Speaking of points of interest.....

The BBQ which is the sign your are about to enter some shitty dunes back toward the washes. 

^^^ put it on the facebook pages for a day, then delete before the comments get out of control.  You will hook a few stupid people in

Funny to just pull up some random Coordinates....and send to people. :lmao:  

I mean, here it is,

Bob's Big Boy 32°49'21.8"N 114°57'43.7"W

Sphinx: 32°49'03.8"N 114°56'57.7"W

Lochness: Still searching

At least pick coordinates in ISDRA...

If that Bob's Big boy was real atleast you'd probably see that even at night long before you ran into it

They are points in glamis...I just random picked!

Copy/paste and see    :laugh1:

They were both in the Atlantic when I googled them, but of course google didn't copy them correctly.... :classic_ninja:

It's all fun and games until someone rails over a dune or around a bush and gets waded up in one!
This shouldn't really be an issue. People shouldn't be driving faster than they can stop if they can't see that far ahead. If they come over a ridge or a bush they can't see over or around, then they should slow way down.

Just think if that was a 6 yr old kid on a quad stopped there, smaller than these "landmarks." The kid got hit because the driver was going too fast to stop under those conditions. It wasn't the kid's fault, it wasn't the landmark's fault. It was the reckless driver, pure and simple. 

If the driver blames the landmark, he wasn't paying attention or driving too fast and trying to blame an inanimate object for his poor judgement.

For all of you who don't want these points of interest, how many of you think there's nothing wrong with kiddie tracks? You know, man made landmarks in the camping area that are even more likely to get hit because they don't stand out, they blend right in. C'mon, be consistent now.  :lol:

Kiddie tracks are even more dangerous than some big 15' tall merry go round. I'm not supporting either one, just pointing out the illogical stance of demanding that a swing set get removed, but allowing kids to make more and more kiddie tracks.

This shouldn't really be an issue. People shouldn't be driving faster than they can stop if they can't see that far ahead. If they come over a ridge or a bush they can't see over or around, then they should slow way down.

Just think if that was a 6 yr old kid on a quad stopped there, smaller than these "landmarks." The kid got hit because the driver was going too fast to stop under those conditions. It wasn't the kid's fault, it wasn't the landmark's fault. It was the reckless driver, pure and simple. 

If the driver blames the landmark, he wasn't paying attention or driving too fast and trying to blame an inanimate object for his poor judgement.

For all of you who don't want these points of interest, how many of you think there's nothing wrong with kiddie tracks? You know, man made landmarks in the camping area that are even more likely to get hit because they don't stand out, they blend right in. C'mon, be consistent now.  :lol:

Kiddie tracks are even more dangerous than some big 15' tall merry go round. I'm not supporting either one, just pointing out the illogical stance of demanding that a swing set get removed, but allowing kids to make more and more kiddie tracks.
Kiddy Tracks, Sand Highway and Drags would all disappear if people stopped using them. It's just the sand in a formation from frequent use.

The Landmarks in question are not China Wall, Sunset Ledge, etc...

Its the stuff that soon becomes a trash pile.

It's  illogical to compare sand tracks to a metal swing set actually.

Kiddy Tracks, Sand Highway and Drags would all disappear if people stopped using them. It's just the sand in a formation from frequent use.

The Landmarks in question are not China Wall, Sunset Ledge, etc...

Its the stuff that soon becomes a trash pile.

It's  illogical to compare sand tracks to a metal swing set actually.
Kiddie tracks are not sand tracks. They are man made unnatural features that can kill someone if they hit it at speed. You've seen it posted on here, so and so died after hitting a kiddie track.

In that regard, they're even more dangerous than a 15' tall merry go round, since they're not as obvious to the person driving while stupid.

Kiddie tracks are not sand tracks. They are man made unnatural features that can kill someone if they hit it at speed. You've seen it posted on here, so and so died after hitting a kiddie track.

In that regard, they're even more dangerous than a 15' tall merry go round, since they're not as obvious to the person driving while stupid.
Was just about to post the same.

Is the Stop sign/ park bench in the south dunes still there?

This shouldn't really be an issue. People shouldn't be driving faster than they can stop if they can't see that far ahead. If they come over a ridge or a bush they can't see over or around, then they should slow way down.

Just think if that was a 6 yr old kid on a quad stopped there, smaller than these "landmarks." The kid got hit because the driver was going too fast to stop under those conditions. It wasn't the kid's fault, it wasn't the landmark's fault. It was the reckless driver, pure and simple. 

If the driver blames the landmark, he wasn't paying attention or driving too fast and trying to blame an inanimate object for his poor judgement.

For all of you who don't want these points of interest, how many of you think there's nothing wrong with kiddie tracks? You know, man made landmarks in the camping area that are even more likely to get hit because they don't stand out, they blend right in. C'mon, be consistent now.  :lol:

Kiddie tracks are even more dangerous than some big 15' tall merry go round. I'm not supporting either one, just pointing out the illogical stance of demanding that a swing set get removed, but allowing kids to make more and more kiddie tracks.
It would be nice if some of the kiddie track disappeared.  I never see any kids ripping the tracks that are right in the main traffic areas in the washes, but I have seen a few people hit them.  

Have you ever seen a Kiddy track outside the general camp area?

Out in the dunes?


They exist where most folks camp, actually the folks with kids and even though the number of people camping fluctuates, you still don't see them out in no mans land.

This shouldn't really be an issue. People shouldn't be driving faster than they can stop if they can't see that far ahead. If they come over a ridge or a bush they can't see over or around, then they should slow way down.

OK, so as long as the wind creates it....it's ok if a person runs out of talent....but a Kiddy Track in a known camping area, where folks should slow the eff down just using logic is bad.


Have you ever seen a Kiddy track outside the general camp area?

Out in the dunes?


They exist where most folks camp, actually the folks with kids and even though the number of people camping fluctuates, you still don't see them out in no mans land.

OK, so as long as the wind creates it....it's ok if a person runs out of talent....but a Kiddy Track in a known camping area, where folks should slow the eff down just using logic is bad.

Exactly. Now if the driver is driving defensively, he wouldn't be speeding in a camping area. He also wouldn't be ripping around a bush he can't see around. In both cases, he would miss the man made death trap, whether it's a merry go round, or a kiddie track.

It's always the driver's fault when they hit something, not the landmark's fault. It doesn't matter if it's a witch's eye, a swing set or a kiddie track. To blame the landmark in the case of a swingset and then turn around and blame the driver in the case of a kiddie track is just plain inconsistent, to put it politely. 

Installing a hot tub out there this weekend... will have a view.  Will post coordinates later maybe.
should be at the top of Comp, nobody goes there anymore so it would "bring back the business"
