Tell a funny story about you and the dunes..........

Speaking of funny "NOT FUNNY" stories. My Bro (sndsmplr) and I are spending another great weekend in the Dunes. I bring the latest and greatest tent built. It's the Cream De La Cream of tents. First night just so happens to BLOW like EFFN crazy. there is no way we're getting any sleep. The tent is pounding our heads in our sleeping bags. We get up in the morning start a fire and this idiot brother of mine Throws the Tent into the fire! We had two more nights. WTF! Needless to say, we slept on the ground and ripped Dunes! Great times! Peace  

About 10 years ago we got home from an epic dune trip, pull the rig up to the house and the front door is wide open. Immediately the wife starts freaking out and I am also concerned that someone either broke into the house, or is currently in the house.  I enter the house expecting the worse, the house is clear and appears to be intact.  My wife is still sketched out and doesn't really want to go inside, so I start unloading the buggy, that's when a neighbor walked by and told us the door had been open all weekend.  Mmmm Hmmmm!  In our excitement to leave, We never closed it when we left for G!  🙂

I told the neighbor thanks for looking out!  🤬


One of the regulars we used to go to the dunes with has family back in Indiana. One year his dad and brothers drove out in their motor home with the quads to join us for a New Years trip. This was back when sobe came in a glass bottle. We put a bunch together and walked up and set one in the fire. Now the dad from Indiana was a fire chief and he about came unglued. He got up, ran behind he motor home and told us all to take cover because we were going to get blown up and cussing us out as he hid behind the motor home. We stood back from the fire about 20-30' like we normally do, perfect sobe mushroom cloud and he comes back cussing us out again but this time it was like a kid with a new toy, F-in rad, how did you do that etc. Took him over and showed him how they were made and we used all the rest of our bottles that night. He kept telling us he couldn't wait to get home and show the guys at the station this trick.

[SIZE=20.74px]This one time at sand camp……….[/SIZE]

[SIZE=20.74px]Back before premade Chinese lanterns, people would do their own design and my friend and I decided we were going to McGiver our own using a thin plastic bag my tv came in and super thin stainless steel wire. We wadded up a piece of paper towel in the middle and sprayed it with wd40. Lit the thing while holding it over the fire and it took off an went up several hundred feet. We stood there dumbfounded that it worked and then it came straight back down right on top of my other friends rig (still on fire and now the bag is catching fire too). My friend panics and starts running over to the ladder to climb up and put this thing out before it burns this coach up and he gets about 2/3 of the way up and he gets a Charlie horse in his leg and falls off the ladder. We are laughing so hard during this whole thing trying to be serious. I run over and climb the ladder and put the fire out. That’s when the wives came out and camp got real quiet. [/SIZE]

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chEFF made me and a couple buddies drink WARM beer at 2am

Drunk guy decides to start lightning off some fireworks  that were given to him.  Grabs a random tennis ball/grenade sized ball.  Sets it down and lights in. Takes off. Well, it was a huge mortar shell. It went up about 5' and kaboom.... Multiple times.

My first buggy trip, 4 of us guys shared a tent.  Young 20's, 3 of us married, 1 single guy.  Well the single guy ended up meeting a girl and bringing her back to our tent after we were all asleep!  And they proceeded to make love, WTF?  That was awkward.  

The next trip me and buddy went together and bought our own tent.  We are grilling burgers but no one brought a flashlight.  They were absolutely the best hamburgers ever!  The next day our shirts were stained with blood drippings from the burger, they were on the very rare side, but damn they good!  

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had an older buddy in my early dune group.  he was very regimented in starting his car in the mornings.  would reach over and hit the switch and let it warm up.  good with electrical, the night before i used an LT80 starter relay and a horn.  i wired it up to his ignition switch so that once the switch was turned on (and the horn too) the relay would latch "locked on" so even turning off the switch didn't help

LT80 starter relay, free, the horn we used--probably $10, the look on his face when he couldn't turn off a blaring horn in the AM--priceless

Camped at wash 10 for a couple seasons. Coming from TX I brought in a water device (bong) used for smoking an illegal substance. . It's considered legal in CA now. Not back on the day I was traveling. So instead of traveling across state lines I would BURY my Metal Can and Bubbler machine in a certain spot every trip. Wash 10! One trip I pulled into the area we camped and the place was packed with moho's. Right on TOP of my bury zone. Pulled up next to the camps, grabbed my shovel, walked right in the middle of their camp. Said hello to everyone sitting around the bonfire, dug 24" down, pulled up my stash and said....Have a great weekend. The last thing I heard was, "Hey, give us some. Thats the day I went further south in the washes. Peace 

Years ago on a Guys trip, you know guys trips always brings out strange people to your group, not always all regulars, this friend of a friend came with us.  The guy was a tool from the first moment.  Always late to get buckled up, always stoned, just a wacko.  So we are sitting on the top dune by Osborne and he decides he wants to take a group pic, he decided to walk over to the next dune top.  He is trying to get our attention, we yell at him and tell him to go to the next furthest dune top, which he does to get a pic.  Of course we all decide to load up while he is running thru the dunes to catch us, mind you he was two peaks away...............

Next day, we are at camp (Cement Flats), this guy is messing around so one of his buddies dumps a gallon of ice water on him, he get mad and chases the other dude, he trips and falls and slices his hand open on a rock.  We have a Paramedic in our group and recommends he goes to the hospital.  We find a volunteer (most sober guy) to take him into Brawley.  The driver drops him off at the front door and say see ya later...........driver comes back to Glamis.  About 2 hours later, he shows up in camp in a cab.  The visual of the cab was priceless................needless to say he never came on another trip.

It's always the friend of a friend................

FoF wants to camp with us at Ogilby. He knows where that is says cool meet you there.  Just before the member of the group is ready to leave he calls, Now he wants to caravan. They drive from Phx all the way down the 8 with this guy following. Just before Olgilby Road the guy flies past the group. Group is now waiting ( bad choice) on Olgilby for the guy to get to Buttercup and turn around, ( This was in the stone age before Cell Phones BTW) 

We ride that day and the guy can ride somewhat but as evening approached a night ride thru Patton Valley to Test is planned.  We don't make it 1/4 mile out of camp before  FoF crashes on his quad.  So we circle around him with our lights on so he can see .  It is at this point my night goes to hell.... As we leave I get tangled up in some fishing line and I stall the bike. Only people behind me who stop are FoF and the guy who brought him, who is riding my ex's Raptor.  So now we are separated from the group.

Well I know the way thru the valley figure they will stop at the west side on Sand Highway. So I lead thru there get to the other side and nobody is there. Well we should be able to at least find them along the way or at Test.  So I start leading towards test.  Right about the place where sand highway drops down into the flats FoF comes flying past me on the gas, it seems he knows where he is going. So instead of taking the lower road where we find out later the rest of the group is waiting we take a path less traveled.

Get to the hill look around for the group, little do I know they had turned back to look for us and we just missed each other. So now FoF and the guy who brought him (both on 660's and me on a Banshee)  start heading home.  I know that the entrance to Patton could be tricky to find so I am looking for it. I see a big group sitting on this ledge and ask them how far up is the opening. Told 1/4 to 1/2 mile.

So off we go again looking for that little opening. About the time the GPS in my brain kicks in a says we are to far FoF comes flying past again.  I stop and knowing that my gas level is getting low and tell his buddy to go get him and tell him to turn around. So he gets on the gas and as he gets close to FoF, he takes off, He does this several times even. So me and his friend both stop. and we wait for him to turn around but he doesn't.  We can see FoF ahead  and it appears he has now stopped.  It is at this time my Banshee runs out of gas. All I have is Reserve. I am on the far west side of the dunes someplace between Patton and Gecko.  I tell FoF's buddy I am going to head west towards the canal it will be much easier to pull me there over thru the rollers. Go get FoF and bring him back.

I start heading west he starts heading North.  Well just before the canal and just as I see a bike's headlights I am out of gas. He rides right up to me.  Guess FoF wouldn't stop and thought it was just a game or something. The one and only lucky brek of the evening.

We tow over to the canal and tow down to 7 mile drop. Find a camp that is awake ask for some fuel but they all have 4 strokes. So I leave the one guy sitting at the campfire with my Banshee ride thru Patton Valley (It is so easy to find that opening from the canal) back to camp.

Get back to camp to a freaked out GF ( now my Ex) My group was almost ready to send out a search party but as they told her eventually somebody will make it back. So we jump in her truck and head over to Gordon's to pick up the Banshee and the guy who brought FoF.

Roll up into this camp and it just happens to be the group the Ex usually camps with. ( small world)

Meanwhile FoF road almost all the way up to Gecko before turning around, riding all the way down to I-8 across Test over to Olgilby up to the RR tracks and down the dirt road to camp. Guess he just barley missed us.  He tells the group as they are heading in to bed that I am lost in the dunes with no gas. We need to go get me.  They tell him I made it back to camp and recovery efforts are underway. Off to bed they go.

So we load the bike say goodbye to the ex's old group and start to head back. We get all the way back to the dirt road when we see a truck heading thru the desert then it heads towards us we can see it has a bike in the back.  It's FoF, We stop he asks me if I had seen a out of gas banshee? I say like the one in the back of the truck, I even call him by his name.  He says no it's out in the desert around here and it's out of gas . His buddy who is in the back seat of the truck tells him Hey it's us we found it. Now mind you last time FoF saw me or my bike it was on the west side of the dunes we now are on the East side between the radio tower and the Railroad tracks along the dirt road. 

He then turns out into the desert and drives off. 

Next morning he is back and we are just about loaded up when he comes out of his truck.  Complains about the fact that all of camp went to bed while I was out there out of gas and he was the only one who even bothered to look ( true) .  So FoF is already loaded up so he is the first one out of camp.  WE tell his friend Never bring that guy back again.

As we leave the dunes and are getting on the I-8 eastbound at Olgilby we see FoF heading westbound on the I-8

So we said, He got lost going to the dunes, he got lost in the dunes and he got lost going home. 

For about a year or two I talked to this guy online, typical online stuff...talked about almost everything...lots in common.

Then as time went on things got interesting, we decided it was time to meet in person...too much fascination to just be "online friends".

He told me to meet him Dumont, we did. I ditched the group I was camping with early one morning, found his trailer not far from where we were....he was alone, everyone in his camp was still asleep...

He gave me his chorizo literally 5 minutes after we met. It was good.

Life's never been the same.

For about a year or two I talked to this guy online,...lots in common.

we decided it was time to meet in person...too much fascination to just be "online friends".

He gave me his chorizo literally 5 minutes after we met. It was good.

Life's never been the same.
There is a lot going on here.....Ill just leave it at that. Glad you are having FUN with yore "online" friends....Keep up the mega fun!!!



For about a year or two I talked to this guy online, typical online stuff...talked about almost everything...lots in common.

Then as time went on things got interesting, we decided it was time to meet in person...too much fascination to just be "online friends".

He told me to meet him Dumont, we did. I ditched the group I was camping with early one morning, found his trailer not far from where we were....he was alone, everyone in his camp was still asleep...

He gave me his chorizo literally 5 minutes after we met. It was good.

Life's never been the same.
Do you know Meecho?

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