Welcome Polaris Pro R to the Sand Rail section.

Always third gear at 4-5k rpm, or in fourth on the straightaways with you guys.

I remember one trip with you, Darren, and the taxi buggy where I couldn't keep up (I was frickin 2 dunes away), you guys were hauling the mail ðŸ˜Ž
Good damn times bro! Miss the chit out of those days. That lite weight SU car of yours was stupid fast at the drags! Man no matter how hard I tried to short shift that bitch i  couldn’t keep it off that rev limiter! That meth injected turbo Honda got a piece! Quickest car from a dig I ever drove.

Just how far out does the rear wheels sickout past the body/cage?


Almost looks like you can step on the rear tire to grab a beer from the ice chest on the back...


I've been trying to talk Tony ( urclever ) into going since he got his Funco. He doesn't understand what he's missing out on. 
I tried telling Tony the same thing when we saw you guys at Sand Mountain!! Tell him to get his ass up there next year, you guys are more than welcome to roll with our group. Nothing better than these big V8 cars in those dunes!!!

Just how far out does the rear wheels sickout past the body/cage?

Almost looks like you can step on the rear tire to grab a beer from the ice chest on the back...

The tires stick out around 6" past the rear of the car. 

Most Sand Rail Owners feel that the Pro-R owners that think they are in the same league, are Homo's, 

Until you have spent 3K plus on a transaxle repair, deal with 930 or 934 cvs, and if they do not recognize you at Kartek 

The you are a sad want to be sandcar owner, (Homo), 
Like riding a moped to a Harley run!


Oh, can the newer Hardleys finally outrun a moped? :classic_biggrin:
True that. I haven't owned too many street bikes but I did have a road king for a little while. It was a 95 or 97 I think. Evo motor. It was disappointing in the power department for sure. Had a victory Vegas 8 ball around the same time. No comparison. The victory had a lot more power. 


The sandrail guys all laugh and make fun until it is time to get towed back to camp after they break something.  The ass end of the Pro R is not looking so bad as it is towing them through the dunes not worrying about destroying a 20K transmission.   

The sandrail guys all laugh and make fun until it is time to get towed back to camp after they break something.  The ass end of the Pro R is not looking so bad as it is towing them through the dunes not worrying about destroying a 20K transmission.   
They are good for something. 

The sandrail guys all laugh and make fun until it is time to get towed back to camp after they break something.  The ass end of the Pro R is not looking so bad as it is towing them through the dunes not worrying about destroying a 20K transmission.   
I have seen plenty of SxS sides that won't tow anyone because they don't want to burn up their belt  :mobeer:

I have seen plenty of SxS sides that won't tow anyone because they don't want to burn up their belt  :mobeer:
$100 for a belt is way better than $2000 for a trans repair.

Plus, with 4WD, if momentum stops, just back up and try again.  Momentum stops in a buggy towing...  Lame

Oh, can the newer Hardleys finally outrun a moped? :classic_biggrin:
