Bugs fixes modifications thread

Sorry for the delays guys I have been sick as a dog last three or four days.. we will get back to working all this stuff today and tomorrow
Please keep the one at the bottom of the page.
That way, when you reply to a topic, you don’t need to scroll all the way back up.
JD's not saying to remove the one @ the bottom & put it up top, but rather to add one @ the top as well. its surprising how useful it is.
JD's not saying to remove the one @ the bottom & put it up top, but rather to add one @ the top as well. its surprising how useful it is.
How useful is it?
There is not one on RDP and it’s far more popular.
It seems it would only be useful for post-whoring.
I’d be hesitant to repeat the format that killed the old GD.
How useful is it?
There is not one on RDP and it’s far more popular.
It seems it would only be useful for post-whoring.
I’d be hesitant to repeat the format that killed the old GD.
The post timer is controlling rapid posts. I suspect other factors may have been involved in the slowdown.
Another site I know of has declined due to the evil FB sucking their users over there.
Big Data has a way with making money from traffic.
I’m sorry guys I’m going to get working on all this stuff this week.. just coming back from LOTO and starting to get caught up only to catch the god damn plaque.. I have been sick for like five or six days now.. just starting to feel better (hopefully tomorrow) and I will go through all this thread and create a list for the IT guys to look at
Don't apologize or rush. This site works fine, the little nuances can be changed over time. Us folks posting here will always post here, we been thru it all and love this place regardless.

I'm more curious what the "Big Plan" is to drive traffic here and get this place jumping. Looking forward to watching that happen. The season is near, what are you going to do....tik tok tik tok.
Don't apologize or rush. This site works fine, the little nuances can be changed over time. Us folks posting here will always post here, we been thru it all and love this place regardless.

I'm more curious what the "Big Plan" is to drive traffic here and get this place jumping. Looking forward to watching that happen. The season is near, what are you going to do....tik tok tik tok.

I can tell you this much...

Just opening the whole board up, for not only humans, but Google and all the other bots to search, will make a huge impact on the SEO to Google.

Say if someone searches for "fortin trans", Google will soon show those results for any Google search on that, on here. RDP has been around a LONG time. There is hardly anything boating related, that wont pop RDP up in a search.

This stuff takes time, but having the home page the way it is now, showing all of the topics, will eventually make HUGE difference on how this site pops up in a search.

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Don't apologize or rush. This site works fine, the little nuances can be changed over time. Us folks posting here will always post here, we been thru it all and love this place regardless.

I'm more curious what the "Big Plan" is to drive traffic here and get this place jumping. Looking forward to watching that happen. The season is near, what are you going to do....tik tok tik tok.

So there is lots of things we can do to drive traffic to the forum and website as a whole.

Like Rivermobster said, just opening up the board to be viewed by "lurkers" (non registered or logged in) will be a huge benefit, as it increases SEO a million times right off the bat.

Lowering the barrier to entry (easier to register and getting back existing registrants) is high on the priority list and hoping to be done with that this week. The board already has around 3,000 people registered.. When we took over only 10-20 were online at a time. One quick e-mail blast to everyone to "check in and check the new place out". If you get 100 online and they are talking, then more will come organically. (GD is Back! kinda stuff).

Thirdly in short order we will have a front page with editorial content. What that means is featured builds, new tech, new manufacturers, latest products, industry opinions. People like to hear about new things, and industry goings on.. That is the "news" side of the website which in turn will drive traffic for people to discuss those subjects in the forums themselves.

Fourth "ground game". That is literally the SWAG being sold in various places, increasing the DOTM gift to something worth while over time, member gatherings / get togethers, banners hanging in the correct shops, using Social Media to direct traffic not only to itself but to here, possible banners out in Glamis in certain places? Sign truck when needed, Trade shows, participating in charitable events like dune clean ups etc..

Those are a few of the things that I am planning on working on over the next 12 months to increase traffic and restore the place to what it was before.. There are nuclear options beyond that, but I think we will be fine with those..

The old platform had a pop up if you had notifications. Would be useful since it moved and is much smaller.

Avitar images seem to have changed as well. Mine is only the upper half of what it should be.

Your Notifications are in the top right hand corner.. There should be a "bell" and it will have a red box with a # in it with how many notifications you have.


Pre-cutover we had custom Smilies for this board, be a shame if we lost them. Many were board member specific or off-road / related to ongoing jokes here on GD.

Yup it was a reward for reaching the brotherhood of the slap, 2000 post, the awesome admin at that time would ask the person to select a smiley they wanted and added it with a code especially for them.

I can't do a custom smiley every time someone hits 2,000 posts we'd be making smileys all day long.. LOL. I did ask my IT guy if it was possible to restore what was here before.

I'd rather send someone a t shirt for 2,000 posts or something... but I'd expect the posts to be of relevance, not just posts for the sake of posts..

I also asked about the making the contrast greater for the older eyes, and the thread titles being bold or not bold if you have read them..

Other than that I think most things have been addressed? Did I miss anything?

I believe you can adjust that in your settings.. I believe on RDP we actually just pulled the politics and government out of the "what's new" posts... I can have them do it on here as well.

The reply button at the top of the thread is now added by the way.

When you're browsing the new post screen (or any posts for that matter), we used to be able to see who replied last without clicking to look. I find that very useful because some of the people around here I don't really care to hear what they have to say.... 😄
When you're browsing the new post screen (or any posts for that matter), we used to be able to see who replied last without clicking to look. I find that very useful because some of the people around here I don't really care to hear what they have to say.... 😄

Just use the ignore feature.

I have ONE person on RDP I use that for. Works awesome. 👍🏼