My triple vaccinated wife and twice vaxxed 15 year old have Covid..I'm POSITIVE too.. took my first test 20 minutes ago.. ;-\


Well-known member
May 6, 2021
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UPDATE: 15 year old and wife got it 4-6 days ago.. I just took my test 20 minutes ago.. I thought I had hay fever... only have a runny nose and mild heacache in the a.m. which goes away after a little Advil and coffee.. Frankly I feel 'fine.'.. and have been working all week (business through the roof $$$).. So I don't know if I've had it for 2 days or 5.. anyhow, we'll see how this goes.. Vodka n' Club Soda...  :rofl:

She went skiing with girlfriends for 6 days, I saw her for 1 day, then went to KOH from Wednesday to Sunday… trailer still parked outside.

We are all fully vaccinated. She started coughing 2 days ago and is only mildly sick. 

yesterday morning she took a test and you can barely see the positive line. Last night she took one and it’s clearly positive. Between the 2 tests she did the drive through deal, no official result … yet.

she’s isolating in our spare bedroom/bathroom.

I know more people who have had Covid than not at this point.

Time for everyone to just live our lives.




abc test.jpg

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Sorry to hear that ABC and hope the symptoms stay mild.

For the second year in a row we did a ski weekend with the kids and some of their friends up at the cabin ...and for the second year in a row had covid for Christmas :lol:  

Exactly right, we need to get back to the point where we have the freedom to live our lives.

Most of the people that I know that have the rona now also have had the jab. I hate to derail or sidetrack, but I'm wondering how many people that got the jab and then got the rona honestly believed, at least in the beginning, that it would protect them... I'm sure that opinions changed after the fact and you'd be insane to claim immunity at this point, even the liberal media can't bias that hard... but deep down, and I'm sure most will not admit it, how many were duped into believing that the jab was the savior and would provide immunity like that of measles or chicken pox?

In the last couple of months, my son (31), wife, and I finally got it. All vaxed. All of us basically felt like we caught a moderate cold. Mild symptoms, slight sore throat, congestion etc. Biggest thing is getting energy back. Trying to workout and surf 2 weeks later is not easy. I don't think any of us will get any more jabs, although none of us regret getting them. Wife gets exposed to Covid patients 3 days a week (which means I do too) and my son and I never took a day off even during the early lockdown, we've traveled to Mex and Costa Rica a few times and we all basically got a mild cold after a couple years. Not looking for an argument, but I can't help but think it helped protect us. 

EVERYONE has had the virus by now, and some multiple times, just like the flu and cold. Most just never know because they don’t have underlying conditions that get aggravated by SARS Covid.

Time to end this madness and get on with life. Hope your wife feels better soon.

Most of the people that I know that have the rona now also have had the jab. I hate to derail or sidetrack, but I'm wondering how many people that got the jab and then got the rona honestly believed, at least in the beginning, that it would protect them... I'm sure that opinions changed after the fact and you'd be insane to claim immunity at this point, even the liberal media can't bias that hard... but deep down, and I'm sure most will not admit it, how many were duped into believing that the jab was the savior and would provide immunity like that of measles or chicken pox?
 I got jabbed and have no regrets. I never thought it would give me absolute immunity, but definitely think it protected me. Its not even an argument that if nothing else, it more often that not will lessen the symptoms. That said, we should all be able to make our own decision, and not try to act like a know it all, cause at the end of the day NONE of us know for sure.

its funny how it works.

I was in the thick of covid daily for the first entire year. no mask, in grocery stores every day across our state monday thru friday. right when it was super hot.

i never got it. then sept bam I got it. I never got the jab, still haven't and prob won't.

However ABC that's a pregnancy test congrats dad!!

Had the rona twice, didn't like it either time.  Not vaxxed, have no plans to get vaxxed.

My wife and I had it Jan 2020 before it was cool.  It sucked, just felt like a cold but lasted for like 3 weeks.  Wife went to the doctor, he told her she had the flu and just give it time (before they were concerned about the rona or had test for it).  I kept working and got over it.  The biggest take away was the respiratory distress.  Lots of coughing and congestion.

Fast forward to Jan 2022.  We both got it.  Wife tested positive, no reason for me to add to the statistics.  Fever, headache and sore throat.  It was a pretty bad sore throat.  Again, lasted longer than a normal cold but not horrible.  I ended up getting pneumonia as I was getting over it.  Now that sucked.  I've had pneumonia a few times.  I'm through the course of drugs but getting over pneumonia takes time.  I'm in the last of congestion and headache phase.  The headaches are freaking horrible.

My take on this is I got the flu of 2020 and the flu of 2022.  They keep calling them COVID-19 and different variants.  For the past 1000 years, we call that the flu and different strains of the flu.  I don't know why or see how this is any different other than it is a nasty bug.  We as people have become "too clean" and take too many drugs  and that has made us have reduced immune systems.  Also...The longer this carries on, the more is shows proof of a bioweapon that got out of hand.  The only time I ever took multiple vaccines for the same freaking thing was when we were exposed to or were going up against a bioweapon.  and oh...6 f*cking vaccines with annual boosters...and we were told we'd still only have about 40-60% immunity towards it.  Sound familiar?

Hope your family heals up quick.

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 I got jabbed and have no regrets. I never thought it would give me absolute immunity, but definitely think it protected me. Its not even an argument that if nothing else, it more often that not will lessen the symptoms. That said, we should all be able to make our own decision, and not try to act like a know it all, cause at the end of the day NONE of us know for sure.
Absolutely understand and not looking for an argument either. It should have always been up to the individual and that's the rub that I have with the whole thing. I'm part of a few different groups outside of work and two separate groups applied a great deal of pressure on me to get the jab. Many in both groups believed, at least in the beginning, that it would completely stop the virus, like chicken pox, and by me not getting it I was putting them in jeopardy.... I think it's safe to say now, 75 years ahead of seeing the actual data, that this wasn't actually the case and while the jab may indeed soften the blow on the individual for the virus (maybe... some data indicates higher infection rates for omicron among jabbed), it did almost nothing to keep from spreading it which is what we were initially sold.

Anyhow, I guess my point was that after spending a year and a half defending my position and personal choice amongst "friends and family", I now feel vindicated in the full force of the entire bag of F U s that I have been doling out to each and every one of them. It's pretty hard imo to look objectively at the information readily available and realize that this isn't the bill of goods we were all sold. I don't begrudge or belittle anyone that wants to get it or take their own precautions or exercise their personal freedom of choice... just so fkin sick and tired of having it shoved down my throat by the righteous to the point where my actual job and retirement is in jeopardy. 

Wouldn't have her waste the time on a drive through test, those anti - gens are pretty accurate on the positive side. They show false negatives the first couple days of infection. We all had the new variant (we assume) a couple weeks ago, my second go around, the first one was WAY worse... 

Wouldn't have her waste the time on a drive through test, those anti - gens are pretty accurate on the positive side. They show false negatives the first couple days of infection. We all had the new variant (we assume) a couple weeks ago, my second go around, the first one was WAY worse... 
FWIW, they show false positives as well... had a buddy and his daughter(that we camp with) test twice and both popped positive both times, went to the doc for a real test and were both negative. 

Family managed to dodge the rona for almost two years.  Over the Christmas/New Years Glamis trip we had camp rona.   LOL!   Ended up going home early.  Wife tested positive and the Rona went from a strong cold to her lungs and an uncontrollable asthma cough.  She ended up in the hospital for 2 days getting heavy doses of steroid breathing treatments to calm the asthma cough down.   Cough is gone but her energy level is still way down.  My son and I both tested negative when we got home.  Then a few days later started to fell like I had a cold with a slight fever and headache.  Eventually lost my taste and smell and that is when I knew I had the rona.  Taste and smell was gone for about two weeks and slowly started coming back.  Very weird to eat food knowing what it should taste like and having nothing.   My kid never had any symptoms and never tested positive. 

Everyone in our camp that got the rona had the jab and one couple the booster shot.  Total of 8 out of 20 or so of us ended up with it.  

I feel at some point we are all going to get it.  Time to just move on with our lives and stop all this mandate nonsenses.  

I have gotten the J&J one shot.  Got the Rona Jan 2020 and Jan 2022.  I fly on airplanes and crowded places alot.  There is no absolute protection.  I use a netty pot saline rinse after being in crowds and try to keep my immune system healthy.  Beyond that just got to live life and make a paycheck.  

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Nobody in my household has gotten Covid yet, we can't figure it out.  Are we being left out????  We haven't stopped doing anything during this entire time.

 I use a netty pot saline rinse after being in crowds and try to keep my immune system healthy.  
What is in your saline solution? After my doctor Joe Rogan and his assistant recommended using hydrogen peroxide as a gargling agent and in nose swabs I have started doing that?

Nobody in my household has gotten Covid yet, we can't figure it out.  Are we being left out????  We haven't stopped doing anything during this entire time.
I thought the same thing until about 45 days ago. Got a xmas gift. I got it bad. My 21 year old daughter on humira somewhat as well. My wife just got a cough. 20 year old Son type 1 diabetes with mild symptoms. 16 year old daughter got away scott free.  None are vaxxed.

Yea, we only had limited stock of hcq and ivermectin.. mfer...

Not to scare you, but its coming. Hope it's mild symptoms.  Going to schedule an antibody test for the family soon. Curious to see results.

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I thought the same thing until about 45 days ago. Got a xmas gift. I got it bad. My 21 year old daughter somewhat as well. My wife just got a cough. 20 year old Son type 1 diabetes with mild symptoms. 16 year old daughter got away scott free.  None are vaxxed.

Yea, we only had limited stock of hcq and ivermectin.. mfer...

Not to scare you, but its coming. Hope it's mild symptoms.  Going to schedule an antibody test for the family soon. Curious to see results.
We are (4 of us, 20, 22, 55, 54 yr olds) all vaxed as well, reason we got vaxed is MIL spent 35 days in the hospital with Covid and almost didn't make it.  Over MLK weekend, I  brought a buddy to Glamis stayed in the Moho with us, did Beer bongs around the fire home, buddy calls me to tells me he has the Rona, probably had it all weekend.  Shared a beer bong and slept in the moho with 3 of us.......nobody got it.  Just weird, everyone around us has gotten it except us, we have tested negative many times as well.  One thing to note as well, we don't get the regular flu at all, almost never.  I did have two bouts with walking Pneumonia the year prior to Covid............who knows, just weird.
