chEFFs Dream Home Build

 Telling the guy living next to you to EFf OFF is not a good way to start off. 
I agree. BUT you have been in the building prosses for a long time. He, IMO has had time to discuss this specially once he saw the driveway layout. His culvert has been clogged so now he is concerned. 

Starting a war with the neighbor isn't an easy decision. But you shouldn't be responsible for getting his runoff to go onto your property. He should be responsible for getting it to run to the street. Aren't you in Texas? Just ask him if he's enjoying life there since his recent move from California.

Is it the right thing to do?

Great question. I say YES. But.....................Problem is....If I install a culvert, it will be Below Grade. When laying out the driveway, We discussed the following. I can't drag the moho's bumper and trailers every time I drive into my home. Build your driveway to your specs of life. The Chief Inspector of the city came out and said do it this way. And, I'm sure he didn't look next door I don't believe. BTW.....I'm good with these neighbors. We're friends. I think he's bummed that he see's his problem not resolved by me. He spent some money designing his ditch to take the rain. I'll send pics later. His culvert has been clogged forever. They just moved in. They're the newbies. Welcome to our neighborhood. Wait until he see's the problems his house is about to have. Paint can't cover it forever. And I know where they're at! Anyway, back to the TOPic.....Meeting the concrete people tomorrow to figure something out. I want to do what's right for everyone. I just know my property drains exactly like the city wants it....straight to the lake. We'll see how this all turns out. Peace      

But you shouldn't be responsible for getting his runoff to go onto your property. He should be responsible for getting it to run to the street.  

I agree. And I think he knows it. Wait until he sees the fence I put up. Yes.......It'll have some "PRIVACY" involved! Peace

If there is no ditch along the road, I dont see where a culvert is going to do anything.............  

Or does he expect you to dig all of this down to create a channel for the water to flow into???? 

View attachment 39896

There used to be a ditch before development of the property. The ditch had to go away for me to connect to the street. If I kept the ditch in place, have you ever driven a motorhome across a ditch? Talk about Rockin and Rollin. Peace

Not to sound like a stalker, but I found your house on the map.  The city is not that big... and yours is the only property with a huge bald spot.  LOL 

IMO, I would do what I could do within my pain threshold ($$$) and if that does not appease him.....  he can eat a sausage.....  

@ChEFF Telling the guy living next to you to EFf OFF is not a good way to start off. 

I would of also told him.. "This is information I needed to know before the poured concrete"| 

I would start off at least asking him to expose the culvert at the property line because something isn't adding up

Now if you need to get a pipe under your driveway's approach you could horizontally bore.
this sounds like a great idea

There used to be a ditch before development of the property. The ditch had to go away for me to connect to the street. 
Sorry Mr Cheff. If there was a ditch before you started that moved water from one side of yore property to the other yore going to need to install something underground now to go from one side to the other so the water can drain.

Guessing some saw cutting, excavation and reinforced concrete are going to be in yore future. 

Yep, your going to have to move it down the street to the next house that does not have a ditch/pipe.....  LOL 

Here's the neighbors ditch. Remember, this culvert NEVER flowed out to my property. Peace



The Mini Split got installed for the Mancave. Peace


