Companies new Covid Policy...


Well-known member
May 5, 2021
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The Company Covid team just met to discuss the changing guidance from the State of California on face coverings:

 1. Starting tomorrow, June 15th, employees that have already provided proof of full COVID-19 vaccination to HR will no longer be required to wear a face covering inside the building.

 2.  Any employee that is either not fully vaccinated or has not provided proof of vaccination to HR must continue to wear an approved face covering at all times when indoors, except when alone in a closed office or conference room.

We will be providing further modifications to our COVID-19 prevention policies later this week.  For now, except for the above, all existing policies remain in effect.


FWIW, our parent company is on the NYSE, so this is not a small mom & pop shop & "corporate" sticks there nose into the number of plys of toilet paper we buy.............. 

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My thoughts are.......If you're sick stay home. If you're well get your butt to work. The PLANdemic is overrated! Sorry you all have to deal with that. Ask them the return question....Do you have your AIDS test results? Please show proof.  Peace

I wouldn't be happy if I worked there but a private business should have the right to set policies (and potentially suffer the consequences)?

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I think a small private company should be able to refuse service to coloreds on their own property …… or at least make them wear face coverings.   

Oh, wait. …. That would be racist.  Well, at least they should be able to make sexual deviants wear masks. …..

No, that would be homophobic….

At least they can make thinking people wear masks to make sure everyone knows who they are.  It sure as fvck isn’t for health safety.   

I think a small private company should be able to refuse service to coloreds on their own property …… or at least make them wear face coverings.   

Oh, wait. …. That would be racist.  Well, at least they should be able to make sexual deviants wear masks. …..

No, that would be homophobic….

At least they can make thinking people wear masks to make sure everyone knows who they are.  It sure as fvck isn’t for health safety.   
Yet some jobs require you to get a yearly TB test or eye exam some even a complete physical and nobody has a problem with that.  So if your boss wants you to do A or you have to do B. You have two simple choices do what is asked or find a new place to work. 

Yet some jobs require you to get a yearly TB test or eye exam some even a complete physical and nobody has a problem with that.  So if your boss wants you to do A or you have to do B. You have two simple choices do what is asked or find a new place to work. 
But it’s homophobic to require AIDS testing….. got it.

What happened to HIPAA rules? As an employer, I am not allowed to ask anything medical. Has this been thrown out the window?

There is an exception for vaccines.  They can require proof at work and school.

Cal/OSHA is still saying employees have to wear masks.  At least per my employer.  I haven't wore a mask more than 3-5 short burst times at work and that was only at our main office.  No one else has either.  Just like politicians, it's for the optics but no one really gives a crap or wears one when the cameras are off.  Except the lunatic fringe that literally loves wearing masks.

We received an email from HR yesterday says ifin you are vaxxed and provide them with proof, no mask required when working in the office.  Absent that, masks required.  Gonna be interesting to see who is and who isn't vaxxed.

so what is the PROOF.  can't you just print up a vaccine card and give that to them.  They were doing shots here at the stadium with no id just get in line and get poked. I had covid already why would I need the vaccine.  Also the CDC says you can't get the shot if you had covid in the past 90 days. 

We received an email from HR yesterday says ifin you are vaxxed and provide them with proof, no mask required when working in the office.  Absent that, masks required.  Gonna be interesting to see who is and who isn't vaxxed.
It's interesting that the party of "tolerance" has adopted a smear and shaming campaign to force people to take their vaccine.

Wasn't this called bullying and deemed mean?  What if Trump had said or done this?  HOLY Crap!

My company has the same policy, I am vaccinated so you will be able to see my smile all day long at work.  One other work thing, no more than 10 people in any one meeting, this is a tough one when I do a lot of presentations and I am so over Zoom.

There is an exception for vaccines.  They can require proof at work and school.
Public health issue  - I get that

I am a Boomer and remember in school getting the TB test on your arm  - the next day the School nurse walked around the classroom and everyone had to put out their arm, she looked at your forearm if you had a reaction they basically walked you out of the class never to return (positive result). We had one girl in my class that happened to. 

If that was done today People would loss their minds ... I guess for me I would just say "f it"  it does not hurt me to show if I got it or not and live by the rule, and if I don't like, find another job.  There are many places I will not work in Hollywood because I refuse to be called Comrade all day and hear how evil Trump is  ...

Private businesses can have their rules IMO   I am not that much of a snowflake, If I worked in construction and had to wear a helmet  - I would,  or go get a different job its my head - why is that different than the Vaccine (ok a little different).  I don't drive a MC in CA anymore because of Helmet laws  - Its ALWAYS your choice  ...

Public health issue  - I get that

I am a Boomer and remember in school getting the TB test on your arm  - the next day the School nurse walked around the classroom and everyone had to put out their arm, she looked at your forearm if you had a reaction they basically walked you out of the class never to return (positive result). We had one girl in my class that happened to. 

If that was done today People would loss their minds ... I guess for me I would just say "f it"  it does not hurt me to show if I got it or not and live by the rule, and if I don't like, find another job.  There are many places I will not work in Hollywood because I refuse to be called Comrade all day and hear how evil Trump is  ...

Private businesses can have their rules IMO   I am not that much of a snowflake, If I worked in construction and had to wear a helmet  - I would,  or go get a different job its my head - why is that different than the Vaccine (ok a little different).  I don't drive a MC in CA anymore because of Helmet laws  - Its ALWAYS your choice  ...
There are things I choose not to do and places I choose not to go or shop at because I'm not going to support things I don't believe in or are staunchly opposed to.

I work from home (before COVID) so I don't have to play the games they play at the office.

Medium company here.  That's the policy as well, except we can only request to "see" it, no scanning/storage since that's health information and we're not set up for that except for general employer things like called in sick or health insurance and next of kin type shiite.  

Also, no one actually adheres to it in the office.  Literally no one.
