Speaking of points of interest.....

And Sand is no longer an approved landing surface for kids and playground equipment.  We should look into putting bark or rubber flooring under all of these swings and teeter totters out there................🤪
If we covered all of the dunes in rubber, just imagine how many times talentless X3 "drivers" would land safely instead of ripping the entire front suspension off of their ride! Insurance premiums would go down, we'd all save up to 15%, probably a lot more!


That's not far off.  I work in Parks.  Playgrounds are an extreme liability and people sue constantly.  That's why playgrounds nowadays are short, plastic and caged in.
Did you read that Hozay?

It's easy to predict how libtards and gov't bureaucrats think. They want to ban everything!!

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Good call, get obtuse and stuck on a point that doesn't matter then when you it's apparent you've lost the argument take it to FB and stoke the fires there with intentionally misleading bullshit. -1 Steve.

Good call, get obtuse and stuck on a point that doesn't matter then when you it's apparent you've lost the argument take it to FB and stoke the fires there with intentionally misleading bullshit. -1 Steve.
I was just adding to your "the CBD is gonna close the dunes because of this" BS.

You wanna spread BS, I'll help you.


Honestly, you're the one stuck on some obtuse point. I don't care one way or the other if they remove the memorials. Just don't point to them as some kind of safety hazard, because everyone knows more people have died hitting kiddie tracks.

How many people have hit the water fountain or the airplane? Or any of these memorials?

I was just adding to your "the CBD is gonna close the dunes because of this" BS.

You wanna spread BS, I'll help you.


Honestly, you're the one stuck on some obtuse point. I don't care one way or the other if they remove the memorials. Just don't point to them as some kind of safety hazard, because everyone knows more people have died hitting kiddie tracks.

How many people have hit the water fountain or the airplane? Or any of these memorials?
In this thread some people have brought up the safety issue of hitting them. Before completely inserting the giant douchenozzle go read the thread and that post and you'll see that not one time did I mention someone hitting the god damned thing with their vehicle as being the reason they shouldn't be there. I did draw a comparison somewhere in here to make the point that someone hitting a track vs hitting these things is different... that's the point I made, not that they are more or less dangerous than tracks.

I'm all for a good hearted and even heated discussion at times but don't come at me twisting my intent or what I said and don't drag it from here and chit all over social media about it. Eff around and find out.

In this thread some people have brought up the safety issue of hitting them. Before completely inserting the giant douchenozzle go read the thread and that post and you'll see that not one time did I mention someone hitting the god damned thing with their vehicle as being the reason they shouldn't be there. I did draw a comparison somewhere in here to make the point that someone hitting a track vs hitting these things is different... that's the point I made, not that they are more or less dangerous than tracks.

I'm all for a good hearted and even heated discussion at times but don't come at me twisting my intent or what I said and don't drag it from here and chit all over social media about it. Eff around and find out.

Who is twisting what around? Are you serious?????

Who started that thread about memorials on FB????    YOU DID.


The actual point of that thread ... separate it from this one... is about the process greens use to shut down our riding areas.. bogging the system and resources down with litigation (and paying their bills through FLREA reimbursement). These memorials are a side to that, not the actual point.

It was more that, they are an unnaturally occurring liability that could endanger our riding area. It wasn't that they are more or less dangerous than sand highway or tracks (both part of the recreation authorized natural landscape).

Argue all you want Steve. I've defended you and called it good natured while you play devils advocate or whatever you'd like to call it. As long as you can come here with your ill-intent and misleading bullshit to argue and misconstrue, after I've tried clarifying and point to facts multiple times I'm done wasting my time trying to help. I have better things to spend my time on.

The actual point of that thread ... separate it from this one... is about the process greens use to shut down our riding areas.. bogging the system and resources down with litigation (and paying their bills through FLREA reimbursement). These memorials are a side to that, not the actual point.

It was more that, they are an unnaturally occurring liability that could endanger our riding area. It wasn't that they are more or less dangerous than sand highway or tracks (both part of the recreation authorized natural landscape).

Argue all you want Steve. I've defended you and called it good natured while you play devils advocate or whatever you'd like to call it. As long as you can come here with your ill-intent and misleading bullshit to argue and misconstrue, after I've tried clarifying and point to facts multiple times I'm done wasting my time trying to help. I have better things to spend my time on.
He has lots of time on his hands.  We all know his hands won't be touching the Speed UTV he ordered for a while.   LMAO!!!

Trolling on both Facebook and here, pretty lame..................

The actual point of that thread ... separate it from this one... is about the process greens use to shut down our riding areas.. bogging the system and resources down with litigation (and paying their bills through FLREA reimbursement). These memorials are a side to that, not the actual point.

It was more that, they are an unnaturally occurring liability that could endanger our riding area. It wasn't that they are more or less dangerous than sand highway or tracks (both part of the recreation authorized natural landscape).

Argue all you want Steve. I've defended you and called it good natured while you play devils advocate or whatever you'd like to call it. As long as you can come here with your ill-intent and misleading bullshit to argue and misconstrue, after I've tried clarifying and point to facts multiple times I'm done wasting my time trying to help. I have better things to spend my time on.
I've never argued against your point, if you actually read my posts. Should the memorials be removed or not even installed?

Sure, for the umpteenth time. Has the CBD used the memorials as an excuse to close the ISDRA? Not yet, but if they're reading your posts...

What you seem incapable of admitting for whatever reason, is that maybe we should be more concerned about man made obstacles that have actually killed people. It doesn't negate your point, it REINFORCES your point. Why you don't see that baffles me.

What's so wrong with that? Shouldn't we be concerned with the death toll from kiddie tracks? What's wrong with asking people not to leave kiddie tracks behind when they go home?

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He has lots of time on his hands.  We all know his hands won't be touching the Speed UTV he ordered for a while.   LMAO!!!
Don't you have a memorial you have to run into? Didn't you see I tried to get rubber installed all over Glamis just to protect your X3?


I am shocked that didn't happen with the merry-go-round-redneck-swing-of-death

That chit was literally in the wash 11 highway and ~20ft from a 20' high dune that hundreds drive directly by on the daily, any given weekend.
you mean one of these???

giant strides.jpg

Here's a little common sense for you.

Kiddie tracks are man made, just like these memorials. That's a fact, it's sure not the wind making them.

The memorials are also man made.

Now how many people have been killed by hitting one of those memorials? None, so far. Knowing some people, it will happen eventually.

How many people have been severely injured or killed by hitting a kiddie track? Yes, I know they shouldn't have been speeding there, but I'm not their mother.

So thinking logically, the BLM should be more concerned about removing the PROVEN man made hazard out there. That shouldn't even be disputed. 

Should the BLM remove all of those memorials? Sure. Should the BLM remove the man made obstacles that have already killed how many?? Absolutely.

Should people stop putting swing sets out there? Sure. Should they stop making kiddie tracks...

well considering the death toll, what do you think?

Kiddie tracks serve a purpose - to teach kids how to traverse turns, get their confidence up, allow kids to ride near camp with the parents close - and ultimately prepare them for riding out in the dunes.   The people that hit them are at fault -there's rules and speed limits for a reason in camping areas - you break them, bad chit happens.  There's also rules to not leave trash, put metal stakes in the ground, etc - those rules should also be followed.  Your point about the kiddie tracks causing more damage to people is true, but a moot point as it has nothing to do with the actual topic.  

I think all of the chit out in the dunes should be removed. 
