This is BS

I wasn't gonna post this little gem, perhaps I did already post it before the crash, who knows.

Anyways, a few years ago, lets say gecko campground. A group was parked for almost the entire season, they had a habit of leaving sun am and returning thurs night. 4 to 6 rigs, yes ghost campers, but did leave a few things out and occasionally a person would stay during the week. They were rather boisterous about leaving their stuff all season.

During the weekend, one of the persons from camp A "exchanged" some select choice words with the camp next to them.

On Sunday night the camp next to them were there, they, like normal were not there. A buggy came into camp, did a giant loud donut and left, nobody responded, i.e., recon complete, yes?

The next day, said camp left.

Camp left behind, had every single tire slashed (almost)
All of their pump stations and genny tanks compromised
I'm old and retarded, there was other f-d up stuff but these were the main things done.

I do not condone any of this, and believe that a verbal disagreement does not rise to the level of this type of blatant vandalism and deliberate destruction of property.

Take away? Don't leave your shit unattended, ever.

And be careful when having an argument with doy'er fans. Irony is, both camps were doy'er/raider fans, they should have known better.

I sleep with one eye open, and my hand on the trigger, and come out of my rig both barrels blaz'n when I hear a mouse fart. But I also don't insult my neighbors, regardless of their sports team of choice.
Almost forgot,



I spoke of this 20 years ago, but it may need a refresh.
We camped at "Wash 2" forever. Two families, not much acreage.
Middle of the night, a group of guys show up, and park on our camp south edge.
Zero space to their camp. Remember, "Middle Of The Night".
They fire up 6 or seven three wheelers, and start circling the camp area.
I normally don't worry about "No Mufflers" but all of them were missing.
My daughter was attempting to take care of a new baby that didn't like
the noise. Our dog also was freaking. They actually stopped riding about 5 am.
I'm not sure who, but about dawn, all of the un-muffled three wheel Hondas
failed to start. (Not me) Anyway, it turns out they were all deaf.
And, they didn't know how to start Hondas. They needed the noise to hear the
Honda power. It was quiet the rest of the week.
My cousin camped in Wash 6 this past weekend, was bummed we couldn't make it.

He is a Rams fan, they had a great time.
The last sentence.. lol. I was gonna say it sounds like you need a bigger stereo?

In all seriousness though have you guys considered maybe some kinda noise canceling devices while sleeping? I know they make sleeping ones now.. not sure if I could sleep with them or not?


You mean like a season pass, so you can go whenever you want, device?

I used to sleep like a baby with mine. 💤
You know I realize the internet is the internet and usually it’s a far cry from reality.. but are people really fucking with people’s rigs and doing this shit?

You mean like a season pass, so you can go whenever you want, device?

I used to sleep like a baby with mine. 💤

No.. I meant more like winning through overwhelming force kinda thing. If theirs is loud my shit is louder.. if there’s shit is concert my shit is nuclear. lol.

Eventually they give up and will come to an understanding.. than ya send in your intelligence guys to negotiate for tacos for peace.

Maybe I’ve been watching too much narcos.. but as ya know I’m sponsored by kicker and boom bandits is a close friend.. so that shit is only gonna happen once to me.. then all their relatives are gonna pay for it.. forever.

Shit my Sign truck has a stereo that will shake your shirt at 50’.

Purchased the highest rated ear plugs they sell...Wish they sold some sort of comfortable soundproof sleep helmet thing. Might be an invention that needs to be created.
You know I realize the internet is the internet and usually it’s a far cry from reality.. but are people really fucking with people’s rigs and doing this shit?

Been doing G for 41 years, and spend upwards of 100+ days a season out there.

To answer your question, yes, but extremely rare. Usually it is because of a previous or current negative reaction to an event or chain of events. I have only been witness to one in over 4 decades. And I paraphrased it above.

Glamis is a pretty cool community, and very large on holidays. When the population swells, so do the assholes. I'm sure on a major holiday in havasue you get a few jack-offs, yes?
Been doing G for 41 years, and spend upwards of 100+ days a season out there.

To answer your question, yes, but extremely rare. Usually it is because of a previous or current negative reaction to an event or chain of events. I have only been witness to one in over 4 decades. And I paraphrased it above.

Glamis is a pretty cool community, and very large on holidays. When the population swells, so do the assholes. I'm sure on a major holiday in havasue you get a few jack-offs, yes?

Just like Glamis...

I'm only on the water mid week.

That answer your question? 😎😜
Bose over the ear noise cancelling headphones + ear plugs and you’ll sleep through anything. Not as uncomfortable as you’d imaging. The headphones usually die half way through the night but you’re long asleep by that point anyways.
Don’t dump their black tanks. That pollutes and stinks up your camp too. Just open the low point drain on their fresh tank so they can’t flush, shower or do dishes all weekend. Something tells me the wife will get sick of that real quick and decide to pull chocks sooner rather than later.
It was so nice at Dumont for Thanksgiving, only Halloween is a Shit Show, Thanksgiving, was dead quite around 9-10PM and then i Friday morning, not one noise not even a 4 wheeler before 9am, was kind of odd, Saturday was louder,

The Duning was Great at Dumont for Halloween, All the Circus Music peeps stayed in camp playing music, no one was in the Dunes,

The Duning Sucked on Thanksgiving, All the White Peeps went to bed early and was riding in the dunes all day,