Why are so many people little b*tches these day???

I was chatting with a fellow OG here the other day and the topic came up...Why are so many people little b*tches these days?

I've been on here 20 years and seen the evolution of GD.com, the dunes, social media, the world.  As we got old..."WE" became the new..."Those damn kids..." crowd.  Yet...some have turned into and some turning into...little b*tches and being the very thing they point fingers at and criticize.  And yeah...even some of you OGs on here.

Has social media grabbed ahold of some of you too tightly?  Can't take a joke anymore?  Can't just have a conversation or be happy for others without being a little b*tch and raining on others happiness or good fortune?  F*ck people!

Yeah we all have had fun with the Chromo V Dom, Have you seen my car, etc...  and we have known all along that those at the heart of those threads were little b*tches all along but man...so many have followed down that path and become little b*tches themselves.

AND...we've had those we disagree with and bash...but some of those have never changed their tune and are true to their colors (Surf and Dune...stay golden ponyboy...)

SO...how many of you can look at yourself and say you haven't become a little b*tch?  AND...there are just some of you that have been a little b*tch your whole life and just won't admit to it.  Only you can change it.

And....FLAME ON!
This whole pontification just hurts my feelings. Bitch. 

AND....the follow on to this little tirade....

How many of you end up staring at the floor or hands in your pockets kicking rocks contemplating that your whole life is a lie when you end up saying/posting...."I can't believe I agree with Mac..."

You know who you are.... :lol:

AND....the follow on to this little tirade....

How many of you end up staring at the floor or hands in your pockets kicking rocks contemplating that your whole life is a lie when you end up saying/posting...."I can't believe I agree with Mac..."

You know who you are.... :lol:
I am proud to agree with Mac, and humbled that he will even deign to notice me. 

"Was that sarcasm?"- Sheldon

  • Haha
Reactions: Mac
AND....the follow on to this little tirade....

How many of you end up staring at the floor or hands in your pockets kicking rocks contemplating that your whole life is a lie when you end up saying/posting...."I can't believe I agree with Mac..."

You know who you are.... :lol:
I've been feeling like those "old people" when I was a kid. They were always complaining about government and I thought they were nuts.

I also thought the people at Waco and Ted Kaczynski were also nuts, but not so much anymore..

I've been feeling like those "old people" when I was a kid. They were always complaining about government and I thought they were nuts.

I also thought the people at Waco and Ted Kaczynski were also nuts, but not so much anymore..
Ted was a true prophet...

Social Media is our downfall!

I love this site and have been a member here since 2005 I believe...met some really cool people.

I try not to get into any scuffles with people, but I'll post my worthless opinion here and there on certain things.

On another site, I started to get into with a Flat earther...that was fun, but then I just told the guy, look we have our own opinion's that's what makes us individuals, but there is a saying:

"Don't argue with an idiot...you will drag me down to your level and then beat me with experience!"


Being here is purely for entertainment...but I learn some things here and there too!


Gotta have thick skin too!

Take that Peutaux @TheLatinLover Talk about thick skin...that Peutaux is like a Softball (too big...maybe a baseball) :laugh1: ...just keeps taking the hits, and comes back for more and then dishes it out like gangsta!



Dang and I just got another 31 day vacation from Nextdoor .com! I don't even know what for? lol

Social Media is our downfall!

I love this site and have been a member here since 2005 I believe...met some really cool people.

I try not to get into any scuffles with people, but I'll post my worthless opinion here and there on certain things.

On another site, I started to get into with a Flat earther...that was fun, but then I just told the guy, look we have our own opinion's that's what makes us individuals, but there is a saying:

"Don't argue with an idiot...you will drag me down to your level and then beat me with experience!"


Being here is purely for entertainment...but I learn some things here and there too!


Gotta have thick skin too!

Take that Peutaux @TheLatinLover Talk about thick skin...that Peutaux is like a Softball (too big...maybe a baseball) :laugh1: ...just keeps taking the hits, and comes back for more and then dishes it out like gangsta!


You hurt my feelings so much that I left to Mazatlan for two weeks.  I’m headed to SoCal tomorrow for a couple of retro 90s house-techno events; hide your wife, cover y0re pool!

I see this post is still relevant....
