chEFFs Dream Home Build

Septic Tank buried yesterday. What a Deep hole! Massive dude for two people. Peace
That’s just good planning for the influx of drunks riding atc 70’s off the ledge lol

really the build is looking awesome congrats 

Just purchased the outdoor kitchen today. GRILLES are Expensive!! Peace

It's getting depressing showing up at the house with NO ONE working! Let's get it on boys.....WTF! Peace

Sometimes you just have to skip a day and see what gets accomplished. Peace

The last 10% of a project takes 40% of the time and 60% of the money.

Construction loan has expired. Paying the Mortgage now. Draws are still available. $1.2mil note over 15 years. DAMN! Need to sell the house i'm living in to get that monthly pymt down to affordability. Peace

Extreme weather rears it's head last night @ 1:30am. Sounded like a freight train on TOP of my roof. Crazy amounts of water / lightening / thunder. Peace

Here's the picture right before they started Bricking the Back fireplace. ALL the wood and saw horses GONE! Peace


I would shoot a thief quicker than I would a murderer. Maybe the person deserved it. Amazing how you feel once violated. You read about it but then it happens to you. Can't seem to move on from it. Could be worse! Peace

Man that sucks! Too bad you didn't have a wireless driveway alarm or security cameras! It would have been satisfying to catch the thieves!

Hindsight is 20/20.

Sorry the stole your lumber Cheffro.

Thieves suck the big one fo sho.
