What's yore plans for this Memorial Weekend? 2021

Trying to finish up the body work on the Galaxie. If anyone that actually knows what they are doing(as in, unlike me!) wants to come help, I will gladly throw meat on the barbi and supply refreshments!

Did someone say cold ones?



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went to a funeral last Monday and going to two more this Sat😌, besides that, relaxing driving some tractors.  maybe take the first dip in the pool, this spring has been real cool so far
You know...cold water is good for you... :poke:

I go in all through the year and it really feels great.

Don't let that beautifull pool just sit there waiting patiently for summer!


You know...cold water is good for you... :poke:

I go in all through the year and it really feels great.

Don't let that beautifull pool just sit there waiting patiently for summer!

well maybe you low-land ers can do that but maybe you should come up to my house and show me how its done. im at 2100 feet up and nights are in the 30's

i bet my kids money all the time in the winter to jump in, the money spent is worth the look and squeals that follow

packing for the move.. Finally getting to escape alcatraz (kommiefornia). Flying to AZ to sign docs for closing on the house and signing lease for shop space on monday.It has been a long road, and we still have a lot of hard work to do; but the light at the end of the tunnel can be seen.. I apologize in advance for those we were not able to take  care of for a while while we were preparring for the move.. Once we settle into the new shop, we will be able to service more peeps and in less time.

Evan @ SRS

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Misc stuff around the house. Monday I fly to Texas for an Axis deer & hog hunt. Gonna try and fill the freezer with some organic meat.

Don't California my Texas! HAHA! Peace


First Memorial day at home in ~10 years... no Highland games to attend (Costa Mesa cancelled again) and the trailer isn't unloaded yet to go camping.

The weekend I'm on the search for trailer storage nearby, had to bring it home yesterday as the previous facility is closing. Will be cleaning out the garage to make room for the sand toys, cleaning the trailer for summer, made some tee times to break in a new driver I picked up the other day, helping a buddy drag brush for a while, grilling up some dead beast, and being thankful for all of the men and women that gave their lives for our freedoms.

Our debt to the heroic men and valiant women in the service of our country can never be repaid...png

well I have a 4 day weekend because I am maxxed out of Vacation time at work so they gave me Friday off. Kinda wish I was at work since Friday will be full of Housework to get ready for my Ex-wife and her wife are coming into town and staying at my house to visit my Boys for a few days. Kinda weird I know but I have a big heart and try to help everyone out. Wanting to take down the Pool here and start cleaning out the Toyhauler to get rid of but Havent reached that point in my situation as of YET.Searching the interwebs for a buddy who wants to buy a New Talon and it will be stored at my house as well.Sunday gonna do some shredded chicken tacos for everyone and after church watch the races. Monday of course remember those that never made it home and honor those brave souls.

Heading up north to the White Mountain (Show Low Area) for an annual softball tourney.  Higher elevation + cold weather = ball flys further.  Hoping to do some shooting of a couple 2A items I have picked up over the last year.  Traffic is going to suck heading out of Town...  Oh well.  Work is just about over and time to start the weekend.

