Tell a funny story about you and the dunes..........

I read this one to my wife. She said didn’t he know…. Wear them regular first day, turn them around the second day. For the third day turn them inside out and repeat. That gets you four days
That works fine for non-athletic situations, remind her of how much a guy sweats riding a motorcycle in the dunes in just an hour, let alone for a full day. After a days ride, they usually need to be taken out back and shot, burned and buried, not worn for 2 more days.

Good thing was my inner thighs were so red I could almost see enough to ride at night.

A few years back on a Vets day trip we went to stay in wash 22 . We usually show up about 5 days early and hang with Sndsmplr , Chef and a few others before the crowds show up. I always try and get about a 100 feet or so to the right of Rob to avoid the crowds that gather around his trailer.. This year though when we pulled up there was a lone gentleman already setting up in that spot, so we had to move over another 100 feet or so. As the night went on I had to walk past this guys camp to get to the main camp, as I walked by I said hello well this guy completely ignores me and walks away,, I thought maybe he did not hear me and kept walking. A little latter my wife came up to me and said that guy is rude , she said hello and just ignored her. I told her he did the same thing to me.. Now again this time my wife and myself were walking by and I said it loud and clear HELLO NEIGHBOR!.......... Again totally ignored!!! Now I am getting a little upset with this fella..

I get to the main campfire and told Rob , Chef and maybe 6-7 others on what happened, At this point the drinks were flowing and Chef and Rob were not having any of this bull shit in the wash for Vets day , So it was decided to march on over there as a group and introduce yourself as a whole.. As we were aggressively walking over I told Rob this guy is a a$$hole or Def!

We get to his camp half the group went and stood around his fire and the other half went to the trailer were he was inside cooking. The Chef decided to be the point man on the intro (big Surprise) We all stick our big heads in the door and Chef basically yells HELLO Neighbor!!! The guy spins around from the stove, with a big smile on his face and says WELL HELLO and introduces himself as Rodger. As we all started to talk, Rodger says loudly " your going to have to speech up because I Am def and cant hear!"

If you could of just  snapped a picture of the looks on our face the moment before the laughter.
Randal, I belly laughed on that one. We thought Roger was a total dick, turns out he was deaf. He was a great guy after all

A few years back I was riding out on the EPO quad track and hit a Fringe toad lizard. I turned around and he was on his back. I picked him up, he was dazed. I took him back to camp, hung out with him a little bit, and he started feeling better and wanted to bail.  So Jen and I Took him out behind my trailer to the smaller dunes, it was now night, and put him on the ground and let him go. I had a really strong searchlight on him as he was going away, he stopped about 30 feet out and looked back at me, I thought he was saying goodbye. Out of the shadows came a kit fox and snatched him off the ground and took off. I was like, “What the EFF?”   Then I started to think,  he was probably looking back at me and saying, “SHUT THE FUC*#+%  LIGHT OFF MAN!!!!!”

My wife was cracking up.  I felt terrible. 

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[SIZE=20.74px]Oh man the memories! You might remember an engine Outfront Motorsports showed in its old ad. 15 years ago (purple and green colors - it was also called [/SIZE]Outback then). Big hp stroker 4 cylinder Subaru motor. One of the first trips out we stayed in the washes and I was pretty experienced in the dunes but not familiar with finding any kind of wood material being in the dunes but we started into some really fun small bowls and I’m third in line through this bowl and I hear this god awful klunk sound of a tree limb being jammed perfectly between my block and oil pan. This was like a opening a bottle of beer with an opener. In this case not a good sound. I looked down an saw the red idiot lite was glowing and in the same motion I shut the motor off a rolled down the bowl. I got out and everyone was what the hell is your problem we were just starting to have fun. This tree limb was under the sand and even though two cars already went over the same spot this piece of wood somehow popped up and ripped my oil pan clean off. All bolts still sitting there bolted to the block and the oil pan stuck on the branch and surprisingly very little sand in the now open engine, considering we were moving pretty good when this happened. I’ve never seen steel torn like that. We took several towels and stuffed it up in there with copious duct tape and towed it back to camp (in shame). John was able to flush out the sand put a new oil pan on it and it ran like a bat out of hell for several more seasons.  At the time all I could do is laugh, now it’s even funnier! You can’t make stuff up like this! 

[SIZE=20.74px]Oh man the memories! You might remember an engine Outfront Motorsports showed in its old ad. 15 years ago (purple and green colors - it was also called [/SIZE]Outback then). Big hp stroker 4 cylinder Subaru motor. One of the first trips out we stayed in the washes and I was pretty experienced in the dunes but not familiar with finding any kind of wood material being in the dunes but we started into some really fun small bowls and I’m third in line through this bowl and I hear this god awful klunk sound of a tree limb being jammed perfectly between my block and oil pan. This was like a opening a bottle of beer with an opener. In this case not a good sound. I looked down an saw the red idiot lite was glowing and in the same motion I shut the motor off a rolled down the bowl. I got out and everyone was what the hell is your problem we were just starting to have fun. This tree limb was under the sand and even though two cars already went over the same spot this piece of wood somehow popped up and ripped my oil pan clean off. All bolts still sitting there bolted to the block and the oil pan stuck on the branch and surprisingly very little sand in the now open engine, considering we were moving pretty good when this happened. I’ve never seen steel torn like that. We took several towels and stuffed it up in there with copious duct tape and towed it back to camp (in shame). John was able to flush out the sand put a new oil pan on it and it ran like a bat out of hell for several more seasons.  At the time all I could do is laugh, now it’s even funnier! You can’t make stuff up like this! 
I remember that. I said to myself there is no way to get all the sand out of there.  Well we wasted a few cans of chemtiool spray up inside. We bolted an oil pan on with no sealant. Put in a few quarts and ran it for one min. Took pan off and cleaned it out. We repeated this until no more sand. Probably 2 more times. Then we put it on with sealant. Couldn’t believe it lasted that long 

Ok. Here goes. I meet my future wife. I take her to the dunes cause thats what I DO! She had never experienced that or camping for that matter. Tent days (had a motorhome but rented it out a lot (even would see it out there with the renters while I was in my tent—$$$ for the buggy)) anyway she was good with all of it. Until 1 day she was checking the tire psi by the rear wheel and lifted her ass right up on to the VW exhaust, what a burn!!  She said fix this…. Went home and got a small funnel cut out the sides (ergonomic)and stuck a tube on it. Btw. This was before the items they have now.  Million bucks gone. Back to story. She thinks it’s great, sticks it in her pants so the tube comes out and proceeds to chase me around the house-wonder where she go that Fast forward to next trip to the dunes. She says I gotta go, I say get out your funnel and go to town. She loved it as she didn’t have to pull down her pants just stick it in there hold tight and go. We’ll first use she’s still a little worried about people seeing, I say what are they gonna see, she says OK. We’ll as she’s mid stream over the hill comes some slow moving Jeep’s and as they passed by they yelled “NICE DI*K”.

I was rolling on the sand!!

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I think MANY members almost died with the @Esco salsa !!!!!  DON't use the Scoop Tostitos with that stuff :lol:

One time at 13.5 BOHICA makes a crab boil. Esco walks over and asks if he can throw some peppers in and does.

Crab boil is complete and is dumped on the table cloth.

Big Mike AKA Cheese and Crackers is the first to walk up. takes a big ole hand full of food and shovels it in his mouth. BOHICA tells him careful there is some hot stuff in there.

About that time is when I figure he found one of them peppers. Face turns red, eyes begin to bulge breath is short and labored. Hand goes up to the throat in almost a universal chocking motion. He ran off looking for some water.  He was not seen the rest of the night.

In other BOHICA story.

First time I met him he camped in a enclosed right in front of us. I came back from walking the dogs and they were BBQing and it smelled good. I inquired as to what it was, He handed me a piece of the most delicious mystery meat I ever had.  Wow, What is that?  His response was Pigs Ass!!!.  Well that is about the best ass I ever have eatin and would gladly eat your ass anytime was mine.  Right about then somebody walked up and had a very surprised look on their face to say the least.    

You know those trips when a friend of a friend of a friend shows up that no one really knows. We had one of those in camp on trip about 16 years ago for Halloween. Nice enough guy, mid 20's at the time but turned into a first rate ass hole when drunk. It was after dinner and we were sitting outside one of the trailers and this guy comes up and asks for a beer. We point him to the ice chest at the next trailer over and tell him to help himself. He starts to go off on all of us about how we were ass holes that wouldn't share our beer. We explained that the ice chest that a couple of us were sitting on was empty and the beer was in the ice chest we had pointed to. After a few more choice words from him, we stand up, open the ice chest and show him its empty, walk over to the other, grab beers for us all and hand him one. He went and sat by the fire continued to drink until he passed out. My 3 boys were between 12-14 at the time started to slowly dig a hole behind his chair. They keep digging out behind  the back legs of his chair and work it back until it he is laying passed out in the hole they had dug. They came over and asked for the dish soap, covered him in it, made sure there was a nice coat of dish soap in his hair, then proceeded to bury him in the sand. Not sure he ever figured out why was covered in so much sand, he just laughed it off in the morning.

Same guy shows up to camp with us for New Years. On New Years eve, he gets a-hole drunk and starts offering shots to our 9-10 year old daughters. A few choice words between us and he heads to the fire for a repeat of Halloween. Well before he passes out, he decided that he better go to bed. He was sleeping in the back seat of his 4 door nissan pickup. My boys said dad, don't worry we got this. They brought one of those big rolls of shrink wrap and proceeded to wrap it around and around his cab. Next morning a few of us were up early when a-hole drunk woke up and couldn't figure out why the doors wouldn't open. He was on the back seat kicking on the door trying to get it open, I guess he really had to pee. He finally rolled down a window, found something to cut the shrink wrap, jumps out and starts to pee before he could pull it all the way out of his pants. We were rolling on the ground laughing so hard, we just couldn't help it. Watching him try to kick the doors open, couldn't figure out what was wrong, then peeing all over himself. He loaded his bike and left, that was the last time we saw him.

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[SIZE=20.74px]Back in the 80’s you could ride to boardmanville by going under wash 10. We were camping in the washes and decided it would be a good idea to go boardmanville for a refreshing adult beverage at 9:00 at night. We came back really late and had been clearly over served and needed to make an emergency pit stop along wash road on our three wheelers. Finished our business and I notice what looks like a bike sitting by the road. These bikes didn’t have batteries so we started one and pointed the light towards where I thought I saw the bike and sure enough not one but two brand new 250R’s sitting there. We look some more and you can see two wet spots and two guys passed out cold in the bushes. Stopped to take a piss and passed out![/SIZE]

One summer our dune group went camping. One of the guys came out with a banana for breakfast and starts to deep throat it. One of the wives got a pic of his shenanigans, blew it up to a 3x5 camp flag and had a set of coffee mugs made. First trip to the dunes that following season, we all came out for breakfast with the matching mugs, took him a while to notice. He thought that was it. We went out on an afternoon ride and headed to the drags. My son put the flag on his pre runner for the debut and made a couple of passes down the drags before the culprit noticed the flag, I don't think he was to happy about that one.

11 years ago Thanksgiving. The group Im with wants to go see the night time sights at Olds. My girlfriend and I were the only Sober ones, and I got called upon to be the DD. Crew cab F-250 packed 6 deep with inebriated fools. Had a great time laughing and making jokes the whole way there. Was having a great time. 
It came time to leave, pretty late into the  nigh... err, morning. I was following The owner of the truck, he was on a raptor 700. Gets to the top of the bottle neck hill leaving olds and waits for us. I make a run up it and the truck starts to dig almost at the top. Back down, Run it again, same thing. Sand was MEGA soft from all the trucks that got stuck that night. I got out, walked over to the owner and said ".... good news; I know I can make it. Bad news; Your not going to like how." He laughed and said "well.... I trust you" and walked back to his quad. I backed down twice as far, dropped it to 1st and let her eat! Blazed up the hill and hit the last 3 whoops and became airborn! I realized very quickly that I was the only one with a seatbelt on, as I saw my girlfriends feet next to my head! Every single person was smashed against the ceiling of that truck, and I was laughing before we hit the ground. The only thing funnier than that was the sight of the owners Jaw on the ground. He said the bumper was higher than his head!!! WE FLEW! 
Every trip with that group Im reminded of what a great DD I am lol

There's nothing funny I can remember about Glamis....Bombfires ....camping.....people doing stupid stuff (RIDERED)........All serious business.............NOT. Story to follow. Peace
What story? 

Chummin & Duct tape

Boardmanville (Cheff saying "I'm taking one for the team") 

Chummin on the bicycle for a sweatshirt

Dusty and the bicycle at China

Three fags in a SxS

Me running over camp chairs

Should I keep going?

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So ya, I did the same thing trip to G New Year's 19/20. Packed a separate smaller bag with undies and socks and left it at home. Tossed the ones I had on after the second day and went commando for the remaining 5 days. That was when that freak storm went through the southwest so it was pretty cold most of the trip which may have helped some.

What story? 

Chummin & Duct tape

Boardmanville (Cheff saying "I'm taking one for the team") 

Chummin on the bicycle for a sweatshirt

Dusty and the bicycle at China

Three fags in a SxS

Me running over camp chairs

Should I keep going?

Umm Uhh Well....So it begins! Peace

Funny, I see posts forgetting socks or underwear.

I guess my funny story of forgetting was getting to the desert realizing we forgot the dog in the house! I guess it's not too funny, but we did have to make two trips to the desert that day. 

One funny memory as a young child I have, and I'll start by saying I'm not trying to "offend" anyone here (disclaimer).

Long time ago before the LGBTQ- - probably missing a few, and the rainbow flag wasn't as well-known of a symbol, my father strung up a large rainbow flag on a pole attached to our RV. We had a flashing light at night and this flag during the day to mark the camp. Not sure where he got the flag, but I am sure it was free hints the reason he used it. Well, we had several very friendly visitor's stop by our camp and my father just didn't understand what was happening. Well one told my father what the flag symboled and it was funny to see how fast he pulled that flag down. 

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I'd like to begin with a story that most of ya are not even born yet. 1986 I purchased the machine that taught me how to ride a wheelie. The greatest and last 3-wheeler ever made. 1986 Honda 350X. This little Gem (I still own) is one great machine. Every year at Christmas / New Years I would head back home to visit the family in San Diego. Spend Christmas at the house and then off to Glamis. Back in those days cell phones didn't exist. I'd have to ride to the Beach Store and use the pay phone to call back home. (Who remembers the pay phone?) Let everyone know that i'm still alive. So anyway, it must have been New Years Day and I needed to make that call. Arrive to the phone and there is 15 people standing in line to make a call. I jump in line and start messing with everyone in line. Can't help it. I'm wearing my favorite T-shirt "Chicks Dig Me Cause I'm Rich" As time wore on the young girl in front of me turns around in very sincere words and asks "Are you really Rich?" This was the time I was sleeping in a tent living out of the back of my Ford Courier Pick Up Truck. And with the most sincere and professional answer I replied "YES" I'm Rich!" This young girl turns around and I can't imagine what was running thru her mind. Cause I knew what was running thru mine. I'm so damn poor and am lucky to have enough gas to get on the next Dune Ride. It was a "FUNNY" moment! Peace

I have enough extra shirts, jackets, sweat pants, shoes, that no matter the desert or river I’d be fine if I forgot my cloths! Lol. 

It just happen one time as I had an extra hoody, so I put in the Rv closet. Next thing I’m cleaning out the closest at home. No need to get ride of a good T shirt, that my wife wants gone, so I hang it in the RV closet. Only wear Ugg boots when it’s cold in the desert, so just leave them in the RV. Got to many hats, toss one in the RV just in case I need one. Next thing I know, there’s a full 2 season wardrobe in the RV. 

We probably haul about 500 lbs of “What If” crap around in the RV! 
