chEFFs Dream Home Build

Talked with the neighbors today. It wasn't them who called. It was the old lady Sue Ellen who lives at the bottom of the street. She came up ranting and raving at my neighbors bitching about "THIS THING". meaning our house. It doesn't fit here! She's pissed off about all the construction going on. Our next door neighbors have been building their pool, ( I think I've mentioned this) and Sue Ellen is mad. Trailers have been blocking her drive up the street. NOT me, all my subs park on my property. So she called the city. About what? There's no mud on the street. Next door neighbors rock lake has dissipated. She's not happy. Poor Sue Ellen. Anyway, rescheduled the appt with the inspector tomorrow to discuss how to please everyone. Sue Ellen, that won't happen. Can't please the woman who thinks she owns the neighborhood. Peace   
is she hot?

Yes it did. The rocked area became a Lake. No drainage at all. I'm sure I'll have to expose his pipe at my property line (If It's there) and most likely cut my driveway up. Thinking like a 3' cutout with steel grates to cap it. BUT......who is responsible for clearing out his culvert? Surely not me. Easiest fix......Fill in his ditch. Plant sod. Let the water run down the street like my water does. Every Culvert down the street (4 of them) are 90-100% clogged. We'll see what kind of neighbor they'll be.

Scenario: If it costs me say $5000.00 to cut up my driveway or $1000.00 to fill in his ditch, which way would you go? It would have to be agreed upon for both of us of course. I know which way I would go if it came across to me. Peace
which ever way you go i would have an attorney draw up something that releases you from all liability and make him get it signed by any neighbors down the street from you. once you take that step you may be on the hook for something if it somehow flooded them out or damages their properties. or if the city has any jurisdiction have them give you a formal proposal of what's to be done. If this guy expects you to fix his issues, he sounds like the guy who will sue you when it goes wrong also. good luck man

which ever way you go i would have an attorney draw up something that releases you from all liability and make him get it signed by any neighbors down the street from you. once you take that step you may be on the hook for something if it somehow flooded them out or damages their properties. or if the city has any jurisdiction have them give you a formal proposal of what's to be done. If this guy expects you to fix his issues, he sounds like the guy who will sue you when it goes wrong also. good luck man

Thanks Zilla. Great idea there. Peace

sorry about this chit when you were so happy, would think the neighbors would be more welcoming and want to work it out like civilized peeps not run to the government/city

sorry about this chit when you were so happy, would think the neighbors would be more welcoming and want to work it out like civilized peeps not run to the government/city
People are Azsholes...

Going to try and get the perimeter of the house Erosion Controlled so we can move in. Apparently you have to have 5' out from foundation ground covered. Peace

Shower Glass is in. Two mirrors are back ordered. Garage is getting painted and the garage floor will get started. All the material was delivered for the retaining walls. Rain in the forecast. Hard to work on retaining walls with wet ground! Peace

Been going by every morning getting ice for my glass. "Why don't you get ice from the place you live now chEFF?" Because......Peace

For those who said it's going to be my are correct. Lots to inform you on but don't have the time today. Peace




Remember the Toilet paper roll discussion. I think she done good. Peace


120gal Propane Tank sitting in the Whse. Peace

