So can you do it?

Changed all of my food 2 years again after doc said I am going to be diabetic. 

Lost 45 lbs. 

Eat less than 2000 calories a day. 
Agreed on how little food we really need. 
This.  5 years ago I was as big as I'd ever been (I'm 6'3" and was pushing 240).  Got serious about my diet and continued my cycling which I'd been doing for a number of years prior to stay in shape for riding my MX bike.  In less than a year I dropped 60 + pounds, which was a bit much, but I just wanted to see how far I could take it.  Had to buy all new clothes.  Gained a few back due to being lazy during the 'rona, but have dropped half of it by just monitoring diet. 

Body only gets what it needs as fuel and nothing more.  On weekends I don't monitor it, but I don't go crazy either . . .

This is a constant struggle for me.  I do good for a while, I do bad for longer.  I have taken nutrition classes in college.  I know better but I'm lazy.  

I stay on top of my blood work and physicals.  Still, it's eating right and staying active.  My wife got me a gym membership and has me going again.  Losing weight is not the real goal here but getting in shape.  Of course I'd love to drop some pounds.

Yeah, I highly doubt he'd eat it!

Firehouse Subs Large Tuna Sub Nutrition Facts


Updated: 5/14/2021

Serving Size

1 Sub



Calories From Fat



Amount Per Serving

% Daily Value*

Total Fat



Saturated Fat



Trans Fat








126%  (and that's based on 2500 mg - it is more than 200% based on 1500 mg)

Total Carbohydrates



Dietary Fiber









Vitamin A



Vitamin C









*All percent daily value figures are based on a 2,000 cal diet
Yeah insane to say the least. Fat and sodium. Wow. Typical for a lot of food that you buy out like that.

Rec league sports is a great way to exercise and stay motivated.  Competition makes you forget how much it sucks, and the skipping a day because you don't want to results in at least 5 calls from pissed off teammates. :biggrin:

Either way, find something fun and you won't think about how much work it is.

Rec league sports is a great way to exercise and stay motivated.  Competition makes you forget how much it sucks, and the skipping a day because you don't want to results in at least 5 calls from pissed off teammates. :biggrin:

Either way, find something fun and you won't think about how much work it is.

So true. You don't think about exercise on a fast break layup. Or trying to win the 50 freestyle race. Peace

I was working out a lot during Covid, my gym was sneaky open, then 4 months ago I got tendinitis in my Achilles.  If you haven't had it, you are lucky.  I couldn't walk on it for a week, it is now almost 5 weeks later and it still doesn't feel right.  Every person I talk to says stop doing gym workouts (a soft version of crossfit), I am getting too old (54 yrs old).  My point, at our ages, know your limitations.  I was trying to keep up with 35 yr olds.

During these 5 weeks, I have lost 25lbs of muscle.  Looks great on the scale, but my upper body strength has disappeared.  My PT doctor says to start riding a bike.  I am now contemplating a Peloton or something similar.  Do Cardio and  push ups as my new workout.  Only thing, I hate pedaling, but I might need to for cardio and ease on my body........ugh.

One other thing I have done thru this period, eat half as much for dinner.................

Yeah insane to say the least. Fat and sodium. Wow. Typical for a lot of food that you buy out like that.
But, but,'s TUNA...tuna TOPS pizza, right?  😉

Phoenix7 - pay attention  🙂

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i started again on the carnivore diet (meat only). i tried it back when covid was just starting and stopped due to panic buying of food when Crap shutdown. i had some good succes then with it.

i started back on this deal july 18th. i have dropped 20lbs as of yesterday so far. my main goal is weight loss. ive carried an extra 80-100lbs for far too long. the carbs and sugar i was eating was the main contributor, along with lack of exercise and just any physical activity. the higher my weight the less i did physically as i tired quickly, and simple tasks were now difficult to accomplish. mental sharpness was affected as well. always felt like i was in a haze. my bloodpressure was in hypertentions stage 1.

like i said, as of yesterday im down 20lbs from july 18th, and my blood pressure has also dropped 18 numbers. i am now just a few numbers above top end of normal range. my mental state is also much cleaner, im more focused and can think clearer than before, and my ambition has returned to a degree as im now getting more done and working on my projects more and more. my energy levels have also started to increase. i no longer get tired from doing simple everyday Crap.

i do intend on seeing a dr in the next couple months to have blood work and physical done to see where im at. i havent had it done in years as my prior health insurance was crap. now this isnt a diet i just jumped on since its kinda the new fad, i have read alot about it and made what i feel is an educated decision to try it. there are drawbacks for sure as with any "diet" as compared to the normal American way of eating (everything, fastfood, high carbs etc). right now id kill a baby for a sals pizza from rancho cucamonga or a petrillis pizza from upland. the addiction to carbs and certain foods is mind blowing once you eliminate them. i didnt have these kinds of withdrawals when i quit drinking.

for years most dr.s haven't studied or done research on nutritional health, they just prescribe pills for whatever issue you have going on, when it could just be the food your eating creating those issues. after all, advising their paitents to eat healthy in certain ways doesn't make the money like pharmaceuticals does. the ideal diet is an ever changing ideal.. tied into your activity levels as well. you gotta find what is ideal for you and you only.

my long terms goal is to get under 200lbs. and keep it there and become more physically active.  once i get there and depending on what my blood works shows ill make adjustments as needed, but for now its a meat only deal as my body transitions from a sugar/carb source of energy to a fat based source.

i started again on the carnivore diet (meat only).

i do intend on seeing a dr in the next couple months to have blood work and physical done to see where im at.
Good for you Kevin!

Since you've been doing your research you probably know some of your blood work may be "wonky" for a bit after starting eating this way. Give it time (usually about 6-9 months) for it to level out  🙂

Yeah insane to say the least. Fat and sodium. Wow. Typical for a lot of food that you buy out like that.
I kinda thought about that last night after I signed off, but I didn't think someone would look it up.....haha.  Sorry about that recommendation. 😁

But the interesting thing about the Firehouse menu is that salt and pepper is an optional item.  It's on the options list, they have a picture of salt and pepper shakers together, and you have to ask for it.

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Good for you Kevin!

Since you've been doing your research you probably know some of your blood work may be "wonky" for a bit after starting eating this way. Give it time (usually about 6-9 months) for it to level out  🙂
yup, im sure it was all sorts of Effed up to begin with.. so anyhting i do has got to be better in my mind, since i feel much better with what im doing.

Well, I am pretty darn excited. 1 year ago Saturday Nov 6th my sister  rushed me to the hospital. During that ride in her van I honestly did not think I was going to make it. After two surgeries I started rehab in January. 10 months later I am still doing that same workout. 4 days per week. 13 minutes on the exercise bike. Heart rate mid 130s. Rowing machine for 12 minutes. Heart rate mid 140s. Then a full workout on the total gym including 25 pushups and 15 squats holding a 25lb weight. I am 9 lbs lighter than when I had my heart attack and have kept the weight off. Of course I still go 100 mph all the time and that is even more activity. Eating habits have been changed drastically. Tuna with no salt wheat crackers, avocado/tomato/zucchini and vegetable soup for lunch at least 4 days per week. Red meat once or maybe twice per week. Lots more veggies, fruits, natural foods, whole grains, and everything organic. In a year I have not exceeded 2000 mg of sodium a single day. Commitment to achieve this is an understatement. It is tough! I still have not had certain foods like lunch meat, bacon, ham, olives, restaurant salsa (oh man I miss that one) etc. Ketchup and hot sauce gets measured by the teaspoon now. Eating less salt has made me eat less food and it is amazing how much less we need than we think. Eating out is virtually off the table but it can be done. Carefully! I always ate pretty good but would guess my sodium was over 4000 avg. per day even still. I used to have a Sonic supersonic burrito probably twice per week. It is 1950 mg sodium.
The cardio doc did say I healed well due to taking somewhat decent care of myself in the past. He did tell me I was the perfect patient and said come back and see me in a year. About 3 weeks ago I was able to quit taking my Losartin. Saturday will be my last Clopidogrel tablet. That leaves me on Atorvistatin, Metroprolol, and aspirin for life. Anyway pretty dang happy and going to enjoy it.

I have a cardiologist appt. this tues. never seen one before but I have not been well for awhile, 175/130 is not good i'm told. I know i'll be in the same boat with my diet real soon.

I have a cardiologist appt. this tues. never seen one before but I have not been well for awhile, 175/130 is not good i'm told. I know i'll be in the same boat with my diet real soon.
Glad to hear you are going to the doctor.  High blood pressure is not something to ignore.  

I was working out a lot during Covid, my gym was sneaky open, then 4 months ago I got tendinitis in my Achilles.  If you haven't had it, you are lucky.  I couldn't walk on it for a week, it is now almost 5 weeks later and it still doesn't feel right.  Every person I talk to says stop doing gym workouts (a soft version of crossfit), I am getting too old (54 yrs old).  My point, at our ages, know your limitations.  I was trying to keep up with 35 yr olds.

During these 5 weeks, I have lost 25lbs of muscle.  Looks great on the scale, but my upper body strength has disappeared.  My PT doctor says to start riding a bike.  I am now contemplating a Peloton or something similar.  Do Cardio and  push ups as my new workout.  Only thing, I hate pedaling, but I might need to for cardio and ease on my body........ugh.

One other thing I have done thru this period, eat half as much for dinner.................
I've had this chronically since my 30s.  Need to lengthen your calf muscles, plantar fascia, hamstrings and glutes to relieve the pressure on your achilles.  Every morning still sucks, but after stretching and warming it up, I can still sprint/jump/lead block in football.  When it's especially bad, I stretch my calves and plantar fascia 3x daily.  Just need to slowly stretch your muscles where it's uncomfortable, not painful, no matter how pathetic it seems.

Granted, I'm 41, but I'm keeping up with 24 year olds :biggrin:

I start with this (knee locked, upper calf):


Transition to this (knee bent, lower calf):


Then this:


This (one leg crossed over the other to isolate each):


And finally this (gluts):


All of the muscles on the back of your legs yank on each other (and your lower back).  If any are tight, whichever is in the worst condition will be painful.  I do this prior to any running/sprinting/jumping (along with ground, quad and other standard leg stretches) and (almost as important) afterwards.  Cuts down on your recovery time and keeps everything flexible.

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^^^ I wish I was 41 years old.  Now at 54 years old, running is pretty much off the table.  Since that last post in August, I have dropped another 5 lbs, that is 30 lbs over 6 months.  My BP has gone down as well, my heart rate is better as well.  At this point I just want to keep building cardio and not big muscles.  The 30 lbs off has really made my lower body feel better..........Last I checked my BP, it was 105/75, HR 76.  10 years ago, my BP was 195/40 and was put on BP medicine.  Keep up the good work

^^^ I wish I was 41 years old.  Now at 54 years old, running is pretty much off the table.  Since that last post in August, I have dropped another 5 lbs, that is 30 lbs over 6 months.  My BP has gone down as well, my heart rate is better as well.  At this point I just want to keep building cardio and not big muscles.  The 30 lbs off has really made my lower body feel better..........Last I checked my BP, it was 105/75, HR 76.  10 years ago, my BP was 195/40 and was put on BP medicine.  Keep up the good work
Achilles good?
