Supercross/Outdoor Motorcross

You have got to be kidding me!!!!!

Who the eff would want that douchebag on their team!

He's a POS that has no game other than to take you out cause he can't pass!

Note to self...I wish I could ride as good as him but can't so I'll just shut up now...he's still a d-BAG though!

Come on BAM your thang and send this guy to the wall!




Everybody is saying this kid has the 250 class already wrapped up


Everybody is saying this kid has the 250 class already wrapped up

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Maybe so, but "somehow" nearly all his tough competition is in West Coast and he's in East Coast.  hmmmmm, what a coincidence?!  Not knocking all E coast riders but look at rosters, most top guys are riding W coast.  I strongly feel this was a decision to make it easier on the deegs.  Daddy had a big say so on this, I heard about the mechanic being hurt story and that is why he's E coast.  Not believing that.  I called this (putting him up against less competition) at the end of last season.   The kid is good, no doubt but sure funny how this worked out and how last year he would be in qualifying scenarios just like this.  I think AMA is all about social media and how he (deegs) and his daddy give attention to the sport.  My $.02
