chEFFs Dream Home Build

Maybe highlight your last name, the house number, or "Peace" into the pavers.

will you and the neighbor become good buddies now?

I guess he owns a pool company. Was he the one with the rock filled pool in the front? DON~~~
YEP! They have offered to build our pool for $15,000.00 We pay their subs. Don't know if that's a good deal or not. After talking with the wife, We decided to keep them as neighbor friends. Peace

We're prepping to re-pour the driveway today. Also prep work for the retaining walls. Concrete coming this afternoon or tomorrow morning 8:30am CDT. Peace

I need your bank account and patience right about now. :lmao:

Home ownership :dude:

Looking good ChEFF!!! :cheers:

I need your bank account and patience right about now. :lmao:

Home ownership :dude:

Looking good ChEFF!!! :cheers:

Thanks my Mexican Buddy! It's getting closer. and closer. Peace

While digging up the driveway for the Culvert we run into these dudes WAY down the property. They were NOT in the area where we installed the pipe. Where the heck did these guys come from? Another issue needing to be handled. GONE! Peace




Got the driveway and Retaining wall footings ready to pour! I've been told OVERKILL quite a bit during this Build. DUH......can you imagine calling Grant at Funco and saying.......can you build me a slow car that can't handle the whoops at Olds please? I'd bet he don't get that phone call very often! Peace







The septic guy told me you can't put a retaining wall within 10' of the tank. But once the inspection is done and the State is gone you can do whatever you want. Well.......we did. Peace


Cheff don't do "Half-ass" that's fo sho!


My builders Insurance expires on the 16th of this month. They can not renew it based on the completion % of the house! Looks like i'm headed to the insurance agency today! Peace

The mistake has been fixed! Curious to see how much this costs me? Peace


Retaining wall footings are done. Well, not ALL of them. Will have a lot more to do in the back. We're just trying to finish the TOP so we can move in! Peace





Watch it rain and you'll see small drainage problems. Solve them before they become an issue. Peace

