Bel Ray Molylube Anti-Seize CV Joint Grease Compound

so bel ray is about 15 minutes from my house they closed the doors a few years ago. it was a small family run company i believe the father had passed the kids ran it for a few years lost interest and sold to calumet. Calumet also owns royal purple.   my guess they have selling old stock for a while now cause i went there about 5 years ago when they were open to try to buy direct and back then they told me they weren't making it they didn't go into detail i just assumed the were not making it there anymore. well just going to find another slippery mix

Down to my last 3 tubes of BelRay antiseize.  Once that's gone I'll try Swepco Moly 164.  I'm putting brand new 35 spline 934's from @parker@gearone in my car soon and I'll try the 164 myself before I put it in any clients cars.  I've been told by reliable people in racing that the 164 is good but not as good as Swepco 101 and BelRay mix.  

Down to my last 3 tubes of BelRay antiseize.  Once that's gone I'll try Swepco Moly 164.  I'm putting brand new 35 spline 934's from @parker@gearone in my car soon and I'll try the 164 myself before I put it in any clients cars.  I've been told by reliable people in racing that the 164 is good but not as good as Swepco 101 and BelRay mix.  
I tried the 164 last season, my joints were the loudest they have ever been, personally I will not use it again. Ill pull my axles and see if there is any damage in the next week or 2. 

I did notice it was a little thinner going in......

I'll stick with 101.

I tried the 164 last season, my joints were the loudest they have ever been, personally I will not use it again. Ill pull my axles and see if there is any damage in the next week or 2. 

I did notice it was a little thinner going in......

I'll stick with 101.
That's what I've heard from some others as well. The 101 and BelRay mix together and become thicker/sticky. 164 is great for race cars that have the CVs prepped each race, not so good for sand cars that need to go an entire season between prep jobs.

That's what I've heard from some others as well. The 101 and BelRay mix together and become thicker/sticky. 164 is great for race cars that have the CVs prepped each race, not so good for sand cars that need to go an entire season between prep jobs.

It seemed great for the first 2 trips, after that it got to thin. Luckily I only made 4 trips last year, or I would have pulled them sooner.

I'll get them apart soon and report back on this thread what I find.

I switched to the 164 last season when I upgraded to 934s. Sure does seem thin and I am still pulling the boots back every other trip. Not much grease left after a couple of trips. I put in greasers at the upper joints but seems to only put grease on one side. That system worked for 15 years with 930s and the Cat gold. Never killed a CV. Then switched to Mantek and killed CVs. Could have been a coincidence. I don't know.  

Actually I have done one side only on my car. I will do the other side with the Bel Ray and drive it my normal 500 miles before pulling the boots back. Then take a look at each side. 164 vs Bel Ray 50/50. 

He has a guy with a dedicated machine that mixes it. Because they buy in bulk he said there won't be any shortage of it.



Down to my last 3 tubes of BelRay antiseize.  Once that's gone I'll try Swepco Moly 164.  I'm putting brand new 35 spline 934's from @parker@gearone in my car soon and I'll try the 164 myself before I put it in any clients cars.  I've been told by reliable people in racing that the 164 is good but not as good as Swepco 101 and BelRay mix.  
Used this beginning of last season. Defenently thinner. Switched back to 101 midseason and had to flip my stars.   Thinking of trying Lucas green this season. Anybody use this ?  Bob from RBP  dunes with us and thats what  he uses.

Interesting read and definitely need to get a Plan B ready to replace the mix I've been using.  What is the reason you could not use Moly 101 by itself?  I know there are guys a lot smarter than me about this stuff on here so wanted to ask.  Is it just too thin?  It's been awhile since I mixed a batch up.  Lots of choices being talked about; Cat Gold, Lucas Green, Swepco 164 and the NEO 40% so I'll be watching this.

Also, if the Swepco 164 is a bit thin, any reason you couldn't add some powdered graphite to it?  I've been adding a bit to my mixes since I bought my car from the previous owner.  He recommended adding some to the swepco/bel ray mix so I have been.  Don't know if it makes any difference, I just don't like messing with stuff that works.

Interesting read and definitely need to get a Plan B ready to replace the mix I've been using.  What is the reason you could not use Moly 101 by itself?  I know there are guys a lot smarter than me about this stuff on here so wanted to ask.  Is it just too thin?  It's been awhile since I mixed a batch up.  Lots of choices being talked about; Cat Gold, Lucas Green, Swepco 164 and the NEO 40% so I'll be watching this.

Also, if the Swepco 164 is a bit thin, any reason you couldn't add some powdered graphite to it?  I've been adding a bit to my mixes since I bought my car from the previous owner.  He recommended adding some to the swepco/bel ray mix so I have been.  Don't know if it makes any difference, I just don't like messing with stuff that works.
You can use 101 alone. First I've heard of adding powder graphite. Adding BelRay to the Swepco 101 thickens it up. The 164 is supposed to be a combination of grease and antisieze. Disappointing to hear that it's thin. I have 4 new tubes of Redline CV grease on the shelf that I've kept for years in case a client requested it. Talked to my sales guy at Kartek and he said it's very similar to the Swepco 101. Doesn't solve the lack of BelRay though. 

As mentioned, Foddrill sells the swepco/belray premixed in a tube. I have never used their premix yet but I did just order a few tubes.

I will say after many years and trying all the recommended greases the swepco/belray mix is by far the best I have used. This is after 5 good trips to the dunes, best cv grease retention out of all the others.


I’ve added graphite to my bel ray/swepco mix for 15 years. 
My builder uses it all the time. 

I got 6 tubes from Foddrill’s last week. 
will order more soon just to have. 

If bel Ray stopped making it, don’t see how Foddrill’s won’t run out someday?
Maybe they have some bulk that won’t last forever.  

I’ve added graphite to my bel ray/swepco mix for 15 years. 
My builder uses it all the time. 

I got 6 tubes from Foddrill’s last week. 
will order more soon just to have. 

If bel Ray stopped making it, don’t see how Foddrill’s won’t run out someday?
Maybe they have some bulk that won’t last forever.  
They told me smaller quantities are hard to get but they can still get the bulk. Said they should never run out. Guy that mixes for them has a specific machine just for this mix only. 
