Natural gas price spike!

on the topic of price hikes, my buddy works for coca cola, has for 25 years, and said there's another increase coming at qtr end. I said whats driving the increases? he said honestly, consumer demand, they will continue to pay it and the company will continue to raise the cost because they will still pay it. he said they did much less in sales last yr and made 5 million more profit. He said hold on, its not going to stop until people just stop buying it
My dad was the fountain service mgr for the entire so cal region for 20 years(left in 93) & I was a merchandiser there in 89/90, we watched everything skyrocket then too. Now that they've been selling everything off and basically franchising they can do whatever they want and the independent owners are paying the price. There is no more CCLA or Coke USA but I sure do see lots of Reyes Bottling trucks.

My dad was the fountain service mgr for the entire so cal region for 20 years(left in 93) & I was a merchandiser there in 89/90, we watched everything skyrocket then too. Now that they've been selling everything off and basically franchising they can do whatever they want and the independent owners are paying the price. There is no more CCLA or Coke USA but I sure do see lots of Reyes Bottling trucks.
okla was bought by an hispanic group last year after coke usa sold out. he said they could seem to care less about case counts, where in the past it was all how many cases you going to sell. now its just about profits.

I just received our gas bill from Southern California Gas. I compared last years consumption to this year's and it is almost the same amount of therms. The bill last year was $45.00 compared to this years bill is $76.00.

I just received our gas bill from Southern California Gas. I compared last years consumption to this year's and it is almost the same amount of therms. The bill last year was $45.00 compared to this years bill is $76.00.
Wait till this month it will be $300.00 

Where i live solar isnt an option. Huge pine trees block the sun, power is out almost as often as its on (if its windy, shut it off, its snowing, shut it off, its raining, shut it off, its hot, shut it off) so everything in my house is propane instead of electric, and our bill is still 275$/month for electric. The fact its dark at 4:30pm doesnt help. But at least the sun wakes  up the kids before school starts at 9am. Everything is phucked. Who makes these policies? People who live like rats; living ontop of each other in rat condo’s downtown
Who makes these policies? People like this "little" jewel. San Fran City Panel Urges Reparations Of $5 Million Per Black Adult | ZeroHedge

The problem is that Europe's LNG comes primarily from Russia.  Russia is essentially cut off, trying to put europe in a freeze and force them to concede the war in Ukraine.  The rest of the world has responded by sending OUR LNG to ukrains.  Europeans are paying 100x what we had been paying and once american companies figured out they could make a killing selling our LNG at 5x overseas - it didn't makes sense for them to sell it here for pennies on the dollar.  THIS WORLD IS SOOOO F'D UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The problem is that Europe's LNG comes primarily from Russia.  Russia is essentially cut off, trying to put europe in a freeze and force them to concede the war in Ukraine.  The rest of the world has responded by sending OUR LNG to ukrains.  Europeans are paying 100x what we had been paying and once american companies figured out they could make a killing selling our LNG at 5x overseas - it didn't makes sense for them to sell it here for pennies on the dollar.  THIS WORLD IS SOOOO F'D UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
But the entire country is not seeing this HUGE increase.....just Socal??  Sempra Energy is F'ing us hard...........

Until the electric goes out, which will happen with electric cars. DON~~~
We all suffer when Electricity goes out................

People used to talk crap to me all of the time about how much more I paid for electricity, until I showed them I don't have a gas bill.  Another bill that you pay fees and retirement programs.  In the end I was coming out better, then I added solar.  I have no problem paying for electricity and even gas, I hate all the fees that are on the back of the bill. And then some cities have a UT tax, so the more you spend on your utilities, the more tax you pay to your city.

Don't get me wrong, many of the power plants are running on Natural gas, so I know in some way I am still paying.  Take a look at the back of all your utility bills, you would be surprised how much you are spending before you use one once of electricity, gas, or water.....crazy.

In Vegas gas is pretty cheap,  Power bill out of control, pay around $700 a month equal pay for power bill, on a 3200sq house,  and we are on a well but water bill in vegas if you have a lawn will be around $250 a month, 

We had cable TV and the box was broke so we never watched the TV side, $260 a month, Crazy,  we now just went to Cable internet only $68 now,  

This world has gone to chit since Covid hit.  Oh and idiots put Biden in office.. But so many things went crazy, lumber prices, supply shortages, Gas went nuts and lately the chicken egg shortage.  Finally the whole natural gas crap so freaking crazy and yet you have more chit talking about RG trying to get his Speed business going.  Worst part of this is Glamis season is only a few months left and Im not gonna be able to enjoy the dunes till 2023/24 season.  

Semiconductor shortage is still going.. charging 5-50 times regular cost for my inventory.


And they say they are not making any money on the Natural Gas, they are selling it for what they are paying.  Am I the only one that doesn't believe that ?
Gotta pay out those executive bonuses. Company isn’t making a dime, senior leadership on the other hand…

My chit’s EPA certified and burns clean as a whistle. That little autistic actress can eat an oak log  :biggrin:

In Vegas gas is pretty cheap,  Power bill out of control, pay around $700 a month equal pay for power bill, on a 3200sq house,  and we are on a well but water bill in vegas if you have a lawn will be around $250 a month, 

We had cable TV and the box was broke so we never watched the TV side, $260 a month, Crazy,  we now just went to Cable internet only $68 now,  
My electric with Riverside was about $54 per month, when we moved to Norco it switched to edison and went to $190 average. Our water bill was about $60 with Western Municipal before ad now with the city of Norco it's averages $198. Effin ridiculous

My electric with Riverside was about $54 per month, when we moved to Norco it switched to edison and went to $190 average. Our water bill was about $60 with Western Municipal before ad now with the city of Norco it's averages $198. Effin ridiculous
Edison and the power companies charge differently on where you live, freakin bullshiat.  For example, Palm Springs Electricity rates are 60% lower per kilowatt than coastal areas.  Why???  This drives me crazy.
