Stoddard Wells Hit and Run


Well-known member
May 5, 2021
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Heard about this sad story of now 2 kids killed in a hit and run. I believe the young boy died shortly after being struck and sounds like the other girl died from her injuries today? 

Sounds like they were out riding doubles on a little quad around 9pm when the accident occurred. Help bring some closure to the poor families. Here are some screenshots from Boardmanville _glamis on IG. E1891B80-5FF3-4AB8-9B4D-1E8C5D1F49C7.jpegCC5F535B-9297-4190-8D49-E3D360A95981.jpeg1F7DBA7B-B3CD-4389-B31C-21BF4A1675E5.jpegB4984915-F8EF-4E99-9425-1A14DEA9495B.jpeg11B376C3-0AE1-421A-8990-CE4B8B45F4D0.jpeg4A502337-1FCA-471E-A4CB-0382028AF39B.jpeg

Heard about this on the news. 
So sad. 

Very sad and upsetting story about the driver of the SxS not stopping to help. I hope the driver is found. RIP lil ones! 

Tragic story, RIP little kids.

DAMN.  My buddy at work told me about this.  😢

Wonder if the post above is true or a trolling prank. The guy who said its his buddy and he was with him. 

It's the internet so I instantly think the guy is a troll.  Neither have removed their accounts so I suspect they are just punk kids.  I hope not and the families get some answers.

You have to ask yourself questions and think how your family or camp operates while out enjoying OHV riding.

I'm not picking on the family, please don't take it that way. Well wishes and prayers for this family are needed, I hope the ton of news stories and social media posts help them for whatever they need in the near future, those lives are gone - its a tragedy.

I wonder to my self a few things. This is a discussion board, join the discussion if you want.

Why were 2 kids that age alone, 2 mins away from camp at 9pm at night in the open desert. SW OHV is a BUSY riding area.

I don't care about them riding doubles, that's not really not an issue but maybe 2 quads would have been easier to see, who knows.

How could you drive away, they clearly knew they hit something - a person. How could you leave the scene, under the influence is no excuse.

I already showed my kids this news story, reminded them how fast life can end, you have to keep your eyes open at all times.

Driver and co pilot should have stopped and rendered aid. Parents share some responsibility for not keeping better watch on their kids. It’s a sad situation all around. Those parents will have to live with what they allowed. I would never have my young kids out that late without me right there next to them. 

You have to ask yourself questions and think how your family or camp operates while out enjoying OHV riding.

I'm not picking on the family, please don't take it that way. Well wishes and prayers for this family are needed, I hope the ton of news stories and social media posts help them for whatever they need in the near future, those lives are gone - its a tragedy.

I wonder to my self a few things. This is a discussion board, join the discussion if you want.

Why were 2 kids that age alone, 2 mins away from camp at 9pm at night in the open desert. SW OHV is a BUSY riding area.

I don't care about them riding doubles, that's not really not an issue but maybe 2 quads would have been easier to see, who knows.

How could you drive away, they clearly knew they hit something - a person. How could you leave the scene, under the influence is no excuse.

I already showed my kids this news story, reminded them how fast life can end, you have to keep your eyes open at all times.
i was starting to type something similar when your reply showed up...

i feel bad for the family i cant imagine losing my daughter. 

just like you said why were two young kids out riding doubles (not allowed in CA) alone at night? its dark by nine is there lights on the quad? you can get pretty far in 2 min even on a little quad. any time a younger kid wants to ride outside the camp circle we always had an adult on a quad right by them. even now if a kid is on a quad we have the sxs's infront and behind them. 

not stopping to check on what happen is pretty bad. all the hashtags of justice for the kids. is stodderd wells not like glamis where its the open desert and a not fault area. remember last season everyone was trying to track down the rail that hit the guy on the bike at the drags. unless the person was drunk they would not be at fault. 

its a horrible ACCIDENT that probably could of been avoid had both sides been acting  a little better. 

came back to add to my comment.... the more i think about the situation i think more and more the either ignorance or just not caring on the parents part. they are grieving and in shock and looking for someone to blame.... i think they need to look in the mirror. not one thing they did and allowed to happen should of happened. none of us are emotionally involved so we can look at it from a facts perspective. we dont know anything about the other side only what the family posted. 2 young kids should not of been riding doubles, 2 young kids should not of been allowed to go out riding alone at dark. where there lights on the quad so they could be seen? where were the parents? reports i have read said a bystander found the kids not the parents. if we are making assumptions about the diver of the RZR being drunk could we make the same of the parents and that is why they didnt care about the kids going out alone at night? those little quads can go pretty fast and can get far in 2 min, were the parents not watching them? they also said the kids helmet came off at impact, that made me think i cant think of a crash i have seen (supercross, glamis, the crusty videos, all my years watching freestyle moto) that a helmet has come off, was he not wearing the right helmet, was the helmet not strapped on?  its a holiday weekend, i know most of us are on a more of a heightened alert on big weekends especially if our kids are involved.  

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And this is NOT any judgment on any of the parties involved, its a reminder to myself of what can occur when you blink.

<--Not perfect, has done stuff where same could have happened to my own. I'm sure we all have, if we are honest.

Scary shit.

i was starting to type something similar when your reply showed up...

i feel bad for the family i cant imagine losing my daughter. 

just like you said why were two young kids out riding doubles (not allowed in CA) alone at night? its dark by nine is there lights on the quad? you can get pretty far in 2 min even on a little quad. any time a younger kid wants to ride outside the camp circle we always had an adult on a quad right by them. even now if a kid is on a quad we have the sxs's infront and behind them. 

not stopping to check on what happen is pretty bad. all the hashtags of justice for the kids. is stodderd wells not like glamis where its the open desert and a not fault area. remember last season everyone was trying to track down the rail that hit the guy on the bike at the drags. unless the person was drunk they would not be at fault. 

its a horrible ACCIDENT that probably could of been avoid had both sides been acting  a little better. 
I can't imagine the families grief.

I agree with you on all thoughts, if sober there would be no fault, but now that they left the scene it is now a felony hit and run.  

All I can say is Eff that guy for saying the kid cut him off so... that's no excuse to leave them there to die! Karma's a BITCH and I hope it comes back to fuk them in their asses with no lube! Typical sign and drive C.U.N.T!

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I can't imagine the families grief.

I agree with you on all thoughts, if sober there would be no fault, but now that they left the scene it is now a felony hit and run.  
based on what we know the only thing this guy can get charged for is hit and run.  at this point unless someone in their group is willing to testify its damn near impossible to prove who was driving and if that person had been drinking.  

please no one think im defending the rzr driver. he should of stopped and tried to help not ran. that was a really messed up thing to do.  but based on what we know it was an accident. and accident i think should of never happened if the parents were being parents. 

One word (may not have helped).. lighting.. I put big lighted whips and HIDs on the handle bars of all of my kids quads.

Safety deal.

RIP little ones. So sad.


@ANGRYBUTTCRACK Yup, I was thinking the same thing. Some lighted whips could have helped. I doubt the little Chinese quad had them. I’m always on high alert ESPECIALLY on holiday weekends.

We have some friends that camp with us in Glamis who let there little guys roam pretty far from camp. It’s always on holiday Weekends as well. We usually camp in wash 10-12. Last year the little 8 year old came into camp and I asked him where he had been? He said I went to go see the buried truck, I do it all the time. Yes, he was by himself and I couldn’t resist but tell his parents that was not cool. I’ll be sharing this story with them. 

@ANGRYBUTTCRACK Yup, I was thinking the same thing. Some lighted whips could have helped. I doubt the little Chinese quad had them. I’m always on high alert ESPECIALLY on holiday weekends.

We have some friends that camp with us in Glamis who let there little guys roam pretty far from camp. It’s always on holiday Weekends as well. We usually camp in wash 10-12. Last year the little 8 year old came into camp and I asked him where he had been? He said I went to go see the buried truck, I do it all the time. Yes, he was by himself and I couldn’t resist but tell his parents that was not cool. I’ll be sharing this story with them. 
He could find his way out and back in the dark?
