The GM52 Hustler clone conversion

How are you doing on this project?   I’m sure it’s on the back burner with you taking care of the new house.  Anyway I’m living through your build. 

Funny you ask.

I picked up my engine today. Johns been great with waiting for me to get my affairs in order.  Im happy to have it in my hands. But now its in my hands and I just enjoy stacking things on my plate so.........


Got the weekend to play with the car in my shop. 

Had a hell of a time getting the engine stabbed. I don't have the clutch alignment tool and by the time I figured I needed one it was too late in Saturday.  I had tried to stab the engine 6 different times. 7 th time I decide to take the clutch assembly off and try to stab it. Just to make sure it will go. Well it did so back out I go. 

Decide I'll leave the pressure plate loose enough so the dual clutches will move just a bit and stab the trans. Walla it works. So I gracefully remove the engine and tighten up the pressure plate to the engine. Go to stab the engine again and nope. Keep fighting the second clutch plate.  Well crap I say and as I'm figuring it's time to drink, I look over at the trans and say, wow I can pull the starter, leave the pressure plate loose enough. Stab the engine and use the starter hole to tighten each pressure plate bolt as I turn the engine. 

It worked great......... Until I got to the last bolt. 6 of 6 decides to break as I torque it down.  Now I've run these bolts in and out way too many times in all this BS so I just laugh. 

Engine back out. I drill and ez out the bolt without issue. I then swap out bolt for bolt with new.  Get that done and the engine just slides right in. 

This was about 4 pm yesterday. All fun day with this. 

Today, Sunday has been a blast. 90% is going as planned. The remaining 10% will be an Outfront deal. 

Thermostat housing doesn't match from the old 3.0 

Engine harness needs to be changed on a few vvt solenoids. 

Crankcase breather hoses are needing a new routing. 

Thinking of going with a boost controller and E85 sensor on this round as well. 

Enjoy the pics. 

Thanks for following.






Progress is progress. Congrats. It's always interesting when things go not so smooth compared to when things better than planned. 

This might sound crazy, but man it works good, 

I got a spare input shaft cut down, so it has the clutches aligned super tight, 

best part is when the clutches go in and the shaft does not come out extremely smooth then you can tap it each way with a hammer to move around the clutches a little, 

Then the spare alignment tool made of metal comes out with one finger,  

Then the motor just slides in, 

FWIW, on the tripple disc we had in the promod,  I used the input shaft.  it was splined on the trans said, so I could slide it out & then use it as a pilot, & then slide it back into the trans. 

On the buggy I bought one of those cheapie plastic ones & it worked great.  on both my single disc and dual disc. 

One of the tricks I used to use is to shake the pilot up & down before snugging up the first bolt and biting down on the discs. 

Question on the new king rear bypass shocks I got. I'm going to assume they are not charged.  It would be a first but they are new, they didn't have a strap holding the cylinder into the body. The cylinder had to be pulled from the body the whole way.  In the past my shocks would expand and I'd have to jack the car up to mount them. 

I can and will put a pressure gauge on them but what do you say.  

Get them charged ???

Question on the new king rear bypass shocks I got. I'm going to assume they are not charged.  It would be a first but they are new, they didn't have a strap holding the cylinder into the body. The cylinder had to be pulled from the body the whole way.  In the past my shocks would expand and I'd have to jack the car up to mount them. 

I can and will put a pressure gauge on them but what do you say.  

Get them charged ???
From King they are not usually charged. I have a tank if you need to use it. 

That is a work of art. I think that would be an absolute perfect duning car. I love my LS but eventually would like to build something like this. 
