Tell a funny story about you and the dunes..........

I had a trip that was us joining an established group of Mrs. Bouy’s co-workers. Two of the folks were a father & son. These cats were hyper-A type personalities. We were playing horseshoes and I had a two-ringer turn that won the game. The father, egged on by the kid protested the game (no money involved) saying “my toe was over the line on my last toss.) Not giving a shiz I said “ fine, your game.” Still bringing it up after the evening ride they were really getting irritating. That night I put an extra pork chop on the barby. When they crashed out I went over and stuffed pork chop pieces in their truck leef-springs*Spl. Back then it was sleeping in the back of your trucks. They maybe got an hour of sleep for the remaining 3 nights, coyote tracks all over their shiz…

One of the first times camping in Glamis with my new to me Alfa toy house. Fifth wheel. And my young family. At the time I had probably 3 kids. The fifth wheel camping was new to my wife. It had a tub/shower combo. It was over a Christmas weekend. We’re we’re actually spending Christmas there. I tell my wife I’m unpacking and going for a cruise in my cr500. I come back and my wife has all the kids cleaned up for bed. Mind you this is the first day of the trip. I go to take my first 2 min shower. 30 sec to get wet. Then I soap down. Turn water back on and nothing. I ask my wife how she got the kids ready for bed. She gave “each one” of my kids a bath. Each one had fresh water. I had to sponge bath the soap off with water from bottles. Then had to pack up. Drive into town to dump and refill

Went on the "lights out" ride ONCE, I was the pussy.  

Canel sanagans

Dune poon - got caught by a BIG group of rails at night, hammered so finished and got a loud round of applause and cheers!​

Woke up in a trailer that I did not know the owners....................still dont know how I got there.  

30yrs of dunin adds up to many stories.  

All good times  :hethan:

It was one of our Boyz Trips and they are usually HUGE groups. Well, my buddy's and I were sitting around the fire one night and we look over and see one group lighting Micky's Bombs! you know the ones where you take a Mickey's bottle, glass bottle with a screw on top, poke a hole in the top, fill 3/4 of fuel, screw the top on and stick it in the fire.....Whhoooooosh...a huge flame comes out the top!

So, my buddy's and I think that's awesome...we should TOTALLY do this! But...we didn't have any Mickey's bottles. Not to fear...this has a screw on top this will work! Plastic Water bottle! Perfect...what could go wrong?

Mind you, we all had dirt bikes then and they we're all around the camp fire but behind where we were sitting.

Oh, this is gonna be COOL!

Poke a hole in the top, fill up with fuel and set it in the fire.

As the bottle starts to melt from the bottom and topple over...we realize the beverages we'd been drinking did not make us any smarter that day! :bag:

The fuel inside started to bubble, Oh SH*T it's gonna blow.....

A flame shoots out the top that has now toppled over and right onto Casey's Dirt bike...oh Crap...we start throwing sand and kicking the fire.

Sometimes when you kick fire it the rear tire on my bike is one fire.

About 10' away Jim Sr. is peacefully sleeping in his trailer and all hell has broken loose and we are scrambling!

All the sudden the door flies open and Here's Jim Sr. with Sleepy head Clown hair, GAWD DAMMIT don't you catch my FU**ING trailer on fire!

then closes the door!

:kenk:      :bugsy:      :lmao:

When all was said and done...nothing was hurt or destroyed and we all decided...we'd buy Mickey's for next trip so we can do it right!

But the next trip someone in the group also had a brilliant idea....Wine bottles with screw on top!!!!

Now those shoot out EPIC Flames!


Side note...everything is picked up and put in the trash...we do not leave glass or plastic in fire pits!

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Mid 80's trips were a family affair :crusty: Grandparents, Aunts, Uncles and lots of cousins. :crusty:

As per the norm, Dad and Uncles would load up the ice chest and load up the kids in the back of the Pick up and head to Comp Hill at night. Grandparents always stood back at camp, peace and quiet time for them :lol:

Well Grandpa :ex:  soon learned that the ladies liked to flash the Chi-Chi's :smileyboobs:   at Comp Hill.... :sexywave: He never missed a night at Comp again..LOL

That was fine, he deserved his fun as well. The only uncomfortable moment was Grandma making me take her on the ATC200 to chase the Naked Guy on a ATC250R wearing just a helmet, boots and sock on his cock.... :doh:  .....we caught up to him at the berm track that used to be in the middle of the Keyhole area..

That was fine, she needed her fun too I guess. :ol:

Early 90's, buddy of mine had a trip planned with a group of his, sure I'll join you guys...was all quads, should be fun.

We arrive and his friends are set up on Gecko at Roadrunner, Full on Class A Diesel MH and Enclosed Trailer....both MH and Trailer had fully custom matching paint jobs.

The WB Road Runner character was the theme....I was like WTH?


We pull up and this old couple, like really old couple are sitting there looking like they just came from a jimmy buffet concert.

"Banshee Bob" and his wife, they had the cleanest Banshee's set up for pure dune rides.... I could not keep up the entire weekend, they knew the dunes like few I have met since going to Glamis. On their quads they rode like young guns, back at camp they hobbled around like typical old folks...

Was actually pretty awesome trip, they were retired and living the good life. They had their camp all dialed in, it was such a change from my group of young dumbasses :lol:

I'm sure they passed on....RIP Banshee Bob and wife.  :cheers:

I went to Glamis with my CR500 one time on a guys trip. Beer....check, chips.....check, riding gear.....check. Spare underwear.....uh, oh no......

Was a 3 day weekend, on Sunday I had to go Viking style because my underwear was able to walk around by itself. At the end of the day my lower extremities were on fire from the rubbing. I borrowed some diaper rash cream from an adjacent camp to somewhat put out the flames. Almost like asking to borrow a tampon...

Beware, some say that pair of underwear are still out there menacing duners in the still of the night.....



There's nothing funny I can remember about Glamis....Bombfires ....camping.....people doing stupid stuff 
Well, Let me refresh your memory...........Once upon a time YOU @ChEFF ...the Cheff decided on the night before an EPO to take his new Can Am and wife out on a AWESOME Night Ride!!!!!...........aaaaahhhhhhhhh...............GOOD DECISIONS!!!!!   YES  What could possibly go wrong at midnight!!!!

(call :poule:  ) 911.......911 .......... (this phone has no eleven ! :lol:   )

Here is the photo that explains the previous nights activities from the man who made it all possible from the LEGEND  ......Da Cheff !!!! :lmao:



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@Esco remember Buddalo heaping your salsa on a carne burrito that summer trip?  Dude almost died.

Every time someone in camp breaks/gets stuck while out on a ride that results in more than a 45 minute delay, that person gets to fly a Justin Bieber pillow case as a flag for the rest of the trip or until someone else earns it.


Many years ago, down in Gordon's Well, a camp next to us with lots of black/grey/white flannel, tube socks, bandanas and Raiders flags everywhere has a very impressive stereo.  So impressive that while in my toyhauler, I can hear the Spanish clearly enough for a Chino to understand.  This starts at about 7pm and plays non-stop at volume setting 11 until 3AM and my 3 year old and 6 month old weren't having it.

The following night, every camp nearby isn't happy.  Sure enough, 7pm it turns on again and we're all rewarded with that impressive stereo set to 11.  My camp and the other 2 camps start to gather up to have a "discussion" with the Raiders fans.  My wife, white/blonde as can be, sees this not ending well, and heads over there before we group up.  Finding the oldest man in camp, she says to him in her near-perfect Spanish:

<translated, obvi>

"Sir, do you mind turning the stereo down?  My baby was up all last night and we're very tired."

Abuelito looks at her straight in the eye, not saying a word for a 5 count, then whistles to the kid next to the stereo and just nods once.

Stereo stayed off the rest of the weekend.  She was a hero the rest of the weekend.  LOL.

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This one time... at sand camp...

we did a guys night ride to "the hill"... on the kids quads (LT-80's, Polaris 50's, etc)  rule was if you had to put your feet on the sand to push your way out of something, you had to take a swig of "the bottle".... we got into some pretty good sized bowls, everyone was pretty tuned up... one guy ended up in a bush, and could not get back up... as in could not even sit back on the little 50 quad... we had to call in the medic (can-am) to get him back to camp.  Good times.

I think MANY members almost died with the @Esco salsa !!!!!  DON't use the Scoop Tostitos with that stuff :lol:


Our first time rolling into 13.5, we get camp set up and I look around to see if I recognize any of my internet friends.  Saw Esho and Mr. Dune hanging out so I went over and introduced myself.  About 5 seconds later Esho hands me one of said Scoop Tostitos with Esho Sauce.  Fortunately, I eat Thai Food like Thai folk, so I don't think he got his intended reaction . . .

This one time... at sand camp...

we did a guys night ride to "the hill"... on the kids quads (LT-80's, Polaris 50's, etc)  rule was if you had to put your feet on the sand to push your way out of something, you had to take a swig of "the bottle".... we got into some pretty good sized bowls, everyone was pretty tuned up... one guy ended up in a bush, and could not get back up... as in could not even sit back on the little 50 quad... we had to call in the medic (can-am) to get him back to camp.  Good times.
Now that sounds like a good time!   

I went to Glamis with my CR500 one time on a guys trip. Beer....check, chips.....check, riding gear.....check. Spare underwear.....uh, oh no......

Was a 3 day weekend, on Sunday I had to go Viking style because my underwear was able to walk around by itself. At the end of the day my lower extremities were on fire from the rubbing. I borrowed some diaper rash cream from an adjacent camp to somewhat put out the flames. Almost like asking to borrow a tampon...

Beware, some say that pair of underwear are still out there menacing duners in the still of the night.....
I read this one to my wife. She said didn’t he know…. Wear them regular first day, turn them around the second day. For the third day turn them inside out and repeat. That gets you four days

The best stories always seem to involve the night.  My friend and I jumped into his SXS to go rescue another friend that was stuck in the dunes.  A younger guy in camp jumped on his quad to follow us.   Somewhere along the ride out we lost the quad guy.   We continued to go rescue are friend.  On the way back to camp we were searching for the guy on the quad.  All of sudden this dude comes running at us waving his arms with no shirt on.    When he gets closer we realized it was the guy on the quad.  We stop and he smells like gasoline.  We ask him why he smells like gas and he says he was going to light a fire because he thought he was spending the night in the dunes.  We started laughing and point behind him to the lights from camp that was less than an 1/8th of mile away. 

Last season I decide it would be a fun to make a quads/bike only day trip to Glamis.  So I get my buddy with a dirt bike on board with the idea, my kid and my brother in law.  We decide we will just day park near vendors.  We get everything unloaded and get our gear on to go for a ride.  Only problem is my brother in law brings two left foot riding boots.   At first he could not figure out why the boot on his right foot was not fitting.  My kid quickly pointed out he had two left feet and fell to the ground laughing.   We still call him "two left feet".  LOL!

When I was a teenager I had a dirtbike and would hitch a ride with my Grandpa to Glamis. One thanksgiving, My older brothers decide they want to make the trip, even though they dont have any toys. They both had to sell what they had to afford their "off road daily drivers" (one 90s chevy blazer, you know, the small ones with the v6. and one single cab f-150... both stock with some added KC lights and oversized tires.... and only RWD) Anyways, they get there and have worked up in their heads that if they air down a little, they can make through the dunes. Im not talking down sand highway, Im talking THE dunes... none the less the ones directly out from road runner where its soft and a little tricky in spots. 
They left camp right after dinner and a couple hours later they, and their passengers made it back to camp... on foot! We all jumped on/in lighted vehicles to go check out how badly stuck they were. The F-150 didnt even make it up the first real dune! sunk it straight to the frame. The Blazer, who was leading, made it up the first dune, made a turn and got stuck 3/4 up the second dune where he burried PAST the frame and tilted with the front passenger wheel up in the air. Just looking at it, I still dont know how it didnt roll. To teach them a lesson, no one in camp was to help them until the next day. in the morning, a Guy with a Humvee pulled them out, but not after discovering that the KC lights were ripped off the F-150. The blazer was safe given its location and that they slept in the sand right next to it. 

A few years back on a Vets day trip we went to stay in wash 22 . We usually show up about 5 days early and hang with Sndsmplr , Chef and a few others before the crowds show up. I always try and get about a 100 feet or so to the right of Rob to avoid the crowds that gather around his trailer.. This year though when we pulled up there was a lone gentleman already setting up in that spot, so we had to move over another 100 feet or so. As the night went on I had to walk past this guys camp to get to the main camp, as I walked by I said hello well this guy completely ignores me and walks away,, I thought maybe he did not hear me and kept walking. A little latter my wife came up to me and said that guy is rude , she said hello and just ignored her. I told her he did the same thing to me.. Now again this time my wife and myself were walking by and I said it loud and clear HELLO NEIGHBOR!.......... Again totally ignored!!! Now I am getting a little upset with this fella..

I get to the main campfire and told Rob , Chef and maybe 6-7 others on what happened, At this point the drinks were flowing and Chef and Rob were not having any of this bull shit in the wash for Vets day , So it was decided to march on over there as a group and introduce yourself as a whole.. As we were aggressively walking over I told Rob this guy is a a$$hole or Def!

We get to his camp half the group went and stood around his fire and the other half went to the trailer were he was inside cooking. The Chef decided to be the point man on the intro (big Surprise) We all stick our big heads in the door and Chef basically yells HELLO Neighbor!!! The guy spins around from the stove, with a big smile on his face and says WELL HELLO and introduces himself as Rodger. As we all started to talk, Rodger says loudly " your going to have to speech up because I Am def and cant hear!"

If you could of just  snapped a picture of the looks on our face the moment before the laughter.

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Well, Let me refresh your memory...........Once upon a time YOU @ChEFF ...the Cheff decided on the night before an EPO to take his new Can Am and wife out on a AWESOME Night Ride!!!!!...........aaaaahhhhhhhhh...............GOOD DECISIONS!!!!!   YES  What could possibly go wrong at midnight!!!!

(call :poule:  ) 911.......911 .......... (this phone has no eleven ! :lol:   )

Here is the photo that explains the previous nights activities from the man who made it all possible from the LEGEND  ......Da Cheff !!!! :lmao:


View attachment 25183

:Like I said Earlier.....nothing funny about Glamis trips. Peace
