Speed UTV

Tonight’s  show was informative.  Sounds like they still have some engine stuff to iron out.    Based on this and some other issues they are ironing out I would not expect production to start until early next year.  

The ability to mirror your phone on the display is pretty cool.  The underside of the car looks stout.  

SCDX Quit??? No Way!
Steve may be lots of things, but he's definitely NOT a quitter. I actually find his antics funny these days... I may be just getting crotchety in my old age though :lol:  

Sounded like they are planning on starting production in early December (of course no year was mentioned). 
I guess we will see.  Just sounded like they were addressing several small issues and whatever issue they have with the motor.  Also sounded like they were still playing with spring rates. I just do not see how they can make some of the changes and then get their suppliers to quickly make the change and supply the parts. 

If they pull it off and start production in December it would be very impressive. 

When he started talking about deliveries "this year" I could almost hear people cringing in the background, LOL.

Well if they do start December production, will be perfect for dirt season. My money is ready!

I would think it would be in his best interest to not start forecasting again. Who knows what the future holds as far as supplies.

show #80 - lots of "dead air" time, engine diag ticking issues unknown above 8k rpm, screen mirror, delivery "you should be ok, under master no # to make this season" then M# not given .

I don't know kinda weak presentation overall, RGs enthusiasm was not there tonight

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