So. Is everyone ok over here???

The state has a fleet of air tankers and helicopters and the super scoopers are in addition to the fleet the state owns. The super scooper is not the only air water dropping plane used to fight the fires.
Fiber wrapped planes dont hold up well against drones and were grounded yesterday.
I talked to my youngest brother for an hour this morning and he gave me a rundown of what happened. Both my younger brother are LAFD, one a Captain and one an Engineer. My brother Dan (Captain) was on the Sylmar fire and Matt was off. Dan lives next door to our Mom in Altadena. My nephew called Matt at 5am and said houses were on fire on their street. Matt lives 25 miles away in San Dimas. He jumped in his car and drive the emergency lane across the 210 frwy until he got to my Mom and Dan's houses. Matt went to the local LA County fire dept and there was only one guy there. He said he was of duty LAFD and needed hoses. The guy said to take what he needed. Super cool of him. Matt laid out enough hose to cover 4 houses. He and my nephew started spraying roof tops and fences. My brother Dan got home that afternoon and the three of them went house to house putting out spot fires. At one point Matt was on a roof and saw 4 guys with flashlights walking down my Mom's driveway. He yelled at them and they took off. Fucking looters.
This morning the hydrant went dry and they had no water at all. They switched to shovels.
My mom's entire neighborhood is gone. I've had to call 3 childhood friends to tell them their families homes are burned down. My mom and dad bought that house in 1975 when I was 3 years old. I can believe the pics my brothers sent me.

Just talked to my mom and they're letting people into her neighborhood until 6pm. I'm going to meet up with her and diver fuel to my brother for his generator.

The state has a fleet of air tankers and helicopters and the super scoopers are in addition to the fleet the state owns. The super scooper is not the only air water dropping plane used to fight the fires.
I know that, but they are quite effective and quicker to deploy. WHY are we spending money on homeless and illegals when the state is basically Falling apart???????

The priorities in this state are shit.
Mel Gibson slammed the shit out Bass and Newsucm. Gawd bless him...

This is the view from my mom's front yard.

My brother Dan and his son James are home and still putting out spot fires. The National Guard is in the area and keeping people from entering the neighborhood. My brother's wife wasn't allowed to go to her house. Water has been restored for now. I have cases of water and four 5 gallon fuel cans to take to him as soon as he needs them.

This is the view from my mom's driveway looking directly across the street. I grew up with every family on this street. I've had to tell numerous childhood friends that their families homes are gone.
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This is the view from my mom's front yard.

View attachment 134985
My brother Dan and his son James are home and still putting out spot fires. The National Guard is in the area and keeping people from entering the neighborhood. My brother's wife wasn't allowed to go to her house. Water has been restored for now. I have cases of water and four 5 gallon fuel cans to take to him as soon as he needs them.

View attachment 134986
This is the view from my mom's driveway looking directly across the street. I grew up with every family on this street. I've had to tell numerous childhood friends that their families homes are gone.

Just awful 😞 😞 😞

The part of this story talking about the Oregon crews being held up in Sacramento is interesting. I don't know if it's true or not but I have been hearing that they are smogging the trucks and verifying that they meet CA emission standards before they would allow them to continue. Supposedly, some of the crews are reporting back to friends and family about this and they are pissed. If true, it certainly fits the insane bureaucratic bs CA is known for.

The part of this story talking about the Oregon crews being held up in Sacramento is interesting. I don't know if it's true or not but I have been hearing that they are smogging the trucks and verifying that they meet CA emission standards before they would allow them to continue. Supposedly, some of the crews are reporting back to friends and family about this and they are pissed. If true, it certainly fits the insane bureaucratic bs CA is known for.

The part of this story talking about the Oregon crews being held up in Sacramento is interesting. I don't know if it's true or not but I have been hearing that they are smogging the trucks and verifying that they meet CA emission standards before they would allow them to continue. Supposedly, some of the crews are reporting back to friends and family about this and they are pissed. If true, it certainly fits the insane bureaucratic bs CA is known for.
100% bullshit. Why would anyone drive from Oregon to LA and go through San Francisco? Really, the 101? No, you'd take the I-5 or 99. I've seen 10+ videos of dudes on IG filming themselves talking about this. Guess what I haven't seen? A video of 60 fire trucks being held up anywhere. All lies.
And as far as the video of the fire trucks being worked on so they can 'enter California...' more lies. Fire trucks aren't built to drive hundreds of miles at a time. These trucks needed maintenance to get to LA.
Stop spreading this fucking bullshit.
100% bullshit. Why would anyone drive from Oregon to LA and go through San Francisco? Really, the 101? No, you'd take the I-5 or 99. I've seen 10+ videos of dudes on IG filming themselves talking about this. Guess what I haven't seen? A video of 60 fire trucks being held up anywhere. All lies.
And as far as the video of the fire trucks being worked on so they can 'enter California...' more lies. Fire trucks aren't built to drive hundreds of miles at a time. These trucks needed maintenance to get to LA.
Stop spreading this fucking bullshit.
Yup its always someone who wants to start a rumor to gain a name for themselves.As for trucks i had to drive from peoria to so cal tonight and passed a couple fire trucks coming from texas.
My apologies for striking a nerve. Even though I prefaced my post with not knowing if it was factual, I guess I should have confirmed what I had heard from others. I'm not on FB, IG, etc, so I what I heard was from others.

And my post was in no way disrespect directed at the Firemen themselves. I know several Firemen myself and used to work with them before I retired and have nothing but respect for them and what they do, which is far more than the average person knows.
Don't think for a second anyone with a political agenda will let this disaster go without some of their BS tossed in.

The part of this story talking about the Oregon crews being held up in Sacramento is interesting. I don't know if it's true or not but I have been hearing that they are smogging the trucks and verifying that they meet CA emission standards before they would allow them to continue. Supposedly, some of the crews are reporting back to friends and family about this and they are pissed. If true, it certainly fits the insane bureaucratic bs CA is known for.

Safety checks is a normal thing. It happens every time other states send fire help/equipment. It had nothing to do with a smog check.
Safety checks is a normal thing. It happens every time other states send fire help/equipment. It had nothing to do with a smog check.
I call 100% bullshit on that..... you mean to tell me that Oregon doesn't do safety checks? That CA somehow is the only one that can do that? I've seen lines of BLM and forest service trucks come from AZ and they didn't stop in Blythe for "safety" checks. Oregon obviously has their own mechanics... oh and the trucks aren't made to drive for hours at a time??? WTF...have you been to oregon or Montana or Wyoming? the SAME friggen trucks drive for hours jut to get somewhere.
I call 100% bullshit on that..... you mean to tell me that Oregon doesn't do safety checks? That CA somehow is the only one that can do that? I've seen lines of BLM and forest service trucks come from AZ and they didn't stop in Blythe for "safety" checks. Oregon obviously has their own mechanics... oh and the trucks aren't made to drive for hours at a time??? WTF...have you been to oregon or Montana or Wyoming? the SAME friggen trucks drive for hours jut to get somewhere.
I did not say anything about trucks driving for hours.

Ask Cal. Fire why there were safety checks and the Oregon fire department. The news article posted above spells it all out.
So the Oregon firefighters felt confident enough in their trucks to drive them down here, but CA decided they were not safe to drive???????????????

THIS is a perfect example of why this state is so F'd up.............IF OREGON didn't think they were safe, they wouldn't have let them drive them out of the state.