The story of glamis dunes forum

Bababouuuuuuy shows up one day at our campfire. Meets Da chEFF. I have NO CLUE who this guy is. He plays the NEWBIE roll. Had me hook line and sinker. I was telling him the whole story from the beginning. I think he couldn't hold it under his breath anymore and said "chEFF, I know the story" EFFER had me. Haven't liked him since! HAHA Peace

Bababouuuuuuy shows up one day at our campfire. Meets Da chEFF. I have NO CLUE who this guy is. He plays the NEWBIE roll. Had me hook line and sinker. I was telling him the whole story from the beginning. I think he couldn't hold it under his breath anymore and said "chEFF, I know the story" EFFER had me. Haven't liked him since! HAHA Peace
That guy showed up at my house one day unannounced without me giving him my address. I’m thinking he is a stalker 

That guy showed up at my house one day unannounced without me giving him my address. I’m thinking he is a stalker 
That guy would drive by my house, see my garage open and come drink my beer, since Coors light is an upgrade from his normal Keystone light.  My wife would see him, and say that guy from down the street is drinking our beer again, freakin homeless guy.  My beer cost went way down when he moved to Idaho.  Stay away from Baba.

That guy would drive by my house, see my garage open and come drink my beer, since Coors light is an upgrade from his normal Keystone light.  My wife would see him, and say that guy from down the street is drinking our beer again, freakin homeless guy.  My beer cost went way down when he moved to Idaho.  Stay away from Baba.
I forgot about the keystone light, every time I stopped by I now remember bringing my own.  I think the keystone was straight out of the lake 

I forgot about the keystone light, every time I stopped by I now remember bringing my own.  I think the keystone was straight out of the lake 
You can't trust Raider fans that are thugs

First time ever I met ^ that guy handed me and Chummin warm beer :oll:

First time I met ^ ^ ^ guy he handed me a chip with Esho Sauce on it .  . .

First time I met ^ ^ ^ guy he handed me a chip with Esho Sauce on it .  . .

When he handed me a chip and Esco Sauce he almost got decked by a Joe Frazier Right! Peace 

First time I met ^ ^ ^ guy he handed me a chip with Esho Sauce on it .  . .
First time I ever even heard of Esco sauce..

Had gone on a ride with Copper & Buggy and a bunch of people, Ex wife had gone on what she thought was the same ride in someones rail. She had always wanted a ride in a rail and that day she got to, Well anyway I was with the One more beer and one more cigarette group and she was with the let's get back to camp and start to drink group. 

So I roll back into camp to my trailer that was maybe in the 3rd ring. Grab a beer and go try and find the ex. About the time I am out of beer and heading back for my trailer that I am not sure exactly where it is. She shows up from the other side of camp.

She is hammered. Tells me about this apple pie drink and how good it is then proceeds to put a chip piled high with this Esco stuff on it in my mouth.  Back in those day's Esco's recipe for salsa was simple.  It was your basic salsa recipe except you substitute tomatoes for jalapenos and Habaneros for tomatoes.  My mouth was on fire, Now I am in a panic looking for my cooler.

Once I found it got my beer I noticed this amazing smell coming off the guy grilling in front of my trailer. I was like what is that it smells awesome.  Bohica offers up a piece of this amazing meat and I ask what is that?

Pig's Ass, My reply was I will eat a pigs ass anytime it is cooked like that..

I grew up getting on this site, never was a member though until recently. I remember being in school and jumping on here and Race-dezert to show friends the "Finer things in life". We spent tons of time going through pics. early 2000's. I heard some of Johns stories of the EPO's and would jump on here to try and find out more. This site is entertaining, thats for sure!


I remember sleeping on the sand one morning Vendors Row. No bed just sleeping bag and pillow. Brand new Honda 350X 3-wheeler parked next to me. Woke up to this massive looking moho and trailer pulling into the flats. I remember saying to myself......Self, someday you're going to pull into Glamis with the same set up. It was 1985. Went back to TX and put a picture of a moho / trailer on my office wall to see every morning / every day. It was my "GOAL" in life. 2001 I pulled into Glamis with my Moho / Trailer and the baddest 4-wheeler made (at the time). Got out of the moho on sand highway, bent down to kiss the sand and cried my eyes out!! It was an incredible feeling. Mission Accomplished! Still gives me tears. Just goes to show you.....if you want something bad enough, you can get it! Peace   

I remember sleeping on the sand one morning Vendors Row. No bed just sleeping bag and pillow. Brand new Honda 350X 3-wheeler parked next to me. Woke up to this massive looking moho and trailer pulling into the flats. I remember saying to myself......Self, someday you're going to pull into Glamis with the same set up. It was 1985. Went back to TX and put a picture of a moho / trailer on my office wall to see every morning / every day. It was my "GOAL" in life. 2001 I pulled into Glamis with my Moho / Trailer and the baddest 4-wheeler made (at the time). Got out of the moho on sand highway, bent down to kiss the sand and cried my eyes out!! It was an incredible feeling. Mission Accomplished! Still gives me tears. Just goes to show you.....if you want something bad enough, you can get it! Peace   
Did I ever tell you you're my hero?
You're everything, everything I wish I could be
Oh, and I, I could fly higher than an eagle
For you are the wind beneath my wings


What I think my Dream set up would be changes...but its been this for awhile now...THOR Omni RB34



Did I ever tell you you're my hero?
You're everything, everything I wish I could be
Oh, and I, I could fly higher than an eagle
For you are the wind beneath my wings

In Vin Scully's voice . . .

In Vin Scully's voice . . .
In Vins voice or Paul Harvey's voice, even in Morgan Freemans voice it sounds profound and rega, but Crusty wrote it so all I hear is Homer J. Simpson's voice.  It takes on a new light then.
