So what’s the dune report for the Halloween weekend ?

This weekend is always a cluster every year. This year is no different. There's always about 2-3 deaths or more. Lots of people that will have one usable arm, now that the noobs all ride in SxS's. All easily preventable by using seat belts and wrist restraints. 

$92,000 USD???  Wow...  super cool idea but not really viable for the average Joe. 
Half price of a new funco /. O transmission or cvs to deal with :lol:

i wanna spend 10k for one of those parachute road warrior things

they look fun

Lots of requests for broken parts from carnage people are trying to find on FB. Saw this as well. Not to mention gun shots and knife victims. Then what sounded like a head on collision on 78. Yikes. 





It was as if camp rzr still happened. Minus the caged off area where they give away free razors. The vendors all still showed up and the sheer volume of side by sides was staggering. All of the big destinations were heavily populated and the air in the evenings on the east side was all dust clouds.  There was a ton of fresh sand to carve up but there were lots of drop offs and witches eyes from the summer winds too. The “trails” that were out there were VERY worn in, rutted up, and had tons of what I call razor bumps- those mini whoops that chatter your teeth loose. They all lead to the hill! The weather was gorgeous with little wind, and high temps. The air away from the washes was clear and visibility was fantastic for the most part. 



Lots of requests for broken parts from carnage people are trying to find on FB. Saw this as well. Not to mention gun shots and knife victims. Then what sounded like a head on collision on 78. Yikes. 
Can we assume that this weekend has been over the top, possibly more to come, possibly because of all the complications and craziness most people have been through the past 2 years?

Can we assume that this weekend has been over the top, possibly more to come, possibly because of all the complications and craziness most people have been through the past 2 years?
I’m not that pessimistic about it. I’ve see. The hobby of going to the dunes ebb and flow. Right now, we’re in the flow stage. The enthusiasm will wane and the regulars will continue doing our thing while the wild children will fade away and jump onto their next fad. 

How we’re the dunes out away from the destination spots?? 

Haven't seen a lot - maybe cell service sucks and everyone will upload on Monday????
Back in the day, that was part of the attraction of Glamis, NO CELL SERVICE!

I loved turning off me electronic leash.  Even for years after we got service, I would lie and just turn it off. 

anyone else get those $100 calls when your phone would grab a Mexican cell from buttercup?

Glamis hasn't changed since the 80s, just the toys people are having fun with have changed mostly. 

The majority of folks...aka Duners are good people. With Social media, we just hear about more of the drama, then in the past.

There has always been those inconsiderate pricks that feel entitled ...
This is not true, with these toys came big ego's and the douchebag mentality that money makes someone better than someone else... the EXACT reason we stopped going so much and only make a couple trips a year if that now. 

Then what sounded like a head on collision on 78.
Saw a video of the back up on the 78 trying to get in from Brawley. 3 mile plus back up. People off to the side trying to four wheel thru the desert, driving past people on the wrong side of the road trying to get to the front of the line.  I am sure Gecko and the Wash's were just a blast to be in as soon as the road cleared and 3 miles of people all showed up at the same time.

Halloween has always been the kick off to crazy. Back in the 90's and early 00, Pioneer was filled to capacity with broken body parts and Dirty Bobs and Clean Jeans were filled with broken sand rails. 

After Camp RzR started though it seems that they turned the craziness up to 11.  

This ramping up of troubles though will not go well for the ISDRA, this is very reminiscent of the days of Competition Hill and the attempt to shut the entire thing down and this time we have a lot more Liberal Environmental Global Warming Types in places of power.  Don't think we will make it out the other side if they try to shut it down. 

Please Don’t tell me you were expecting to see nothing but ATC 200x’s, 250R’s and 350X’s out there.
I wish.  At least back in the day it took skill to get out into the dunes and you learned how to read the sand conditions.  Amateurs stayed around camp.  Nowadays, you just mash the pedal, hope the cage holds up and burn it to the ground to collect insurance when it doesn't.  I still love Glamis but it's getting harder justifying taking my kids out there.  You won't find me there on a big weekend anymore. 

This is not true, with these toys came big ego's and the douchebag mentality that money makes someone better than someone else... the EXACT reason we stopped going so much and only make a couple trips a year if that now. 
That started with the refi ballers buying saidrails from anyone that could get tubing to stick together. SxS's have made it much worse with the sign and drive idiots.

I still enjoy the craziness to some extent but nothing beats midweek dune runs. While the Dbags are working to make their monthly payments, being the first one to put tracks down in the big dunes by Osborne after a good wind storm is as close to heave on earth as you can get.

Dec 25 2019




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