SSSS facts

Went Sunday and was not that crowded.

Bought 3 hats, 3 beers, got some free coozies, hung out with friends...was a great time.

Saw Scott, @MGMFRP, Talked to Grant at Funco for a few, drooled on Dillons New Funco (Sorry D) :lmao:

Prices were out of control for the Stuff at Bert's, but seemed everything had SOLD signs on them. Probably just a gimmick to get you to order something.

Had fun, but I go in knowing what it is and that it isn't like the old days. It is still a good time to cruise around with my friends and look at stuff!

I like blue!   :bag:


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The SxS Super Spreader Social Sand Sports Show (SSSSSSSS) was good to have back.  Went Saturday, it was packed.  PCI and Speed were the most crowded booths.  Great to see WIlkey going around and taking pics with anyone that wanted to.  The sad thing, the only thing I bought all day was beer, nothing really got me excited or anything I needed/wanted.  Kind of all the same crap now.  But it was great to hang with my dunning peeps which I only see in the Dunes.
The Rugged Radio area was packed all Friday and Saturday.  By Sunday they probably started running out of product.  Saturday morning the Speed area was fairly empty at 9:30.  Went there first so we could check them out without a ton of people.    

I think 5150 whips was in Safeglo’s spot. There was a new whip company with magnetic whips and some other big vendor display in the same building as where Safeglo was to be. I was wondering if they changed their name? There was 4 big whip vendors in that same building including Buggy Whip, so maybe they bowed out, not wanting to compete with 4 other vendors within 50ft. 
I thought the same thing but they were nowhere to be found. Specially after I had talked with heather about the show and how they were gonna be there and she told me to wait to the show to get the show prices this was back in March.. 

Safeglow didn't show up to the show, they were to be right next to Glamis Veterans booth in building 10.

We proceeded to "borrow" their spot when they didn't show up by Saturday morning... :ninja:

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I was looking for safeglow as well as they told me they were gonna be here this weekend I was really interested in their "new" magnet style and 10x brighter supposedly whips then the HD whips I have from them. I think it's time to move on they never answer the phone.
Their booth was suppose to be next to Glamis Veterans...  They never showed up.

Went Sunday and was not that crowded.

Bought 3 hats, 3 beers, got some free coozies, hung out with friends...was a great time.

Saw Scott, @MGMFRP, Talked to Grant at Funco for a few, drooled on Dillons New Funco (Sorry D) :lmao:

Prices were out of control for the Stuff at Bert's, but seemed everything had SOLD signs on them. Probably just a gimmick to get you to order something.

Had fun, but I go in knowing what it is and that it isn't like the old days. It is still a good time to cruise around with my friends and look at stuff!

I like blue!   :bag:
I was playing around and told you that you couldn't take our candy but you didn't listen :lol:   guess you didn't recognize me either :dunno:

It was a good show, went Friday and Saturday. We all know the days of Extreme hanging sand rails upside down are gone and likely never to be again, but the show was big with lots of people and lots of me it gets me in the spirit for the upcoming season! Loved the Tatum and Funco cars....always impressive, bummed not to see CBM or many options now for SXS and accessories makes it hard to focus. Razorback had a really cool belt temp sensor with fan kit. When the sensor heats up the fan speed increases on the belt, they lit a lighter on the sensor and the amount of air this thing pushed out was very impressive!! Speed definitely had the biggest crowds all weekend, I know there was some door fitment issues and a couple ugly welds but I think overall very impressed with the design and build...these things look stout...I'll wait for the first couple thousand get delivered to make a decision, hope the best for them.  

What a weekend, awesome being able to meet some of you guys and have some great conversations. Lost count how many times people asked me if these brakes are for Can am or rzr . 

I was playing around and told you that you couldn't take our candy but you didn't listen :lol:   guess you didn't recognize me either :dunno:
OMG...That was you!

I'm sorry.

Scott came up to me and was like, hey you're dbart? yeah...he said I'm scott MGM/FRP!


I didn't recognize anyone...I'm   :ex:

We went anticipating it to be smaller or possible restrictions. I would have liked to see more sand cars but that's just a sign of the times. All in all we had an absolute blast and very happy with the turn out. 

Me and few of the fellas went on Saturday morning. Lots of SXS's loud stereo's, but mainly went for the Speed UTV which i was impressed with and happy to wait for it. and To see Funco and speak with grant about my build. Got to see my good buddies at Toys for big boys, bought a couple whips from JCwhipsnShit. It was a busy show, lots of people, expensive beer, and mostly no deals to be had. otherwise it was a good time and my dogs were barking after 25k steps around that place. Will post photos later.

Went Sunday and was not that crowded.

Bought 3 hats, 3 beers, got some free coozies, hung out with friends...was a great time.

Saw Scott, @MGMFRP, Talked to Grant at Funco for a few, drooled on Dillons New Funco (Sorry D) :lmao:

Prices were out of control for the Stuff at Bert's, but seemed everything had SOLD signs on them. Probably just a gimmick to get you to order something.

Had fun, but I go in knowing what it is and that it isn't like the old days. It is still a good time to cruise around with my friends and look at stuff!

I like blue!   :bag:

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Of course Speed was gonna draw the biggest crowds. Everyone wanted to see what the cars were gonna look like. If we are being honest, everyone I knew that went were going mainly to see the Speed UTV. Still being honest, Speed UTV was the biggest upset. From the horrific welds to the shitty fit and finish. Yes these issues will get worked out but for that to be on display, for everyone to see that has waited so long to see the baddest game changer ever, was a bad showing and some real bad publicity. Yes I am talking chit about Speed but with no fear as I don’t have a deposit down! As for Polaris and Can-am, they had nothing new to show so no need to visit.
You sound like you saw one freckle on 4 supermodels and now you're saying they're all ugly witches.

Way to overdramatize one strong, but sh1tty looking weld.

You sound like you saw one freckle on 4 supermodels and now you're saying they're all ugly witches.

Way to overdramatize one strong, but sh1tty looking weld.
Guaranteed everything around that weld is brittle. HAZ probably encompasses all of the tubes around that joint, LOL.

But, since it’s not going to a customer, just costs Robbie money from people seeing that and deciding to pass. 

You sound like you saw one freckle on 4 supermodels and now you're saying they're all ugly witches.

Way to overdramatize one strong, but sh1tty looking weld.
I think you are missing my point. We can agree, from reading a lot of your posts, that tons of people keep complaining about how long the build is taking. We can also agree that a lot of people have unreal expectations as to how long it was gonna take to build the Speed UTV. So if there are a crap ton of people that made deposits expecting to get it the first year because of the misleading of Robby, than how do you think those people feel seeing the crappy welds and doors that don’t close, etc? How do you think the people that didn’t make deposits and are awaiting the unveiling of the Speed UTV feel about the fit and finish? All of us that KNOW this isn’t the finished product can see passed the snafu’s. Not everyone is like us. They only needed to bring 3 cars with good fit and finish to the show to make everyone eat crow. So before powder coating or painting the chasis, check all of the welds and perfect them. Fix the alignment of the doors before bringing it out. Just to be clear, I’m not bashing the cars. Even after what I saw, I still know the issues will be fixed, and I still know I want a Diablo! Just saying they may have lost a lot of potential buyers from what they saw. 

Guaranteed everything around that weld is brittle. HAZ probably encompasses all of the tubes around that joint, LOL.

But, since it’s not going to a customer, just costs Robbie money from people seeing that and deciding to pass. 
If that's a deal breaker, he's probably better off not having someone like that as a customer. Robby has posted pics of joints of other brands that were not welded at all. But nobody bats an eyelash at the bigger flaws of either of the other major brands.

I think you are missing my point. We can agree, from reading a lot of your posts, that tons of people keep complaining about how long the build is taking. We can also agree that a lot of people have unreal expectations as to how long it was gonna take to build the Speed UTV. So if there are a crap ton of people that made deposits expecting to get it the first year because of the misleading of Robby, than how do you think those people feel seeing the crappy welds and doors that don’t close, etc? How do you think the people that didn’t make deposits and are awaiting the unveiling of the Speed UTV feel about the fit and finish? All of us that KNOW this isn’t the finished product can see passed the snafu’s. Not everyone is like us. They only needed to bring 3 cars with good fit and finish to the show to make everyone eat crow. So before powder coating or painting the chasis, check all of the welds and perfect them. Fix the alignment of the doors before bringing it out. Just to be clear, I’m not bashing the cars. Even after what I saw, I still know the issues will be fixed, and I still know I want a Diablo! Just saying they may have lost a lot of potential buyers from what they saw. 
The overall reaction of the crowds at the SSSS was these were a big hit and the things you are claiming are mountains aren't even a molehill.

I don't have confirmation, but I'm pretty sure he gained a lot more customers who saw those at the show instead of losing, if they did lose any customers.
