The story of glamis dunes forum


Well-known member
May 5, 2021
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What is the story of the glamis dunes forum?  Who started it, who owns it, I'm sure it was a group effort, who are the players and how did they all meet?  Was there a mailing list before the forum?  

The original BBS (Bulletin board system) was a school project for a teacher from Brawley. Teacher or principle, my mind is fuzzy on that but his name is Kurt. The internet was way different back then in 1998 or so with email just becoming a thing, no social media, just crude websites. No pics or video, you were just able to upload text to a "thread" of replies to an original topic post. He gained members by placing signs along the 78. All they said was the text "" 3 times. All of us original reprobates were drawn in from those signs. When I typed in the site address for the first time, I found a wild place with the two standouts arguing a blue streak being Fasthijumper and Slappy. The site grew and Kurt changed the site over from a BBS to an actual forum, upgrading several times. He started adding moderators to help run the site and then started backing off from day to day operations. The site started getting very big as hobby oriented sites go and we had a bit of a reputation as being loud and obnoxious (Well earned) compared to the ASA (American sand association) website who had been the largest sand dune site at the time and which we eventually eclipsed in size. Kurt decided he didn't want his reputation as principle to be affected by the reputation of and started looking for a buyer. Slappy stepped up, bought the site and has successfully owned it ever since with help running the site from completely volunteer moderators and admin. Well, he does kick down a new Funco to each moderator once a year.....

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I’ve heard it goes back quite a ways, JD’s mule lost a shoe at what is now Osborn Overlook on a fur trapping run. While working on the mule Jesus showed up asking for advice on where to put the sand. 
Fast forward 60 years, JD is still hanging out when he encounters a pasty emancipated chap with a speech pattern similar to what would later be associated with a Star Wars character named Yoda. The newcomer introduced himself as Slappy and in a offering of greetings and salutations shared his wealth of Coozie Cups, stickers and various SWAG.

Slappy it seems was on the run from some fairly serious charges in Yermo Ca. so he changed his last name to McDuner, started a Website and lived happily ever after.

I’ve heard it goes back quite a ways, JD’s mule lost a shoe at what is now Osborn Overlook on a fur trapping run. While working on the mule Jesus showed up asking for advice on where to put the sand. 
Fast forward 60 years, JD is still hanging out when he encounters a pasty emancipated chap with a speech pattern similar to what would later be associated with a Star Wars character named Yoda. The newcomer introduced himself as Slappy and in a offering of greetings and salutations shared his wealth of Coozie Cups, stickers and various SWAG.

Slappy it seems was on the run from some fairly serious charges in Yermo Ca. so he changed his last name to McDuner, started a Website and lived happily ever after.
That's the story I heard too.  

I originally joined in 02 or 03 and it was a very different place. 

Honestly I miss the old school BS and chit talking. If you were here and active you had some thick skin cuz it was like glamis in some ways. A little lawless at times, kind of crazy after the sun goes down and summer was the equivalent of a holiday weekend. Short tempers and plenty of liquid courage flowing through those keyboard’s. 

always has been a great community in my opinion. 

Fireball and BaBa have a good information on it. I came on to the site sometime in the late 90s, when it was the old bulletin board and no pics. Around 2000, I met this character name Slappy Who was on the site arguing with a couple members about who was fast as in the dunes. I believe the conversation was whether or not a 250R was better in the dunes than a banshee. And I think that went on for quite some time. And I think Slappy decided to jump in and ask them to prove it , and that’s how I believe the EPO‘s were created.   Kurt Leptich, original creator, also took a liking to him, and a few other moderators came to be, such as Kenny, the Pastor, and fast high jumper, Fireball.  Slappy‘s neighborhood was created, general chat, and a few other forums.   At the same time this was going on I met a guy named Patrick, FNG, a webmaster, and him and I had discussions with Slappy on purchasing the site, and FNG created magic with the site, and Who could forget that original intro of flirting with disaster.   Slappy took it; as he has said, the golden ripples of Glamis engulfed his soul. Esco came and was an intricate part behind the scene of the bulletin board; so invaluable…Beachhead, Trap as well.  FNG with creating what was in Slaps head, and on it has gone… i’m fuzzy with timelines, and there are so many intricate players that I haven’t mentioned, so I couldn’t give you specific dates on when who what and why, it was all going so fast.  Since then, we’ve had moderators come and go, friendships and families created, taco Tuesdays, gatherings of all kinds, hot wheels nationals, EPO‘s, sand shows, veterans ceremonies, golf tournaments, both sand and grass (Chummin rocking it) Internet community like no other.  I can honestly say the first of its kind where everybody knew each other and gathered together to meet and start friendships, all revolving around Glamis.  Slappy took the lead way back to protect the wildlife, educate people on the beauty of Glamis, understand her, protect her, all her inhabitants, and create a Dune etiquette amongst members that we all still share today.  Through riddles, stories, caption contests, prose and poetry, a light shined that we all could get behind to reopen our dunes.  

There is so much more that could be filled in throughout the years, I’m sure many members here have plenty of stories. Then once the Internet really took off, people splintered off and created their own sites, created their own groups, but still one community, but was the original.  The door is always open here, and people still come and go.  

I still have the old signs that were placed out on Highway 78 in my garage.  i’m sure some more memories will pop into my head, and a few of the OG‘s heads from way back in the day, and can fill in some gaps, add stories, good and bad times. members, I am so proud to be a part of this group, have met some fantastic people, some serious assholes also, can’t leave them out, but all in all, the best people on the planet

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I’ll try to fill in some timelines, what happened, who came in, who left, when it comes to me.  With all the people that have been here over the years, and the stories we could share, I could write a full on novel. Maybe someday I will. There’s a ton of people that have a lot more info during the last 22 years that Slappy has owned it… i’m not sure, he doesn’t fill me in on a lot of things, just says I need to get out to Glamis.

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In the late 1990's, ASA was the site forum to be on, it was big for it's time, but it had a goal to keep the dunes open.  So banter and fun weren't the primary focus, along with tech threads.  That being said there were some good tech threads back in the day.  I think a lot of us were searching for more than what ASA could bring.  King Glamis had a Yahoo group chat that some of were one, I think we always would go onto that site on Thursday nights and have live chats with everyone. was mentioned to me on the ASA site, and I jumped over here on the original board some time in the year 2000.  The current board went live sometime in late Feb 2001 ( I think).

The first ten years, Sandrail tech I believe was the busiest of all the forums, I learned a lot from those threads.  This site has changed a lot with the influence of social media, but the core is still really good.  I have only met a few people of this site, but I still feel like this is some kind of family.

the early days of the interwebz.. i recall finding glamisonline which eventually became the ASA. i used to spend alot of time on their bbs but after being told im  "part of the problem" and that holier than thou attitude alot of those a$$holes had on that site, myself and many other people joined to get away from that crap. the yahoo chat groups were also taking off as the interwebz grew. i posted on the og glamisdunes bbs with the likes of esco, mr budweiser, star151, greensunshine, crypto, bambam, mrdune, pastor, etc. was exciting times for sure.  98% of the people i call freinds today are people i met because of this site.  i still have a couple shirts i bought from Kirk at the first sandshow he had a booth at.

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Imagine if there was drone footage of 13.5 back in the day?  The last (and last ever) Thanksgiving I did was at 13.5 and that place was HUGE.  2006?  So many circles and fires it was instant confusion.
That's interesting as 2006 or so was right about the time FB started to GAIN traction with the general public.  Remember the "Inner Circle" thread? 

That's interesting as 2006 or so was right about the time FB started to GAIN traction with the general public.  Remember the "Inner Circle" thread? 
Yep and TresHombre the "Camp Nazi".  Tent Alley was the real place people wanted to be.

Huge fast guy ride one Halloween.  There was like 40-50 quads and bikes.  Back when the Vet's ceremony didn't need a PA or 2 time zones.

I joined way back in 2005 when I had a Sandrail on order with Wicked Sand toys.  This was the place to be back in the days before social media.  I still remember going to glamis, getting ready for a ride and pack my flip phone in a sandwich baggie so I wouldn't get sand all up in it.  Its not like we had reception back then!!!

Also, who here remembers the private camping group near the flats?  It even had wifi back in the days??? 


If my memory recalls correctly, I found this site after servicing @sndsamplr's wife's Jetta back in November 2002 when I worked at Metro VW/Audi in downtown SD. "Slappy Racing" on the top of the windshield and the iconic sticker on the back window. I was just getting into the sand scene and didn't even have a ride yet (tho I was essentially born in the dunes as my parents were duners from the late 70s till the mid 80s before switching hobbies to Hobie Cats). It's been interesting seeing the board evolve since then. The 13.5 days, yeah wow....

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All I remember is I was looking for a place to sell my first sand car and found glamis dunes, it had just started I think I was number 300 something to sign up. There was a different site I went on and found Glamis dunes, the other site went out of business. Some one might remember the name of the other site. It has changed a lot over the years. DON~~~

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If my memory recalls correctly, I found this site after servicing @sndsamplr's wife's Jetta back in November 2002 when I worked at Metro VW/Audi in downtown SD. "Slappy Racing" on the top of the windshield and the iconic sticker on the back window. I was just getting into the sand scene and didn't even have a ride yet (tho I was essentially born in the dunes as my parents were duners from the late 70s till the mid 80s before switching hobbies to Hobie Cats). It's been interesting seeing the board evolve since then. The 13.5 days, yeah wow....
We use to camp at 13.5 most of the glamis dunes people camped there, before they built the road. Great times. DON~~~

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