Speed UTV

What's the deal with the love affair between Speed and the guys at Joe Fab? I like the videos the guy does @duneaddict on YouTube showing all the repairs they do there. But anytime a Speed car goes by or comes up in conversation it's like they cream themselves and talk about how great the cars are because they never come in for repairs. What am I'm missing?
In one of the last videos he was going on and on about how they had a beefed up exhaust manifold they make and keep on the shelf. Then went on to say how they don't have any problems....oh, is that why Joe is making/stocking custom parts?
There was a two seat at Gordon’s running the drags. I watched it get beat over and over again. My son smoked it in his bone stock Polaris XPT. At some point it seemed like he may have turned on the key as the gaps he lost by got a lot shorter. None the less, pretty much all racers sent him to Gapplebees.
Went to Mexico for a 1300 mile SXS ride a few weeks ago. 11 cars. One was a speed. I was concerned going 600 miles south of the boarder was not a good idea for him. But he had a great trip. He left the trip and drove asphalt for the last 300 miles because another guy had to leave trip early. I did 1321 miles in my can am. I’m assuming he did like 1200! He had two issues. Slight over heating on long fast runs Removing his partial windscreen helped. And he had some shifter engagement issues. ( getting it into desired gear). I was surprisingly impressed.

Watching the oil change video above was not impressive. Looks like a lot of work for an oil change. Pulling sparkplugs, 10-20 key cycles before start up. No oil fill cap, and the worst was a factory technician showing you to put your mouth on an oily tube to purge air bubbles does not seem like a good idea. When you have caution warnings all over the place like “ don’t eat fiberglass” on a fiberglass ladder but here you are shown to put your lips on a breather tube and blow. My can am takes 5 min for an oil change with filter. Speed seems to be overly complicated for a common oil change.
Have I been doing oil changes wrong all this time?
I have never pulled spark plugs or blown any hoses during an oil change before.
Flat rate used to only pay 0.3 hrs for a lube, oil and filter change. IDK if that's enough time to do all that shit.
Are there people still waiting for these things that paid years ago OR did they finally catch up to the deposits that were taken ate the SSSS back years ago....(i may be wrong but when @sndsamplr was buying his UTV and we were looking at these things it was 2019 I think)......

they seem well built but not sure Id get one......the older I get the more simple I want things! (except RC cars..and ATC 70s.....Those I complicate everything!)
Are there people still waiting for these things that paid years ago OR did they finally catch up to the deposits that were taken ate the SSSS back years ago....(i may be wrong but when @sndsamplr was buying his UTV and we were looking at these things it was 2019 I think)......

they seem well built but not sure Id get one......the older I get the more simple I want things! (except RC cars..and ATC 70s.....Those I complicate everything!)
Still trying to deliver the cars to the deposit holders. They have maybe around 1000 cars delivered and there something around 2500 deposits. The problem is most not only put down a deposit but paid up front for the accessories.
Still trying to deliver the cars to the deposit holders. They have maybe around 1000 cars delivered and there something around 2500 deposits. The problem is most not only put down a deposit but paid up front for the accessories.
5 years to get a shit together... Wonder what the tariffs are going to do to him..
Still trying to deliver the cars to the deposit holders. They have maybe around 1000 cars delivered and there something around 2500 deposits. The problem is most not only put down a deposit but paid up front for the accessories.
WOW - That is CRAZY !!!! there must be some serious pissed off people ! That would SUCK !!!!