chEFFs Dream Home Build

Are those no scuff floors?  Just incase a   :atc70:  race breaks out. 

We were doing Solar Installs a few years back and would have to get into the attic for the install.

On one particular house in a nice part of Scottsdale we arrived and the owners were ready to leave for Vegas for the time we were working on the home.  They were packed and ready to go when the homeowner tells them we will be back in four days. Foreman says OK the attic access is in the garage correct, Nope.  So now they have the wife sitting in the car ready for her Vegas trip and we are scrambling to get the attic work done.

Well if you think in the workers haste he put his foot thru the ceiling you would only be half right, As he fell  thru he also broke the fire sprinkler pipe he was straddling, So we had water damage as well. 

Drywall Damage, Water damage and a pissed off lady who wanted to go to Vegas instead of watching construction workers all day.

They were such a PITA. They expected all new insulation in the attic and for us to pay to repaint just about the entire house. Plus for the lost weekend in Vegas.

We did over 300 of those installs and that was the one and only time that happened.
Damn fire sprinklers......what kind of jerk would own a fire sprinkler company???? idiots. 

Damn fire sprinklers......what kind of jerk would own a fire sprinkler company???? idiots. 
Residential guys are the worst, glorified landscapers who are to lazy to dig a ditch to throw the pipe in.

Clean up crew is in. These poor people were shocked on the size of the ceilings. Took the window plastic off and MAN these windows are beautiful. Peace

Getting permits this week for concrete. City's are picky on how you tie into their streets. Luckily we have no curbs or sidewalks. Peace

We're Pouring Concrete friday!! Peace

Had to sleeve some electrical and water for irrigation before they pour. Now we're in a hurry to get out of their way. Peace




Wow! That's quite a pour. How many yards are in this driveway?

Sure does look like a lot of concrete.   Super cool to see this coming together.  

It's Driveway Pour Day!! EFF OFF FRYDAY! Peace





