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- May 1, 2021
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You've heard the saying........"Make A Long Story Short" Well, this is a Long Story made Longer. Let's start from the beginning. Glamis Dunes has been an incredible place. We have met our best friends here. What are the Odds that you'd be camped with fellow Duners and become the "Best of Friends?!" Well, that is exactly what happened. I could go on forever about this, but that's for another Thread. This is about a trip planned a year a go by @ROBERT L and @ChEFF Wives......... Sylvia and Sharon. Robert L and Da chEFF are responsible for TWO (2) things.............Transportation and Finance. When a trip like this is in the makings, I'd hear frequently throughout the year........."Give me your Credit Card" When i'd come home from work, my wife would be on the phone with @ROBERT L wife. (We're going to have to eliminate this relationship) Every time they talk it costs us more money. Fifteen (15) Days in Europe. Starts in Amsterdam and Finishes in Roma! I thought they spelled Roma (ROME) That is not the way they spell it. It's ROMA! Here we go! Let's start with the Attitude! YES.........Da chEFF is against this trip. For quite a few reasons. Let me explain a few......... ONE: Being in control. I have no control of this journey. TWO: Leaving our beautiful Country the Good 'OL USA. Never left this Country before. Ok, been to Tijuana, Mexico. When you grow up in San Diego, you go to Mexico. This is different. THREE: Completely Out of Pocket. Can't be there for people who need you to be there. When Da chEFF is in Mother Glamis........if the call is made, Lock and Load and head home. Not here. Can't solve the World's problems when you're a passenger. There are quite a few more reasons why this is a bad planned trip but..................Stop being a Whiny Little Biatch chEFF...........Get on with the story. The Flight: 9 1/2 hrs on a plane. Sitting in a chair, fighting ADHD, impossible. I felt sorry for the Flight attendants, and Robert L. Robert and Sylvia left CA and met us in TX. We flew together to Amsterdam. The Netherlands is 7hrs ahead of TX time. (9hrs) ahead of you CA folk. We left at 3:00pm TX time arrived in Amsterdam by 7:30am their time. Going thru Customs took a few hours. The only way to acclimate yourself to their time is STAY AWAKE. Here we go! Our wife's booked everything thru VIKING TOURS. They greeted us at the gate, took us to our hotel. Handled our luggage, Everything. That was awesome! Three Days in Amsterdam before we board the Ship. Let's talk Amsterdam. 950,000 residents..........2.5 million bicycles. Bicycles have the right of way! You better have your head on a swivel. They Rule the streets. Amsterdam has a large amount of Rivers. LOTS of Water thru-out the city. Cobblestone roads, all electric vehicles, and Bicycles.........EVERYWHERE! We were the Walking Dead. STAY AWAKE! First Tour Guide. Lets walk the city of Amsterdam. Did I mention WALK? If you plan to take this trip, I highly recommend you train before you go. You Walk Your Aiss off. I forgot to mention, Kirk and Rosalie were on their Anniversary and just so happened to be in Amsterdam when we were there. Did I mention meeting best of friends in Glamis? We've only just begun! Enjoy the Journey. Peace