What Are You Listening To

I remember showing up to either the Woodstock or Radio City in Anaheim on a Friday night to see Steeler with Yngwie again. Saw a band unloading all kinds of gear with yellow and black stripes. Asked Oz Fox what their band was and he said "Stryper". I told him they were not on the flyer, and he said Steelers guitar player quit the band and they got the call. A couple years later we went to Riverside to see Alcatrazz play. They went on late and had a new guitar player called Steve Vai. Their sound guy told me they fired Yngwie a few days before the show. Back then I thought he was the greatest ever, today kind of tedious...

34 minutes ago, 9rocky said:

I remember showing up to either the Woodstock or Radio City in Anaheim on a Friday night to see Steeler with Yngwie again. Saw a band unloading all kinds of gear with yellow and black stripes. Asked Oz Fox what their band was and he said "Stryper". I told him they were not on the flyer, and he said Steelers guitar player quit the band and they got the call. A couple years later we went to Riverside to see Alcatrazz play. They went on late and had a new guitar player called Steve Vai. Their sound guy told me they fired Yngwie a few days before the show. Back then I thought he was the greatest ever, today kind of tedious...

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Just wanted to repost this from sndsamplr for those of us who are mostly deaf and don’t want to have to listen to it ten times to get it all deciphered.

13 hours ago, aceisback said:

That sucks. Kinda. Stryper  kicked ass back in the day so you did get that. Wish I would have been able to see Steeler. I did however see the Ted Nugent Penatrator tour with Alcatrazz opening. Graham Bonnet on vocals and a young “Ingvay” slaughtering a pink Stratocaster. He was something for sure. Arrogant azzhole as has been well documented, but could melt the strings off of a fretboard.

Mr Nugent was nothing less than a God that evening, as he is any evening. Probably why I have around 20 ticket stubs from his shows. \m/
