Sunset hill


New member
May 6, 2021
When did this become a thing?   Ive been going to mother G for as long as i can remember one night looking at pics of what is sunset hill I’m guessing its the big flat hill between olds and osborne,  one Saturday night i was stuck out there for several hours popped a bead waiting on a replacement around 2012-13. Watched the sun go down, wasnt romanatic or a destination just a stupid move transitioning finished my 🍺 in my chest then was on my way with a new tire.  Didn't know that was a thing till i saw it on youtube last night.  Been busy with life haven't been to the dunes going on 4 seasons now hoping to get a trip in this year.   Just wondering not talking 💩 just a question.  

Probably last 4 seasons or so when BLM really started harassing people at the drags. But Sunset, aka The Ledge, is now super crowded and BLM got a CanAm so they show up sometimes. 

Best part of The Ledge is when you get there early and are having a beer with buddies and a SxS shows up later on blasting music and parks close, basically blocking you in. The sh!tty music is free!


i think around 2011-12 my son closest to left went on to the Navy my buddy son foot on banshee went on to the Army rt after this I so miss these days sunset at the drags no destination just riding all day and night.

It has really blown up the last couple of years, only good thing that happens there, there is a good chance you will see a SxS roll trying to park in the perfect spot.  It has turned into a trash dump now, so sad.

Go for the beers, stay for the chit show. Watching the people who don't have a clue how to drive try to get a parking spot is priceless. on the busy weekends you are bound to see at least 3 cars almost get in a wreck because everyone thinks it time to show off on the dune right in front of it. We usually go to the drags and see whats happening for a few minutes then head over to the ledge for a bit. its cool if you want to walk around and see some nice cars

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It's one of the Top Instagram hashtags used for Glamis Sand Dunes.


Guy's with more dollars then sense, Girls in Yoga pants with a history of bad decisions what could possibly go wrong.  If you said just about anything you are correct. 

It's like a boat ramp and your typical party cove rolled into one. 

Few things better than making the run (I am a wash guy) from Brawley through Olds to Osborn at 7am, I stay way from that area after 3pm so many huge groups of sxs/rails/quads its gotten crazy to try an make fast runs unless you go early. Jonesin for some mother G

Cool spot to watch the sun set, and have a beer without being having to worry about BLM (for the most part)

definitely getting a little too busy lately.

