Sunset hill

Ive had a old timer call it Lights out Bowl... Any old times here that can confirm it?
As I know it, that the biggest bowl.  On a full moon, everyone cuts their headlights and runs the bowl several times.  We've done it on night rides several times.  Fun as hell but scary as well.

As I know it, that the biggest bowl.  On a full moon, everyone cuts their headlights and runs the bowl several times.  We've done it on night rides several times.  Fun as hell but scary as well.
sounds dangerous......and I like it. MMEEOOWWW!

Old timers call it k2 the old t shirts that had all the highest peaks in Glamis called it k2 for the Mountain peak

Go for the beers, stay for the chit show. Watching the people who don't have a clue how to drive try to get a parking spot is priceless. on the busy weekends you are bound to see at least 3 cars almost get in a wreck because everyone thinks it time to show off on the dune right in front of it.
What's wrong with showing off at The Ledge...


Been going for about 12 years use to be nice see the same people can talk have a beer. Now you get the SxS crowd with dualing stereos and just park wherever blocking people in etc. 

What's wrong with showing off at The Ledge...

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lol you did it in the correct spot. That bowl is not nearly as crowded with people coming up and you have a nice audience watching from above. I'm talking about the people trying to dune on the other side coming from the drags. and i'm just chit talking lol i love watching the madness

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Old timers call it k2 the old t shirts that had all the highest peaks in Glamis called it k2 for the Mountain peak
That's what the old fellas that learned me about the dunes called it, pretty sure I have an old tshirt from the 90s as well.

That time of day is my preferred time for a ride! I watch the sunset as I drive around the dunes. 

I was out of the loop and think the ledge is a pretty social media driven destination. The view is good but company, stereos, traffic, etc can be a bit hectic if that's not your scene. I like it on occasion and also like the solitude of any hill with a view on occasion, mix it up a bit. It's accessible for the folks that only do sand highway and on a busy weekend you can see the dust to the west when the drags let up, looks like a plague of locust on their way to the ledge. 

As @SANDPSYCHO mentioned, you can usually find it by the trash left behind, same as the drags, Olds, Brawley Slide, and the swing set because it's a destination. That's the shitty part, people leaving trash :bangin:

I'm all for letting people do their thing, even if it's not my thing... as long as they aren't douchebags leaving trash or being disrespectful... if everyone duned where I dune, watch the sunset where I do, etc. etc. then I'd have to change my game up because it would be too crowded. It's good to know where the crowds are when you want to find them and where they aren't when you want to be left alone :hethan:
