Tell a funny story about you and the dunes..........


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Apr 30, 2021
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probably 15 years ago i was excited  to go to the dunes.  i was all by myself in the moho meeting some friends out there

left home at about 8 PM and was driving with just my socks on.  had to pull over for some gas and realized i had no shoes, not one pair.  i really didn't want to drive my buggy without shoes so i pulled into Brawley and went to sleep figuring that there would be a store open in the early AM.  well it was weird, i think it was a holiday but bottom line i spent an hour driving back and forth through the city with no luck.  so i just decided to go and not waste anymore time.  heading out to Glamis was a garage sale on the main highway.  you know the typical lay your stuff out on the front yard kind of garage sale.  i stopped and looked around for some kind of shoes--nothing there.  i speak fluent Spanish and the lady asked me what i was looking for and my dilemma.  she invited me into her house to look at her husbands shoes.  i thought that was weird but i was getting desperate.  anyways i found a pair that would work for the trip.  cant remember what i paid but think it was like $10-15

what some people will do to go duning 

Many moons ago I got a call from my mom telling me that my uncle and aunt were separating and my uncle took off pissed. She told me not to be surprised if he showed up. Well as luck would have it he came pulling into my camp looking to drink some sorrows away. So we loaded the buggy cooler and hit the dunes. After coming back to camp to reload the cooler several times we were lit. The last time we headed out we went to Test hill. When we hit the dunes I couldn’t decide which way to go. He tells me when in doubt go right. So that’s what I did. After duning a while we stopped on top of a big dune. We get out to have another beer and what do we see? A desert oasis with trees! While staring in complete aw I see a moving light coming towards the oasis. Once my drunken eyes could focus I realized it was a semi truck! A truck driving down a freeway getting off at Grays Wells!!! Got back in the buggy and went straight back to camp.

I have a lot of crazy ones......... one crazy night 12-15 years ago in wash13 with Tres @treshombre, Murietta Joe, Sand Psycho @SANDPSYCHO and Stugots @Stugots........ OOOHH BOY........I remember it like it was yesterday

Murietta Joe gets up to take a piss....its just us out there , nobody else in site for miles.....pitch black.....and our camp fire........Joe disappears and starts to pee when all of a sudden this convoy of trucks and toyhaulers blasting towards him with insane HID lights....he starts the drunken pee / stumble in a circle as these guys fly by him one after the other (there was 5 or 6 rigs)....sooo funny.....scared and confused the hell out of as we are cracking up...OCD Joe heads over to his trailer and starts sweeping it out like a madman ,,,broom flying back and forth... (i hide down by the stairs and every time sand comes out, I throw a handful back inside his trailer......This went on for 10 plus minutes with Joe making no progress sweating and sweeping like a madman!) :lmao:

He was soo rattled and couldnt understand how there was soo much sand in the trailer..........someone tells him it was Andy and he goes out to the fire where @Stugots is hanging out minding his own business and he is about to deck him.....Randy says/......Hey Im Randy.....NOT Andy

It was a crack up for sure!!!


I did one similar to John, but it was my cloths.  In my excided rush to leave I somehow left the bag with all my cloths and toiletries on the table.  Luckily one of my buddies was coming out the next day.  Swung by my house and grabbed it.  

I once decided to take a roommate from hell with me to the dunes. Single dudes, bunch of beer, he smoked and did some other crap. He was probably 26 already but one of those pudgy short dudes. Gangsta type, with goatee and all. Couldn't of been more than 5ft tall. Well he and some other friends decided to go for a ride and he jumped on my quad. Not knowing what he was doing, they rode around the flats and somehow he wheelies real hard to where he falls flat on his back hurting himself. Story I heard from the other buddies was that a nearby camp came running to help and when they seen him stand up in pain, they yelled "He's hurt! He's hurt! Somebody go get his parents!" The other buddies laughed their asses off for days! One of them even said "OK" just out of fear or whatever and went to get me. They were like, hey, go get your kid! Lmfaoooo!!! 

1895. My dad (Jack Johnson) showed me the dunes in 1980 (I never knew him until I was 18). We used to go night riding (far from other camps) and he would yell LIGHTS OUT. First one to turn on a light is a pussy! I had my new 1985 ATC 250SX and was amazed what it could do. One time during a lights out ride, we were climbing a dune. No idea how tall (you had to tap your foot on the sand to see if you were still going forward). Well, I hit the top and had nothing but air for what seemed like forever! I thought I was going to die but I landed perfect on the downside and thanked God. Always was a little more careful of the night rides.

  Also remember the follow the leader rides. You had to stay within the leaders tracks. We would do technical stuff by the trees and always loose someone in the trees. Fun times I wish we could go back to.

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Second trip to glamis my best friend brought his GF at the time, later his wife.....Our group had 2 old odysseys and one 350, she got in the 350 at 2am after we got there....we said this is the gas and this is...............and she was gone.........had to go chase her down found her at the bottom of a dune nosed in pretty good......laughing her ass off....I think that's when he "knew" she was the one. 

1st trip to the dunes. Just married the wife 6 months before. Father in law said let's go to the dunes over new years.  He's always been camp cook. 1st morning for breakfast he breaks out the breakfast burritos. Kinda still new to the family and trying to not be that guy, my father in law has me go first to eat.  I add everything on it I want. As I'm adding the cheese I catch a small whiff of something not good. I kinda mention it to the group but my father in law says it's good. Been in the freezer. Well I put it on my burrito.  It didn't taste terrible but wasn't right. I wasn't gonna say anything and finished it quickly. My brother in law got his next and then was like Dad, this is moldy cheese. They threw it away and got out a new bag...  I still gotta watch him as he brings food from the fridge that has been in there past the expiration dates.

There's nothing funny I can remember about Glamis....Bombfires ....camping.....people doing stupid stuff (RIDERED)........All serious business.............NOT. Story to follow. Peace

There's nothing funny I can remember about Glamis....
3 of us faked sleep while Cheff and Ronnie stopped by our camp and drank beers.  We were beyond partied out after the Golf Tourney and just wanted them to leave.  I think they stayed for 2 beers.  To this day, we get still scared everytime we hear a late night engine.

this one time, me & J were playing ladder golf with @Esco and @Chummin in the compound, and well, you'll have to ask Esco the rest :lmao:  

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3 of us faked sleep while Cheff and Ronnie stopped by our camp and drank beers.  We were beyond partied out after the Golf Tourney and just wanted them to leave.  I think they stayed for 2 beers.  To this day, we get still scared everytime we hear a late night engine.

What a classic night for Donnie and Eye. Y'all heard some great stories. We forgot y'all were there. Peace

Two of us adult leaders took a group of boys from church for the first time. All in the 14 year old range. They set up drags out in front of our 5th wheel and for hours they were going back and forth racing each other on quads. Well as they got more comfortable in the bikes they were getting ever so close when they would flip the “u” turn to go back. Well it finally happened two boys crashed and one broke his collar bone. Problem is we had like 8 boys and no way to go to the hospital until the bishop came 4 hours later. Well boys always act tough until they get hurt. He was in pain but just laying down. We had spaghetti for dinner and this boy managed to put some down while in pain. Still having an hour before a ride showed up we started cracking jokes to get his mind off his pain. Well I guess we cracked a funny one that was so good he had to run to the door in pain from laughing and it was the first and only time I saw projectile vomiting of spaghetti in person. Coupled with a broken collar bone it was very entertaining as each vomit caused massive pain and he couldn’t stop the cycle

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a few years ago, I was headed to Glamis with my youngest son & we were going to roll out after work.  we hit the road & got from San Diego, all the way to the desert floor @ Ocotillo and he wanted to pull over to get a water out of the trailer.  I had to pee anyway, so no problem.  Im standing there "watering the bushes" along side the on ramp & hear him in the trailer going "Dad............. you need to come in here".  I thought the buggy got lose, I swing the door open & he is standing there with our cat in his arms and the cat is REALLY pissed off.  LOL.

We took him the rest of the way to Glamis & setup a potty box in the trailer for him to use.  I called my wife the next morning & she says "do you know where the cat is?"  I told her the story & she kinda laughed.  LOL.  We borrowed a car & took him back to San Diego.  and the next week he was back in the trailer sniffing around.  Curiosity did not kill the cat, but it got a hell of a ride. 

many moons ago.. headed out to mother G, my family in our warrior, bro in law in his, and a buddy who was a newby with his family in a rented trailer. 2nd day in camp the newby said one of his kids (2 massive boys) took a dump and some how the water stayed on and filled his black water tank. So off we went to town to dump it, my bro in law, the friend and me, we get to the dump site, and bro-in law says i got this!! we all jump out of truck to lend moral support... as he unscrewed the cap to hook the hose on.. someone had the valve already opened on black tank!!  chit spraying everywhere, Corn kernels, TP!! all over my brother in law!! to this day we still call him Shitta man!!  had to strip down threw his close in trash and grabbed some clothes from buddys trailer. God it was the best!!

I ate a piece of a brownie,  then a half hour later I ate a piece of someone else's brownie, then later I finished another brownie.  Thats the funny part for me.  The 8 hours after this was torture.  Funny for everyone else.


many moons ago.. headed out to mother G, my family in our warrior, bro in law in his, and a buddy who was a newby with his family in a rented trailer. 2nd day in camp the newby said one of his kids (2 massive boys) took a dump and some how the water stayed on and filled his black water tank. So off we went to town to dump it, my bro in law, the friend and me, we get to the dump site, and bro-in law says i got this!! we all jump out of truck to lend moral support... as he unscrewed the cap to hook the hose on.. someone had the valve already opened on black tank!!  chit spraying everywhere, Corn kernels, TP!! all over my brother in law!! to this day we still call him Shitta man!!  had to strip down threw his close in trash and grabbed some clothes from buddys trailer. God it was the best!!
That is really funny and perfect for a newbie. I can tell you that it will never happen to him again
