The story of glamis dunes forum

13.5 was 3 rings deep. If you were on the inner circle, you couldn't leave. The original 70 regattas were a blast! I even remember some dang old rock band playing out there, They had a kick ass drummer. We even had Pimp Shack Dave sightings and party's at Bohicas disco lounge. If we got drunk enough we would slum over to tent alley. 

Ex- Wife was in King Glamis' Yahoo group and when she moved in with me she turned my desktop computer from a solitaire playing machine to a Online supercomputer with this magical thing called AOL.

She typed into the supercomputer a series of // www and some dots and said here play with this.  That was Oct 2001. I had my core group and she had a group she rode with. Well by March of that year my group had all but stopped going and didn't and sadly wouldn't be going any more.  Her group well lets just say this.  I would rather stop going to the dunes then to of continued on with them. 

So I went back to that super windows 90 something computer and started interacting around here

First thing we did was went to a Taco Tuesday, Met up with Goat Poker, Luvdunin and found out that Queen Glamis took her smoke breaks about 10 feet in front of my construction trailer.  They invited us to a South Dunes clean up and met Chummin and Crash along with a few others. A few weeks later we went to Glamis for the first ever Golf Tourney and despite meeting Treshombres, Who walked up to me and said something to the effect that he was going to buy the sunglasses I was wearing but thought he looked bad wearing them. 

After that weekend we had found our group.  The next season we went a lot and met even more people and some of them I have duned with every year sense. 

I was in AOL Chat rooms, Glamisonline the ASA Board and a couple other small ones before

Photosport had the most awesome pictures, you could always see your car at the drags if your car was at the drags..LOL..and Boobies.

They all said GD had bad people, which was funny cause the people I didn't like in those other places were the ones pointing their fingers at GD.

I joined GD cause Kevin, Rivermobster, Fireball and a couple others I met elsewhere where here, they said this place was numero uno :crusty:  they were right.

Ups and Downs happens everywhere. My own groups have grown, died, been reborn and constantly changed since my first trip to Glamis in like the 4th grade.

But here on GD, tell me there is not at least a few person (Even if you never met them in person) that you could call, email, DM or whatever and they would stop what they were doing and listen, talk, advise or literally go help you out?

I may have not been in Glamis a couple years now, but the "Pen Pal" system has kept me sane while in lockup.


Love reading all these memories and at the Last Sand show did we had a Huge slide show going with so many pics and memories..

I can Honestly saw I wouldnt be the person I am today without the people here on this Board.. Priceless For sure

Some of the older pics I got.

King/Queen wedding at Boardmanville (i think),  Retodd at Compound cleanup, fast guy ride, Chummin Wild Bill Me Sandraptor mullet dude, SocalDmax short shorts, me and Mrs Esco, Coobie stuck at 19, Crazy wreck outside Wash 13,



bigHallowwen ride.jpg






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I never thought to park my truck on a quad to change a tire.  LOL 

Hope no one was hurt... 

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I never thought to park Mt teuck on a quad to change a tire.  LOL 

Hope no one was hurt... 
Can't recall anyone hurt.  Empty beer cans fell out of cab.  That's Mr Dune and PimpShackDave to the left of truck.

I was with My brother Cheff when we found Slappy. It was one crazy night of ripping dunes…he was on  350x and I was on a 240r, three wheelers… The lines just opened up, and we rode for a good hour, then took a break out on a peak, and along came this stickman.  It was the strangest night, mentally and physically.  Best night riding I’ve ever done.  

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#1, The first board member I met, pastor VOR and his 185S. #2, One of the gatherings, 13.5 I think. #3, Opening day of the compound behind the glamis beach store. #4, a couple of gays. We don't discriminate. What goes on in someone's trailer is their own business unless a camera happens to sneak in.   

Pastor VOR.jpg



Steve and Kennie.jpg

Can't recall anyone hurt.  Empty beer cans fell out of cab.  That's Mr Dune and PimpShackDave to the left of truck.
That was after the Doc Chase fast guy's meet up on that ridge in 5 minute fast guy ride. 

What had happened was the big group took off out of 13.5 like cockroaches seeing light to this ridge.  Then the ride started ( not the one in the picture) Anyway I was toward the back with Shannon( Ken250R) and Tweet in a buggy.  Shannon throws a chain. Tweet and myself stop and the ride moves on without us... 

Little did I know the EX- Wife's clutch went out about a mile later.

So anyway we get the chain unstuck and go back to camp so Shannon can replace it.  Once back there some of the group has now arrived. I find out the EX is missing from the group so we start to get a search party ready when she rolls in and tears into me for leaving her.  

Anyway it was during this time Shannon jumps on his bike to go stretch his chain out.

So anyway how does this get to the truck parked on the bike, well I am getting there.

So it is now mid day we are all sitting around when Shannon rolls back into camp ( not sure anybody knew he was gone) with bent set of bars a flat front tire and a busted visor on his helmet. Gets off the bike walks up to Doc Chase and says " I effed up bad" and collapses.  He is still awake but has multiple broken ribs and later we find out a collapsed lung 

Doc Chace keeps saying Shannon if you don't get up in 2 minutes I am going to call an ambulance. This goes on till an ambulance is actually called and they roll into 13.5.

The guy on the red bike saw the ambulance and went to see what happened and was cruising around seeing what was going on when the red truck ran into him.  

I still remember Tres'Chic grabbing her kids and walking them over and saying see what happens when you don't keep your head on a swivel. 

I was with My brother Cheff when we found Slappy. It was one crazy night of ripping dunes…he was on  350x and I was on a 240r, three wheelers… The lines just opened up, and we rode for a good hour, then took a break out on a peak, and along came this stickman.  It was the strangest night, mentally and physically.  Best night riding I’ve ever done.  

What a great time sndsmplr! Remember it well. Peace

13.5 was 3 rings deep. If you were on the inner circle, you couldn't leave. The original 70 regattas were a blast! I even remember some dang old rock band playing out there, They had a kick ass drummer. We even had Pimp Shack Dave sightings and party's at Bohicas disco lounge. If we got drunk enough we would slum over to tent alley. 
Ah, PSD our resident liberal, had some good convos / debates back in the day…I used to camp at Wash 40, cruise by 13.5 to get shirts I ordered from Scat. I wonder if SoCal (Steve) ever found No1youknow killed him and buried him in the desert?

Ah, PSD our resident liberal, had some good convos / debates back in the day…I used to camp at Wash 40, cruise by 13.5 to get shirts I ordered from Scat. I wonder if SoCal (Steve) ever found No1youknow killed him and buried him in the desert?
Now that he has passed away, I can verify that it was Dune Goat who pissed on Eddie's (RIP can't remember his board name) truck tire . . .
