The story of glamis dunes forum

Now that he has passed away, I can verify that it was Dune Goat who pissed on Eddie's (RIP can't remember his board name) truck tire . . .


My first visit to 13.5 way back when......people were very friendly.  By the end of the evening after putting everyone to bed.....I forgot where I parked my quad. Peace

Now that he has passed away, I can verify that it was Dune Goat who pissed on Eddie's (RIP can't remember his board name) truck tire . . .
I remember when Dune Goat had a pin in 13.5 with a live goat in it. DON~~~

My first visit to 13.5 way back when......people were very friendly.  By the end of the evening after putting everyone to bed.....I forgot where I parked my quad. Peace
Ah yes the night I met the Cheff, Was convinced he was a wise man beyond his years until he couldn't remember where he parked his quad.

In his defense there were a lot of Ford trucks pulling Weekend Warrior trailers with blue YFZ450's parked next to them

I remember when Dune Goat had a pin in 13.5 with a live goat in it. DON~~~
I remember when he thought tying an anchor to his dog Mr Furley was a good idea to keep him from wandering off after Randy passed out.

I also remember a bunch of us in the morning following this strange track in the sand from rig to rig from one side of 13.5 to the other. Wondering what the hell had made the tracks. 

Now that he has passed away, I can verify that it was Dune Goat who pissed on Eddie's (RIP can't remember his board name) truck tire . . .
Holy crap, that's funny!  My wife and I still joke about pissing on tires.  Astars was extremely pissed off about that.

I remember when he thought tying an anchor to his dog Mr Furley was a good idea to keep him from wandering off after Randy passed out.

I also remember a bunch of us in the morning following this strange track in the sand from rig to rig from one side of 13.5 to the other. Wondering what the hell had made the tracks. 
Fast Mr Furley


Don't put your awnings out New Year weekend. Fire works is a huge fine but no one cares. Some of the best firework shows I have seen were at 13.5 DON~~~

Glamis pictures 056.JPG

Glamis pictures 067.JPG

Remember when wash 11 got flooded. DON~~~
@sndsamplr remembers that WELL / I ve never seen a motorhome swim like that before!!! :clap1: Well Done!!! :lol:

I remenber going crazy in the Rhino in that flood and dear god what a mess I made of that thing!! Clean up took forever!!!

Good Times!!!


Used to camp at Wash 11. I would bury my bubbler machine with vegetation inside an aluminum container. Back when it was illegal in the state of CA. One trip I returned to find an entire camp circled up on top of my burial. Walked right into the middle of their morning coffee / fire with my shovel, greeted them with a smile and a TX "HOWDY".......dug up my bubbler and said "Y'ALL" have a great day. Peace

Used to camp at Wash 11. I would bury my bubbler machine with vegetation inside an aluminum container. Back when it was illegal in the state of CA. One trip I returned to find an entire camp circled up on top of my burial. Walked right into the middle of their morning coffee / fire with my shovel, greeted them with a smile and a TX "HOWDY".......dug up my bubbler and said "Y'ALL" have a great day. Peace
Waaaiiitt….. wait just a minute… was it next to a tree? Had you ever left it there all year till the next trip? 

Waaaiiitt….. wait just a minute… was it next to a tree? Had you ever left it there all year till the next trip? 

Yep. Did it for years. My buddies would call me all the time "Where is it buried?"

I'd never tell em. They don't replenish. Peace

This is a super cool thread.  Lots of interesting stories.  

Thanks to all of the OG's that had the vision to put this together and keeping it going all of these years.  

Fireball and BaBa have a good information on it. I came on to the site sometime in the late 90s, when it was the old bulletin board and no pics. Around 2000, I met this character name Slappy Who was on the site arguing with a couple members about who was fast as in the dunes. I believe the conversation was whether or not a 250R was better in the dunes than a banshee. And I think that went on for quite some time. And I think Slappy decided to jump in and ask them to prove it , and that’s how I believe the EPO‘s were created.   Kurt Leptich, original creator, also took a liking to him, and a few other moderators came to be, such as Kenny, the Pastor, and fast high jumper, Fireball.  Slappy‘s neighborhood was created, general chat, and a few other forums.   At the same time this was going on I met a guy named Patrick, FNG, a webmaster, and him and I had discussions with Slappy on purchasing the site, and FNG created magic with the site, and Who could forget that original intro of flirting with disaster.   Slappy took it; as he has said, the golden ripples of Glamis engulfed his soul. Esco came and was an intricate part behind the scene of the bulletin board; so invaluable…Beachhead, Trap as well.  FNG with creating what was in Slaps head, and on it has gone… i’m fuzzy with timelines, and there are so many intricate players that I haven’t mentioned, so I couldn’t give you specific dates on when who what and why, it was all going so fast.  Since then, we’ve had moderators come and go, friendships and families created, taco Tuesdays, gatherings of all kinds, hot wheels nationals, EPO‘s, sand shows, veterans ceremonies, golf tournaments, both sand and grass (Chummin rocking it) Internet community like no other.  I can honestly say the first of its kind where everybody knew each other and gathered together to meet and start friendships, all revolving around Glamis.  Slappy took the lead way back to protect the wildlife, educate people on the beauty of Glamis, understand her, protect her, all her inhabitants, and create a Dune etiquette amongst members that we all still share today.  Through riddles, stories, caption contests, prose and poetry, a light shined that we all could get behind to reopen our dunes.  

There is so much more that could be filled in throughout the years, I’m sure many members here have plenty of stories. Then once the Internet really took off, people splintered off and created their own sites, created their own groups, but still one community, but was the original.  The door is always open here, and people still come and go.  

I still have the old signs that were placed out on Highway 78 in my garage.  i’m sure some more memories will pop into my head, and a few of the OG‘s heads from way back in the day, and can fill in some gaps, add stories, good and bad times. members, I am so proud to be a part of this group, have met some fantastic people, some serious bholes also, can’t leave them out, but all in all, the best people on the planet
Remember when speedfreak showed up and scared everybody with his crazy antics, that guy was one bad dude 
