chEFFs Dream Home Build

Got the security cameras installed. Just Two. Got the others sitting up close and personal. I bought the security system titled 12-gauge pump! Peace

Bring extra food. Da chEFF enjoys a snack sitting on TOP of a Dune. Peace

The Culprit! WILSON. Peace

View attachment 42494
well that appears to be great news  i assume that makes it to the other side of your driveway?   and if so that is perfect!! no need to tear up anything.  if it does then maybe he needs to clean out his culvert to flow into the existing pipe.  how far and where does the pipe go on the down hill side from there?  i assume there are huge "tees" in the top of that pipe at each residence?  how close is your driveway placed to your neighbors property line?

The six million dollar question is this.

So you take that pipe and install it from that point where it enters your property to the other side of your property.  What is there for you to tie in to ?  From the looks of it in a few pictures it almost looks like the next property has a stair step going in the wrong direction as in up

The six million dollar question is this.

So you take that pipe and install it from that point where it enters your property to the other side of your property.  What is there for you to tie in to ?  From the looks of it in a few pictures it almost looks like the next property has a stair step going in the wrong direction as in up

My pipe will just open up at Grade level. Then dig me a little V in the ground and hammer on the neighbors Culvert. See the fire hydrant? That dude will get drilled by water. Look for it over time to sitting in AIR. Peace

It's good to know people. One of my customers cousins works at the MFG plant for Advanced Drainage Systems (ADS). Drove to Ennis, TX yesterday morning and purchased 6pcs @ 20' length 15" ID smooth barrel pipes. Installed half of it yesterday. Finishing up today. We will be pouring the concrete ring for connection to the neighbors RCP. I've already been thru the WTF did we pour the driveway BEFORE doing the Culvert talk. It doesn't seem to matter, Da chEFF is flipping the bill. This stuff cost $14.84 per ft. The official name for this pipe in 15" N12 Solid 20'. Learned how to lay underground pipe yesterday with a 1% fall. The rock cost me $400.00 and the company who delivered it hauled off all the "brand new" concrete for $300.00  Peace



Culvert Pipe.jpg




Here's how you saw cut a perfectly good driveway! Peace




Oh that stings just a little right?

But do it now and be done with it forever as they say.

This looks professional.  Probably overkill the full length of the frontage but now you can park or use the full frontage.

Just a thought on the concrete replacement. I'd go with pavers. Give it kind of a nicer look only for that entrance. 

Again solid work so far. 

@ChEFF So your new pipe is the red line with a downward fall ( towards the red arrow) What happens when the pipe gets to the red arrow? 


Does it just spill out into the street ?  It will be down a bit at that point I figure and water doesn't like uphill. Or is there another pipe down there that you are tying into or is the Cheff saying to his other neighbor, it's your problem now ? 

Oh that stings just a little right?
@Crusty...........No, it stings "ALOT" Luckily for me, I've got all the equipment / talent / connections to pull it off with minimal expense. The city inspector came by today and asked Billy, "You've done this before? Billy replies 25 years! He asked here? Nope, SoCal. I'll bet things have changed a lot since then. Billy says....A pipe is a pipe!

Underground work goes unseen. You can't tell we've done anything. And we've done TONS. Peace

Hey ChEFF , Iv'e been following this thread from the start and it's been entertaining to me. I'm a GC here in Phx, and have seen or experienced most everything you have been documenting. To be honest, you have done a great job pulling your resources together and overcoming all your challenges. I know builders that have been doing this for 20+ years that are shutting down because of the way the industry is today. Material shortages, man power, lead times, govt. bureaucracy, not to mention pricing. All in all you have done a great job and should be proud of yourself. 

Hope you move in soon and enjoy the results of all your hard work, I know you will.

"Peace" Dan Walker

This looks professional.  Probably overkill the full length of the frontage but now you can park or use the full frontage.

Just a thought on the concrete replacement. I'd go with pavers. Give it kind of a nicer look only for that entrance. 

Again solid work so far. 
That sounds like a great idea, cheaper, cooler looking and looks like you planned it that way. DON~~~

Hey ChEFF , Iv'e been following this thread from the start and it's been entertaining to me. I'm a GC here in Phx, and have seen or experienced most everything you have been documenting. To be honest, you have done a great job pulling your resources together and overcoming all your challenges. I know builders that have been doing this for 20+ years that are shutting down because of the way the industry is today. Material shortages, man power, lead times, govt. bureaucracy, not to mention pricing. All in all you have done a great job and should be proud of yourself. 

Hope you move in soon and enjoy the results of all your hard work, I know you will.

"Peace" Dan Walker

Appreciate it @danwalker. It's been exactly like you've said. Challenging. Peace
