Dune Videos

Video of our group from 7 years ago. Can't remember how to imbed it.

I just pasted the link right into the reply box. That seemed to work. I remember when that video came out, definite motivator to move up from dirbike/tent at the time. Must have watched that video a hundred times over the next few years.

good looking car, did you put a for sale ad yet? where's it located
It sold while we were down in glamis 2 weeks ago. It was listed in a few places, never got around to throwing it up on here though. 


My latest fling has been this Johnny speed and chrome. first video is duning at glamis, the 2nd one is out in dumont. Fun little car. The Wheelbase on these are only 105" and even though its a beam front, it handles like an A-arm Mazzone with the shorter wheelbase. Slides very nicely. Enjoy!

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Heres a few new vids now that the season is over for most people and the day dreaming begins. All Different cars I got to experience;

This one was a fun day. Took a day trip to get some footage for Sand Tires Unlimited. Got to get a feel in a Colorado Sand Truck. This thing blew my mind. I expected way more body roll, slow through the tight turns, and lots of wheel spin with no movement being that it weighs over 4k lbs. This truck was all the opposite. Super short wheelbase and a spooled rear end was the magic ticket...

This is a great video, love the sandcar info at the beginning. Ive been working on putting together a Sandcar comparison video. the one thing I am not stoked on is how much editing its going to take to make it look good. 
Wish I had the knowledge and time to do videos.  We hired Dune Freq and he did a great job.  I don't think he does them anymore though.

Its time consuming, I barely have enough time to throw up some raw dune runs  and that requires little-to-no editing. just the uploading and trimming the beginning and end is a lot more then it sounds on top of a full schedule. 

This one was 45 minutes and Youtube wouldnt accept the full length, I had to break it up into 4 videos. Most wont watch the whole thing but once its up I can pull from it and make some shorter ones. 

Kind of a cool story to this car:

This was temporary car to get through a couple trips while Im still working on my new one. While we were out at UTV Invasion in Utah I got a text from someone interested in this sand car and asked if I could get back to them after our trip, so I did. When I called him he told me of how he was friends with the Original owner that built the car and was personal friends with Larry. He mentioned that not long ago he was talking with them and trying to figure out what happened to this car, which none of them knew its whereabouts. Then he saw my post. The guy came and picked it up a few days ago, beyond stoked to get a car back that he wished he could have bought from his friend. It was very cool chatting with him as I told him what I knew/learned about the car and his memory was refreshed and would add to the knowledge as we went though the car together. Its a cool/strange feeling when your telling stories about a car and its "unique characteristics" as they all have, only to be told the story of how those became a thing in the first place, lol. example; I told him of how I was kind of bummed when I went to pick up the car and the previous owner didnt mention how the rear wing was a little bent. "Oh, thats what happens when it flys off while driving!" Says the guy buying it from me, lol. Immediately I felt relieved but also intrigued that he knew more about the car then I did. "Yep, one of those things that got over looked when we were all so excited to test it. the car was still brand new and it flew off on the first trip. We straightened it up the best we could but, it is what it is, lol". 

Any ways, to cool not to share that it came just about full circle to its original group. And even so to a guy that really wants and loves this car. It has some cool history for him, and I am beyond stoked he gets to make more with it. 

Heres a POV run through Little Sahara with my girls. their 7 and 5 and cant get enough of the sand. with that being said, its not ripper of a run. 

Heres a Dune run in St. Anthony. This is Raw and goes from Idaho Dunes Rv campground to Choke Cherry and Devils Dune then back.

On board a 2010 Tatum Sand Demon with a 2.5 Subaru on 15# of boost. Leaving olds I was already pretty low on fuel so we cruised back pretty easy. Started getting some fuel slosh towards the end of the run, but nothing to bad.

The Tatum Sand Demon is a super well built car that handles the dunes with ease and loves the tight turns. The 14.50-15 Dune Sport tires on the rear were the perfect compliment to this chassis allowing it to slide through every turn and sweep each bowl. Up front is a demo set of the STU 31" Tribute that has been comp cut leaving only the steering rib. Great option for sandcars and was a nice soft front tire that rolled through everything and had excellent turning control. This car came with a set of 6.75 Razor backs that I ended up putting back on, and the car loved having less weight up front.

Power on this car is Mildly spicy. Outfront Motorsports Tuned on E85, this car will accelerate very quickly - enough to rally and keep you on your toes - but very controlled making this an awesome family car (duning with my 5 yr old in this video) with plenty of torque to cruise any dune set in Third Gear. Easily a great car for the family that wants to get out and party in the dunes. It will keep up with the fast cars if your willing and put the kids to sleep with a smooth ride.

Thoroughly enjoyed getting to drive this car.

Yeah I've done that twice with John and he is insanely fast and I loved it. LOL
Johns a great time to be around and a blast to drive with. Excited to get another car that can keep up at that level of driving again. Currently have a Mid Travel Mazzone thats made for a great "filler" car. Its one I dont plan on selling but I definitely cant stomach putting it through that much torment to keep up with the big cars. to much stuff will break, including me, lol!
Johns a great time to be around and a blast to drive with. Excited to get another car that can keep up at that level of driving again. Currently have a Mid Travel Mazzone thats made for a great "filler" car. Its one I dont plan on selling but I definitely cant stomach putting it through that much torment to keep up with the big cars. to much stuff will break, including me, lol!
I have an SU ultra lite midengine and I thought it was going to disintegrate trying to keep pace....lol
Its been a blast. My first one had a Turbo 13b. I was always wrenching on it, but I due miss it..... Great duner's and sliders
Just picked up another Mazzone. This one is as clean as they come. This one was lengthened to 113" Wheelbase for the taller drivers. Im 5'9" and I fit with plenty of head room as opposed to my recent Mazzones Ive owned.
This dune run is mainly 4th gear low RPM. This was the first dune run with this car and the fuel cell appears to be about 7gal. I was a little concerned for fuel levels considering we were duning to vendors and back. I had plenty of fuel, lol. Next video will be a little more on the power.

Still cant get over how well these Mazzones dune. They slide so well! we were chompin at the bit every time we found smooth sand.
