The River Rhine

There is a story behind this statue. It's how the town started and the progression of what it became. All the different levels dictate the growth. Pretty Cool. Peace

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As we were motoring up The Rhine River........The entire crowd went up on the top deck to see and hear the history of these Castles. It's Castle Time on The Rhine. Turn the corner and here is another one. They were all named and on different Kilometer Markings on The Rhine. Peace

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OK.......I'll try and explain this one. Don't remember her name but..........She jumped from the TOP of this Hill to her Death in The Rhine River. Where History says she haunted and caused death to the Sailors / Shipmen down The Rhine. Can you imagine the beating her body took as she fell to her Death?! This is her Statue. Peace

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We had a Brochure that named all the Castles on the KiloMeter Markers. It was a cool little cruise up River while the Crew was preparing Dinner. Wine / and More Wine. Pretty Awesome looking little towns along The Rhine. Peace
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The Statues were always impressive. Don't think they'll be dragging them down anytime soon like the idiots do here in the States. Peace


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Hope Y'ALL enjoy the Journey. If you're into something like this.......Highly Recommend the Trip on VIKING! Peace
completely mind blowing how they could build those structures back in the day, the intracacy and ornate features with nothing more than their hands. no power tools, no cnc machines, just some dude beating on rocks for god knows how many years to produce those works of art. simply amazing
Looks like a great time Chefs , just wish Robert L had more fun. May need to plan a trip like that.