businesses requiring employees to get vaccinated.  They have every right to do so, nothing different than a drug test.  Employers make employees do many things that people don't like, i.e. drug test, working Saturdays, showering and PowerPoints(ha).    

Go get the vaccine or go get a different job, welcome to the grown up world.
I know you feel different about it and have been pretty open about being vaccinated.

For me, this was just a bad flu and the flu of 2020.  I don't get flu shots anymore and most employers outside of healthcare don't require it so why are you so "for" this?

Almost as many people had and died from the swine flu in 2009.  Nope, none of the hype or attempt shut ob and the economy down.  No call for people to get a flu shot.  I am still convinced democrats and the media did this to go all in to get biden elected and push their agendas.  

And how to you calm and satisfy people's lack of trust in our government over this after all the misinformation and flat out lies?  I was fine with vaccines until Bill Gates ran his mouth on eugenics and microchipping, and the democrats insistence on it.  Nope.  Not doing it.  If my job required it.  I'd quit for sure.

I just went to pick up my cleaning.  Business owner had a sign saying "Masks Required" out front, so I wore a mask for the 45 seconds I was in the building.   He said he isn't quite comfortable enough to lift his no mask policy yet as only 50% of LA County residents are fully vaxxed.  *shrugs*

I know you feel different about it and have been pretty open about being vaccinated.

For me, this was just a bad flu and the flu of 2020.  I don't get flu shots anymore and most employers outside of healthcare don't require it so why are you so "for" this?

Almost as many people had and died from the swine flu in 2009.  Nope, none of the hype or attempt shut ob and the economy down.  No call for people to get a flu shot.  I am still convinced democrats and the media did this to go all in to get biden elected and push their agendas.  

And how to you calm and satisfy people's lack of trust in our government over this after all the misinformation and flat out lies?  I was fine with vaccines until Bill Gates ran his mouth on eugenics and microchipping, and the democrats insistence on it.  Nope.  Not doing it.  If my job required it.  I'd quit for sure.
I agree with almost everything you say, except maybe this was politically motivated.  I have a hard time believing our democrat's shut down other countries as well.  But either way I don't trust the government on either side.

As for getting the vaccine, that is your personal choice and nobody should force you to do so.  But for my lively hood of my family and a career I like that pays for all the fun I get to do, getting a shot was a no brainer.  The technology for this vaccine has been around for years, just not government funded so it had never been brought to the forefront.  In my opinion, I think it is amazing what these companies put together in a short time, with help of our government.

I am still trying to figure out why people are surprised by businesses requiring employees to get vaccinated.  They have every right to do so, nothing different than a drug test.  Employers make employees do many things that people don't like, i.e. drug test, working Saturdays, showering and PowerPoints(ha).    

Go get the vaccine or go get a different job, welcome to the grown up world.
I hate you for even bringing those up...

I know you feel different about it and have been pretty open about being vaccinated.

For me, this was just a bad flu and the flu of 2020.  I don't get flu shots anymore and most employers outside of healthcare don't require it so why are you so "for" this?

Almost as many people had and died from the swine flu in 2009.  Nope, none of the hype or attempt shut ob and the economy down.  No call for people to get a flu shot.  I am still convinced democrats and the media did this to go all in to get biden elected and push their agendas.  

And how to you calm and satisfy people's lack of trust in our government over this after all the misinformation and flat out lies?  I was fine with vaccines until Bill Gates ran his mouth on eugenics and microchipping, and the democrats insistence on it.  Nope.  Not doing it.  If my job required it.  I'd quit for sure.
While you know I don't live in fear of the Chinese Bat Fever, and I agree there was a lot of fear-mongering, the two definitely aren't equal.  Even if the global numbers were exaggerated 10-fold, CBF has still killed more than the Chinese Pig Fever did.  The Democrats latched on to a crisis to serve there purpose, fo' sho, but it's still a much larger crisis than CPF

I just went to pick up my cleaning.  Business owner had a sign saying "Masks Required" out front, so I wore a mask for the 45 seconds I was in the building.   He said he isn't quite comfortable enough to lift his no mask policy yet as only 50% of LA County residents are fully vaxxed.  *shrugs*
I'm perfectly fine with a business making their own personal decision on their safety, whether founded or not.  Just so long as the business owner understand that if there were 2 competing businesses and one made me scan my forenoggin, wear a mask, and subject me to hand sanitizer (which I absolutely can't stand) and one didn't, I'd take my business elsewhere if all else is equal.  

I agree with almost everything you say, except maybe this was politically motivated.  I have a hard time believing our democrat's shut down other countries as well.  But either way I don't trust the government on either side.

As for getting the vaccine, that is your personal choice and nobody should force you to do so.  But for my lively hood of my family and a career I like that pays for all the fun I get to do, getting a shot was a no brainer.  The technology for this vaccine has been around for years, just not government funded so it had never been brought to the forefront.  In my opinion, I think it is amazing what these companies put together in a short time, with help of our government.
Only here could any nation have done this.


I agree with almost everything you say, except maybe this was politically motivated.  I have a hard time believing our democrat's shut down other countries as well.  But either way I don't trust the government on either side.

As for getting the vaccine, that is your personal choice and nobody should force you to do so.  But for my lively hood of my family and a career I like that pays for all the fun I get to do, getting a shot was a no brainer.  The technology for this vaccine has been around for years, just not government funded so it had never been brought to the forefront.  In my opinion, I think it is amazing what these companies put together in a short time, with help of our government.
Again, not bashing or looking down on anyone for their personal choices.  It's just not for me.

The one thing you touched on, Yes, developing flu vaccines has been done for decades.  Funny that Trump said there would be one before the end of the year.  Democrats screamed "NO!" and then Jan 20th...."You have to have it!  Make it mandatory!"  Stupid.


Again, not bashing or looking down on anyone for their personal choices.  It's just not for me.

The one thing you touched on, Yes, developing flu vaccines has been done for decades.  Funny that Trump said there would be one before the end of the year.  Democrats screamed "NO!" and then Jan 20th...."You have to have it!  Make it mandatory!"  Stupid.

Trump did everything he said he was going to do, no lip service 

Got my notice yesterday, woo hoo not bad

email quoted below

In light of the CA announcement issued June 15, the following is the updated office policy regarding mask wearing, and I will update as any new information is available: 

  • Not required for fully vaccinated individuals
  • Not required for those falling under an exception
  • No vaccine verification is being implemented.  Individuals are allowed to ‘self-attest’ that they fall under one of the categories not requiring masks. 
  • Optional to continue to wear a mask in the office. 

My understanding of the latest guidelines is that masks are still required in certain settings regardless of vaccination status, such as public transit, schools, healthcare settings, state/local correctional facilities, shelters.  Unvaccinated individuals in indoor public settings and public businesses, masks are still required.  

The CDPH website contains more information for the current guidelines:

The CA Covid website contains additional information for the state guidelines:

And, here is the link to the CDC Guidelines for activities:


I am still trying to figure out why people are surprised by businesses requiring employees to get vaccinated.  They have every right to do so, nothing different than a drug test.  Employers make employees do many things that people don't like, i.e. drug test, working Saturdays, showering and PowerPoints(ha).    

Go get the vaccine or go get a different job, welcome to the grown up world.
Come on man, very MUCH different from a drug test. 

A drug test is giving a voluntarily a sample of blood, urine or hair follicles.

Getting injected with out proven safety or liability from the companies that manufacture said "Vaccines" . 

Can you give me one factual reason why California is giving away MILLIONS of tax payer dollars to people who take the vaccine?

Enlighten me, give me some INSIGHT on this.... please. 

Come on man, very MUCH different from a drug test. 

A drug test is giving a voluntarily a sample of blood, urine or hair follicles.

Getting injected with out proven safety or liability from the companies that manufacture said "Vaccines" . 

Can you give me one factual reason why California is giving away MILLIONS of tax payer dollars to people who take the vaccine?

Enlighten me, give me some INSIGHT on this.... please. 
No idea why Ca is giving away money, not sure I ever made that point in my life.  I do know other states are doing the same.

My point only, an employer can make this mandatory.  It is their business, it is their liability, it is their profits and losses.

My other point was, if you don't want to take the vaccine for whatever reasons, don't, go find another job if you don't like the stipulations an employer puts on you.  Free society, you have the right to say no.  That doesn't mean you won't be pressured to take the vaccine................fact is government will bully there way through things and give people the guilt trips if they don't get in line, it has always been that way.

The vaccine is voluntary just like a drug test, that was my point.

If we want to get into whether the vaccine is safe/proven, that is certainly another topic for another day IMHO

I hate you for even bringing those up...

While you know I don't live in fear of the Chinese Bat Fever, and I agree there was a lot of fear-mongering, the two definitely aren't equal.  Even if the global numbers were exaggerated 10-fold, CBF has still killed more than the Chinese Pig Fever did.  The Democrats latched on to a crisis to serve there purpose, fo' sho, but it's still a much larger crisis than CPF

I'm perfectly fine with a business making their own personal decision on their safety, whether founded or not.  Just so long as the business owner understand that if there were 2 competing businesses and one made me scan my forenoggin, wear a mask, and subject me to hand sanitizer (which I absolutely can't stand) and one didn't, I'd take my business elsewhere if all else is equal.  
You must have missed the part where everyone who dies WITH the rona automatically died OF the rona. 

No idea why Ca is giving away money, not sure I ever made that point in my life.  I do know other states are doing the same.

My point only, an employer can make this mandatory.  It is their business, it is their liability, it is their profits and losses.

My other point was, if you don't want to take the vaccine for whatever reasons, don't, go find another job if you don't like the stipulations an employer puts on you.  Free society, you have the right to say no.  That doesn't mean you won't be pressured to take the vaccine................fact is government will bully there way through things and give people the guilt trips if they don't get in line, it has always been that way.

The vaccine is voluntary just like a drug test, that was my point.

If we want to get into whether the vaccine is safe/proven, that is certainly another topic for another day IMHO
Well I believe the Vaccine killed my father. He was one of the unlucky ones. I don't wish any of that upon anyone. The fricken media put so much scare on everything, my father believed all the hype and thought he would die from covid 19. Well he got jipped because the vaccine killed him. I FEEL that if he wouldn't taken the vaccine, he would be alive right now. IMHO

Well hey at least everyone who has taken the vaccine, is all ready for the iphone 20 that will be built into your forearm! That's a positive!!
