So can you do it?


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May 7, 2021
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Thought I would give a Saturday morning motivational.  Many of you know I had a heart attack Nov 6th 2020. Getting rushed to the hospital I did not think I was going to make it. Two surgeries and a total of 4 stents.  With extreme willpower I have made it back to feeling better than I have in years. Dropped approx. 10 lbs from before. Measured my waist the other day and it was exactly the same as 1998 when I was 35 years old. I always ate somewhat good but not near good enough. Now I have been eating super healthy and have not gone over 2000 mg of sodium a single day. That is 9 months yesterday. Try it for a week. It is tough!! Pretty much can't eat out or buy any processed food. I never realized how much sodium is in the American diet. It borders absurd in many cases. Fish, chicken, whole grains, vegetables, fruits, and limited sugar. Just dropping the sodium down causes you to eat way less.  It is a battle and I think about food ALL the time. But I figure what other choice do I have? Also doing the same workout as when I did rehab. 13 minutes on the bike. Heartrate at 140. 12 minutes on the rowing machine. Heartrate at 150. Then some weight training on the total gym and squats with the exercise ball holding a 25lb weight. Total workout is about 50 minutes. I do this every other day now so 4 days a week. Unless I am out of town then usually a 3-4 mile walk and two sets of 25 pushups. Or at the dunes hiking some dunes for 30 minutes with a heartrate in the 140s. The fat paddle MC is also a great workout. I am usually very active even on non workout days. My blood pressure now is typically 100/60 to 115/70. Resting heartrate 57.  Getting ready to go see my heart doc in a week and hoping to start discussing getting off of a couple of these meds. Especially the Metroprolol. 

What exactly does metoprolol do?

Metoprolol is a type of medicine called a beta blocker. Like other beta blockers, metoprolol works by changing the way your body responds to some nerve impulses, especially in the heart. It slows down your heart rate and makes it easier for your heart to pump blood around your body.
So anyone want to jump on that horse and eat better??

I’m only 43 

lived what I believed to be a typical life. Don’t eat too bad , don’t drink a lot or every day . Have a physically demanding job , don’t exercise much and don’t get regular sleep ever . Decided to go to a doctor (out of pocket type) who practices differently than a Kaiser dr . After full blood panel and adrenal tests I’m a mess . Had to immediately stop what I was doing and make changes . Bad cholesterol was bad and good cholesterol wasn’t good . Huge scare to see how well I’m running ... like finding metal shavings in the break in oil of a new engine . 

So on a meal prep plan now taking 6 meals with me to work a day that are all weighed and portioned with food that will help get the chemistry right . Been on it for 3 weeks and already feel way different . 

The American Heart Association recommends no more than 2,300 milligrams (mgs) a day and an ideal limit of no more than 1,500 mg per day for most adults, especially for those with high blood pressure. Even cutting back by 1,000 mg a day can improve blood pressure and heart health.
How much sodium should a heart patient have per day?

Health authorities recommend between 1,500 mg (1.5 grams) and 2,300 mg (2.3 grams) of sodium per day for heart health — much less than Americans consume on average.

I’m only 43 

lived what I believed to be a typical life. Don’t eat too bad , don’t drink a lot or every day . Have a physically demanding job , don’t exercise much and don’t get regular sleep ever . Decided to go to a doctor (out of pocket type) who practices differently than a Kaiser dr . After full blood panel and adrenal tests I’m a mess . Had to immediately stop what I was doing and make changes . Bad cholesterol was bad and good cholesterol wasn’t good . Huge scare to see how well I’m running ... like finding metal shavings in the break in oil of a new engine . 

So on a meal prep plan now taking 6 meals with me to work a day that are all weighed and portioned with food that will help get the chemistry right . Been on it for 3 weeks and already feel way different . 
Yep, I wish when I was your age I was eating like I am now.  It is actually amazing how much less food your body needs than what you think it does. Sounds like you are doing great. 

Sounds like you guys are doing great, it’ll 10 years since I had my stent and I recently started a diabetic diet and feel even better, keep up the good work 😎

 You guys are killing me... it's like being in Catholic guilty.....We know we have to do it, but it's hard.... Keep up the good work....

I’m 45 now and had battled with high cholesterol and extremely high triglycerides for years. Also suffered from high blood pressure. 
A friend recommended Red Rice Yeast since I didn’t want to be on a statin drug. Surprisingly it controlled my overall cholesterol. I was also at one point taking Losartin,  HTZ and Amlodipine to control blood pressure. I HATE taking any drugs so we decided after looking into Intermittent fasting and Keto diet to give it a go. 
My next blood lab report came back excellent. So we dropped the Red Rice Yeast. Blood pressure also was way lower so my Dr. dropped the Amlodipine. 

Got off the strict Keto diet and went with the low carb diet while still doing intermittent fasting and have lost a total of 25 pounds. It’s definitely amazing how little we, wife and I now eat. We feel so much better and energetic. Do the walking thing few times a week minimum. Do about 250 push-up couple times a week along with some weights. Also started playing some Raquetball. Need to get on my Mountain bike and hit some trails again!!

Changed all of my food 2 years again after doc said I am going to be diabetic. 

Lost 45 lbs. 

Eat less than 2000 calories a day. 
Less than 15 grams of sugar a day. 
I will have to pay attention to sodium after reading this. 
Blood work looks good now. I check it twice a year. 
Agred on how little food we really need. 

Thought I would give a Saturday morning motivational.  Many of you know I had a heart attack Nov 6th 2020. Getting rushed to the hospital I did not think I was going to make it. Two surgeries and a total of 4 stents.  With extreme willpower I have made it back to feeling better than I have in years. 

So anyone want to jump on that horse and eat better??
Thanks for sharing your personal story, and I want you to know that whatever I say below, I believe you did the absolute best recovery for yourself and I hope you keep it going and become stronger and healthier than ever before.

One question I have is how do you know how much of your condition was related to sodium......versus heredity, versus something else?

I'm not trying to say I have all the answers, but I like sodium, and I think my heart is helped from my alcohol consumption.  I drink a lot on one day, and then the next day I drink a Bang Miami Cola (300mg caffeine) plus other bodybuilding supplements and usually have a great workout.  And I'm usually riding my bike 4 to 6 miles on the non-workout days.  On my drinking days I'm trying to do wine as much as possible, because I see all the old people buying lots of wine in Trader Joes, and I can feel that it helps me stay in balance more than beer.

But I do like salt.  I don't hold back on anything when eating, even though my wife is always bugging me about sodium.  I'm actually more worried about her future because she has never done a workout in her life, and even though she's very slender, she's starting to look frail.  She's also a non-drinker and a very light eater.

Thanks for sharing your personal story, and I want you to know that whatever I say below, I believe you did the absolute best recovery for yourself and I hope you keep it going and become stronger and healthier than ever before.

One question I have is how do you know how much of your condition was related to sodium......versus heredity, versus something else?

I'm not trying to say I have all the answers, but I like sodium, and I think my heart is helped from my alcohol consumption.  I drink a lot on one day, and then the next day I drink a Bang Miami Cola (300mg caffeine) plus other bodybuilding supplements and usually have a great workout.  And I'm usually riding my bike 4 to 6 miles on the non-workout days.  On my drinking days I'm trying to do wine as much as possible, because I see all the old people buying lots of wine in Trader Joes, and I can feel that it helps me stay in balance more than beer.

But I do like salt.  I don't hold back on anything when eating, even though my wife is always bugging me about sodium.  I'm actually more worried about her future because she has never done a workout in her life, and even though she's very slender, she's starting to look frail.  She's also a non-drinker and a very light eater.
Winter of 2020 I was sick for approx. 5 months with two illnesses. Really sick. Looking back I was compromised then with clogged arteries. Just couldn't get better. Got a chest x-ray during that time and antibiotics 3 different times. Didn't do a thing. I tell that story because I missed my physical which I normally do in December. Not sure what my cholesterol was at the time. 

The two years prior to that I was just over 200 on the one number each year and working at bringing it down without any meds. I have always eaten pretty good and worked out. 10 years ago in my late 40s I was running 5 miles on the treadmill in 40 minutes with the machine at a level 3 incline. That was 3 days a week and I was in unbelievable shape. Nothing matches that runners high. Early 50s I hurt the metatarsil in my foot and part of it is now numb all the time. Custom orthotics and new shoes every three months. bla bla. It is a pain. I had to quit running and from then on did my working out on the bike, rower, and total gym.

I will say even when I thought I was eating decent I was probably averaging 3500-4000mg per day of sodium. Back then I was full throttle working and playing 12-14 hours per day. Never would stop. Older now but I can do close to that since I am feeling so good now. Call it 10-12 hours lol. As far as the sodium it is hard to say. I think genetics got me because I am not a big guy. (6' tall and now staying right at 173 lbs.) Once I went into rehab I decided right then I would do everything possible to get healthy and stay that way. I still do have my big bowl of ice cream on Wednesday and Saturday. Been doing that for probably 12 years now. Diet is a complete topic of its own and it is way more than just sodium. I have not had a soda, piece of ham, lunch meat, bacon,  etc the list goes on since Nov. 6th. There are ways to eat really good without the processed foods and sodium. I have now looked at the sodium content of everything I used to eat and it sometimes blows my mind. Good example is a Sonic Supersonic burrito. At least once or twice per week. It is 1950 mg by itself. That is my entire daily. Green chili burrito from Trader Joes. 1100. Never looked and back in the day thought hmm, chicken and tortilla. This is ok. Not. lol. Now it is Better Oats (oats, barley, wheat, quinoa, rye) Oatmeal with raisins for breakfast. Low salt wheat crackers with wild caught tuna and avocado and one of the organic health valley low salt soups like Vegetable or Minestrone soup for lunch. Tonight for dinner I had 3 tostadas with Amys low sodium beans, 1/4 cup cheese (that is not much!) And a very small pinch of Siracha for flavor. )Ketchup and hot sauces / salsa are absolutely loaded and I used to eat a lot of it. Now it is a fraction) Right now I am getting ready to have some Greek of the Gods yogurt with cherries and Trader Joes ancient grains granola. An hour before my workout today I had a handful of no sodium cashews and a fresh mango. That is just an example for today and there are plenty of tasty healthy things to eat. 

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The other things is: When I got out of the hospital and started rehab I thought to myself how hard I have worked for almost 30 years (this career) and now can really enjoy life. I am gonna work at it so I get the most out of it!! This week at the shop the guys were all eating pizza right next to me. Ate my tuna, soup, and applesauce with a big smile on my face. 

The other things is: When I got out of the hospital and started rehab I thought to myself how hard I have worked for almost 30 years (this career) and now can really enjoy life. I am gonna work at it so I get the most out of it!! This week at the shop the guys were all eating pizza right next to me. Ate my tuna, soup, and applesauce with a big smile on my face. 
I had a tuna sub yesterday at Firehouse Subs on 67th Ave and Loop 101.  Highly recommended!!  Like you, I also am very tentative about pepperoni and bacon, and I eat less pizza than I used to.

I really appreciate everything you have written, and because of it I think I can at least look for things at the store that say no sodium or reduced sodium.  I can at least stop shaking the salt shaker at restaurants, which I really do.  But the #1 thing I want to do is get a checkup with a cardiologist and see where I really stand.  I can easily find one in my Banner narrow network plan, and I'm going to do it because of what you posted.

If stress were a factor or a trigger, I should have had a heart attack this past June.  I think June 2021 was the most stressful month of my life, for reasons I'm not going to post here.  But that's just a side note.  I need to get a checkup after many years without one.

I'm 63yo, 5'9", 220 pounds.  My wife is 66yo, 5'3", 125 pounds.  She takes 25mg Losartan for high blood pressure (even with her excellent ht/wt ratio), and I have never had high blood pressure.  Yet I can't make any assumptions at this age. I really need to have a checkup.

Thanks very much for all your info!!

Oh wait, here's my contribution to everyone for better health.  I never drink sodas anymore.  I switched to seltzer water sodas, and once you find the flavors that you like, you just can't get enough of them.  I don't even think about Coke, Pepsi or Dr. Pepper anymore.

Polar Seltzer Water.jpg

Can you do it?  Yes, you can.    It is funny how when we have really something wrong with us it is a big wake up call.  I have been trying for years to fix my gut issues.  I finally found someone to treat the cause of the issues.  It has been 5 weeks with NO sugar.  I have been on a strict Diet of foods and introducing one new food item a day to see what effect my system. First week I was only able to eat literally only 15 items that went into my system. Now up to about 45 different ingredients.    I have to tell you I am down a little weight but my joints and knees feel 100% better.  Just took a week Vacation and had tons of steps to climb all week and walking around NY city and my knees were only sore one day.  I would have been popping pills all week before I got rid of all the inflammation.  Lots of test and found I have A Lot of bad bugs in my system. Starting my treatment this week to get my gut flora back to healthy levels.  Antibiotics are soooo bad for your system.  Make sure you guys take a Crap load of pre and pro biotics when and after you take a round of antibiotics. Never realized that your Gut health effects your whole body.  So glad I did all the testing I was on my way to some bad health issues if I didn't catch it in time.  Yes I can't believe how little food we really need to feel good and strong.   I look at what I used to eat as a meal and can't believe I would put that much food in my system at one time.  NOT one drop of booze or sugar does the body good.  If you are feeling bad or think you have issues it is a good Idea to see a functional medicine doctor and get all your testing done.  Hope to be better at 51 than I was at 41. 

I had a tuna sub yesterday at Firehouse Subs on 67th Ave and Loop 101.  Highly recommended!!  Like you, I also am very tentative about pepperoni and bacon, and I eat less pizza than I used to.
Yeah, I highly doubt he'd eat it!

Firehouse Subs Large Tuna Sub Nutrition Facts


Updated: 5/14/2021

Serving Size

1 Sub



Calories From Fat



Amount Per Serving

% Daily Value*

Total Fat



Saturated Fat



Trans Fat








126%  (and that's based on 2500 mg - it is more than 200% based on 1500 mg)

Total Carbohydrates



Dietary Fiber









Vitamin A



Vitamin C









*All percent daily value figures are based on a 2,000 cal diet
