chEFFs Dream Home Build

he made sure his brother lived closer to their mother  than he did.

I made sure I was not the closest to my moms house and was far enough she doesn't do the pop in.

Well I screwed that all up. I live across the street from my mother! I might be Da chEFF A DA WORLD but I ain't no genius. Peace 

The Ditch Diggers have finally arrived. Prepping the dirt for foundation. Exposing the piers. Digging the beams. About to bring the vinyl in. Stretch the cables. Hopefully can get some pics to y'all soon.

Just met the Pool company for Design approvals. WOW! Asked all the questions dbart suggested. BTW.....pool companies are slammed and their plates are full. My take on the first design visit.......It's just another job for them. We're just another name on the work order. I'm going to make sure we get everything WE want out of this pool. Once they build it, they're GONE. We have to live with it the rest of our life. Make sure WE get what we want. I feel their pressure to close the deal. No hurry here. Peace

Getting closer to the Concrete. The cable ties are very impressive. Engineered and numbered. Impressive for sure. Will locate the floor plugs and have electrical placed accordingly right before they pour foundation! We like progress! Peace

July 18 2021.JPG

July 20 2021.JPG

July 2021.JPG

July 19 2021.JPG

July 24 2021.JPG

July 25 2021.JPG

Getting closer to the Concrete. The cable ties are very impressive. Engineered and numbered. Impressive for sure. Will locate the floor plugs and have electrical placed accordingly right before they pour foundation! We like progress! Peace

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All of that has to be a Texas thing.  Any idea why? Is the dirt that unstable. We build airplane hangers and 100,000 Sq. foot tilt up buildings with less steel and internal footings

All of that has to be a Texas thing.  Any idea why? Is the dirt that unstable. We build airplane hangers and 100,000 Sq. foot tilt up buildings with less steel and internal footings

The engineered drawings did not call for piers and beams. The dirt has never been built on. My builder calls it

"Homeowner Insurance". It's worth the additional money spent. I agreed. Foundation is the most important part of the structure of any build. My personal opinion of course. As we progress, i'll detail the toothpicks being erected. Peace

Sure wish I had some updates for Y'all. No progress. Concrete should arrive this week. Peace

All of that has to be a Texas thing.  Any idea why? Is the dirt that unstable. We build airplane hangers and 100,000 Sq. foot tilt up buildings with less steel and internal footings
It rains a lot in Texas...

Then droughts a lot in Texas. 

It gets hot in Texas...

Then gets freezing arse cold in Texas.  

Texas has lots of clay, which expands/contracts more in the above conditions.  Deep piers like that make it so the foundation rides on deeper soil that won't experience as many problems with cycling.

All of that has to be a Texas thing.  Any idea why? Is the dirt that unstable. We build airplane hangers and 100,000 Sq. foot tilt up buildings with less steel and internal footings
In Texas they scrape away the vegetation and build. In CA you have to be on bedrock or do an over X, remove the dirt 3-5 feet down depending on the city then fill it back in at proper compaction. 

3-5 feet down depending on the city then fill it back in at proper compaction. 
We've done that where the putting green and pool is going in. Told the pool builder, do a compaction test. Guaranteed to be a 90+. Peace

The base pans put around the drain pipes are pretty cool. Pours up to the pan then the plumber comes back and pours the rest at a 3% fall. Makes the last/final adjustments if needed. Concrete is next. Patience is being tested. And we've only just begun. Peace



Another Note: We built a basic home recently. It's in a different neighborhood. Small 1670 sq ft 3-2-2 home. Postal Service says all new structures have to have a mailbox installed. Problem: The postal person parks his truck and walks the mail to the small boxes mounted at the front doors of every home in this neighborhood. Notice NO MAILBOXES anywhere on the street? Sometimes people think way too much! Peace




The wife grew up in this house. It was built in 1954. So many memories for her. The tears that flowed this day. I needed more emotional support for her. I just saw money! She's over it now. And my black eyes have healed. Peace 



Another Note: We built a basic home recently. It's in a different neighborhood. Small 1670 sq ft 3-2-2 home. Postal Service says all new structures have to have a mailbox installed. Problem: The postal person parks his truck and walks the mail to the small boxes mounted at the front doors of every home in this neighborhood. Notice NO MAILBOXES anywhere on the street? Sometimes people think way too much! Peace

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You're robbing someone of the opportunity to get shot stealing ON your property instead of next to it. :biggrin:

Been raining for three straight days. Put off the pour for another week. Get back in line! Peace
