BFD Revo opinions


May 7, 2021
Looks like a good car on the outside, and a good dune car, between a  big $ car and a sxs . Any thoughts ?. Haven't seen many for sale. Could be good or bad thing. What say u ?


I’ve had two Revo’s. First one was the standard Revo with a Supercharged  Ecotec. Second one that I sold earlier this year was stretched a bit and had an LS3. Both were fun cars. The niche they try to fill is they are a sand car vs SxS but small enough to fit in most toy haulers. There are lots of different engine/trans combos out there in Revos so do your homework. 

I don't have any experience with a BFD Revo but I'm not a fan of the short wheelbase.  Maybe it works though, idk.  There are plenty of reliable, well-built cars to be had for sxs money though.  

Homework  ?. Hehe. Been duning for 38 years and had 5 sand cars. Homework as in what stuff costs new nowadays maybe and I'm sure I'll be shocked. Looking at maybe a 2.5  OutF subie with 300 HP pump gas and even a 2D. I'm just in the discovery phase. Meanwhile I'll just keep putzing around in my X3.

Homework  ?. Hehe. Been duning for 38 years and had 5 sand cars. Homework as in what stuff costs new nowadays maybe and I'm sure I'll be shocked. Looking at maybe a 2.5  OutF subie with 300 HP pump gas and even a 2D. I'm just in the discovery phase. Meanwhile I'll just keep putzing around in my X3.

I don't have any experience with a BFD Revo but I'm not a fan of the short wheelbase.  Maybe it works though, idk.  There are plenty of reliable, well-built cars to be had for sxs money though.  
I have an 8' wide and 13'-4" long TH cargo parameters to work with. 

I've downsized from a big car and a 30' TH.  ( Bidenomics ). Hehe

@tjZ06 liked his as I recall. 
I replied directly to the OP, but yes I did.  Honestly if I decide to do another sand car I would consider the right one.  I keep saying I don't want to go back down the whole DP/stacker road, so something like a Revo that I could fit in a reasonable box trailer w/ the Speed would make way more sense.  And heck Revos are lighter than all the newest "sport" SxSs so there's less stress about breaking in the dunes and nothing be able to pull you out etc.  Obviously, cost is a huge factor too and they're a TON of bang for the buck.  The biggest "problem" with most used Revos on the market is the Magnum 44 transaxle.  It's a fine transaxle in the 200-300 HP range but some parts and the case aren't available anymore.  I'm sure @Sean@Weddle can do a much better job explaining the limitations of that trans, and what is or isn't still available if you break it.  

A new-build Revo with a turbo K24 and a 2D would kick arse.  Of course, I'm a big dumb-dumb and would want to do a LF4 or maybe a 4.185x3.27 9k RPM LS and a S5S... 


IMG_8314.jpeg.2cb90ad87c8129341269fe0277900539.jpegIMG_8379.jpeg.912ed506e0a8472e8a5ed881246ea039.jpegI love mine. Its like the Revo. But its a little longer and wider called the Super Sport.

The only problems I've had was the brake system with the bar and pedals hung off it. In first pic. They bound up. I tried everything to fix them. Put return springs and a support bar to try to stop pedal bar from flexing.  I finally took out the pedals and installed the under floor Tilton pedals.  fixed it. Other than that its a great car.

The biggest issue I have with the Magnum 44 is that someone took that name before we could use it. I mean, that sounds like a way cooler transaxle than everything else on the market. Maybe we can buy the rights and rename the HV line??? HV sales could skyrocket with a simple name change.  

I think I should start a thread on why the entire sand car and offroad community needs to drop the 2D from every conversation they have, other than when they are discussing replacing their 2D with something better. I guess that is what the "Transaxle thread" I made was intended to do. 

We have better transaxles now. Ones that don't break reverse and can actually handle that ported head and cammed LS motor that you threw some money at, and still have a little left in the bank to throw a stroker crank in it. Yes they cost a little more up front, but believe me when I say how much we shot ourselves in the foot on that reliability aspect. You win in the end. 

If you call me wanting to buy a 2D, you are going to have to endure the next 5-10 minutes of me giving you a long winded lecture on why I am not going to let you buy a new 2D (mostly because the VW parts needed to build them are getting hard to find, but other reasons as listed above), and do my best to convince you to buy an HV-2 or S4/S5.

(For those that have a hard time picking up my sense of humor, my response above is truthful, but sprinkled with my sarcasm)

I think the new Can Am Maverick R kinda' does what you want the Revo to do.  A couple of my friends have them and they say it is in a different world compared to his previous $100k+ Can am X3 (he owns a shop so he puts EVERYTHING you can think of on his builds; billet knuckles, big brake kits, etc.) or Rzr Turbo R.

Too bad yamaha never took the YXZ1000 to where it could have gone.

So a 300hp + 2.5 subie engine is doable. Only about 30% more than in 2000 (last time I bought a subie). Still affordable for a new build.

The tranny.

A mendie 2d not that long ago use'd to cost $7k new.

Now Weddle has a NEW 2d for $11k, an hv24 and 25 for 15-16-17k? And doesn't even include drive flanges ?. And an s4 or 5 for what ?. I'm so confused.

All I can say is, WTF. This has gone way further than inflation. The word monopoly comes to mind. Jmo.

The Weddle HV transmissions made sense when they were just a tad more than a 2D.  Now that they are double, S4 is the answer.

So why does Weddle offer a hv 24-5 at close to the same price as a S4-5 ?. There's my confusion. Is it just the mounting location for a replacement ?
