What's yore plans for this Memorial Weekend? 2021

Won my third round of match play, now on to next round.  My competition?  Steele Canyon Gross Club Champ.  This guy.  Total stick. I have to be on my game. I’m Net Club Champ, he is Gross Club Champ.  
It’s gonna be on.  Fairways and greens, that’s what I need to do.  AND, DUNK PUTTS. 

packing for the move.. Finally getting to escape alcatraz (kommiefornia). Flying to AZ to sign docs for closing on the house and signing lease for shop space on monday.It has been a long road, and we still have a lot of hard work to do; but the light at the end of the tunnel can be seen.. I apologize in advance for those we were not able to take  care of for a while while we were preparring for the move.. Once we settle into the new shop, we will be able to service more peeps and in less time.

Evan @ SRS
Well it has been not quite a month now in free Merica.. A little hotter, but very happy with the move.. have some pretty cool neighbors, at the house,& in our shop complex.. Our new space should be finished in the next 30-40 days.. Then we get to move again.😢🥵.. we are settling in as best we can, knowing we have to pick it all up, and move it all again.. The additional space is pretty cool though..Still unpacking boxes..LOL .. Best part is being closer to the grandsons, and my oldest is joining the SRS team..Lots to be thankful for!!





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